Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema challenges the media to be independent and regulate itself


President Hakainde Hichilema has challenged the media to be independent and regulate itself.

Speaking during a live Radio program on Phoenix FM this morning as part of his interaction with the public, the president however cautioned media practitioners to be fair, and report using facts and not falsehoods.

The President said Zambia has enough laws to deal with those who want to use media platforms to abuse other people, as was the case in the previous regime, and reiterated that his priority is to re-organize the Zambian economy because doing this would allow every citizen to enjoy the right to do business.

He has explained that when the economy recovers, the government will have excess resources for investment in social sectors, such as education and health.

The President said that lessons have been drawn from past prosecutions of fraud and elsewhere on assets recovery, and the government will ensure that this time around, the process will be a success. He also promised new programs in the 2022 national budget, which will soon be presented to Parliament.

The president warned that those who aspire for public office and want to work in his government must ensure they are clean and free from corruption.

President Hichilema has also hinted that his government has not come to haunt anyone, but it will put in place systems, which prevent corruption.

President Hichilema has maintained that he is being methodical in his appointments for administration positions to ensure those that take up such roles in different sectors are knowledgeable said that this is also one way to make sure those appointed are qualified to avoid mismanagement and abuse of authority by those appointed as was the case with the previous government.

President Hichilema said that Zambians should exercise patience when it comes to making changes as the government is trying to correct the mess which was left by the previous government.

The head of state has assured that within a short time, more people will be appointed to fill up the gaps of those that have either been recalled or fired.

Further, the head of state indicated that he has not forgotten about women in leadership positions and has assured Zambians to expect more women in the next appointments.

Meanwhile, President Hichilema has disclosed that beginning next year, the government will for the first time ever embark on providing scholarships funds at the constituency level.


  1. The number of premeditated dismissals will further cause professionals to shun politics and political appointments. It’s in itself a lack of leadership. Certain behaviors cut across. Those in the UPND are capable of what those in the PF did because that’s what we Zambians are. So the excuse that you can’t work with those that worked with ECL cannot stand. Those that are being appointed must know that they’ll also leave in the same manner, perhaps even worse. Sir, you’ve surrendered, you’re incapable. You can’t tell us to wait till you improve the economy. You’re being vague as usual. You have never been clear on your programs. It’s true this is BMW = Bally Muntu Wabufi. Your wholesale dismissals have caused more unemployment before you even create any job. Kuwayawaya fye

  2. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    OK nothing new here as I have heard this before. I will give him some slack and wait to see if some of this rhetoric actually translate into tangible outcomes.
    Did I hear speaking in tongues about prosecuting the PF corrupt numskulls? Come on man cage them and recover the loot. I hope you haven’t directed the cops not to arrest these people as doing so would be interfering with the work of the police. We know you made a deal with RB to spare Lungu but surely the rest can answer to their corrupt behaviour. You lose this ‘honeymoon’, forget about it.

  3. The problematic i see here as a patriotic Zambian is that, there is just to much an registered media platform who are spreading phony messages across the country and there are no regulation imposed on this media platforms i think this should be looked at seriously.

  4. Heeee that personal bodyguard is important. He even attends Cabinet meetings. That’s how trustworthiness means imwe bambuli.

  5. Those red bricks behind their president are very dirty.
    Clean. Stop embarrassing dirty lazy PF government employees .

  6. The last sentence of providing scholarships are constituency level, excites me. if fairly handled will level the playing field giving opportunities to every child anywhere to acess education

  7. If the PF criminals who served under the disgraced Edgar Lungu administration are not convicted and sent to prison, the chances of UPND retaining power in 2026 will be very slim

  8. There are a number of traditions that have come with this President , namely : retribution ,vengeance .
    Hatred, insults to opposing views, cadrerism matured into terrorism, lawlessness no respect for the laws of the land , frustration amongst the Zambian population.
    Uncertainty is the order of the day no one knows what tomorrow will bring, nothing seems to be working in this government, people everywhere are discouraged including the followers of Bally no promise fulfilled.
    Zambia soon the crossroads to say the least.

  9. Is there any past head of state whao has not called for media self regulation? and yet this, to some sounds like a new verse in the bible. Let us continue to pray for Hakainde. He needs God’s grace now more than when he was in opposition. We cannot afford to have the Zambian project fail. You cannot have unstructured call-in programme where everyone talks about everything and no one solves anything. What we need are topical narrowed down issues so that Hakainde can deal with issues specifically and comprehensively then he can devote time to other things.

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