Saturday, July 27, 2024

ZCCM-IH has failed to run Kasenseli Gold mine-Chief Chibwika


Chief Chibwika of Mwinilunga district has charged that ZCCM-IH has failed to run Kasenseli Gold mine and has since challenged Government to find a new investor to take over the Mine.

Chief Chibwika says Zambia Gold Company, a subsidiary of ZCCM-IH which runs the Kasenseli has failed to develop it and locals are not benefiting from the resource.

He adds that it is unfair for the community, who are dying in numbers while trying to access the resource of Kasenseli, to be treated as illegal miners.

The chief has told Mines Minister Paul Kabuswe that ZCCM-IH has not engaged the traditional leadership and the community on where the gold that is being extracted is being sold and how much it has made since they started mining.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kabuswe is disappointed with the operations at Kasenseli Gold Mine.

He has charged that operations at the mine are not being conducted professionally.

The Minister has revealed that he will call for an emergency board meeting with Management at the mine.

Mr. Kabuswe says the mine needs to engage the community on its operations so that people around the area can be aware of what is happening.

He said it is unfortunate that residents of Kasenseli and Mwinilunga District are not benefiting from the gold that is being mined in the district.


  1. I was of the view that our traditional leader was on top of things as he is a few of the Chiefs in North Western who is very educated and exposed. Its unfortunate that people are dying while trying to do illegal mining and this is just the beginning of many more deaths. I had earlier on stated that gold mining will not benefit the locals other than illegal activities. There is need for govt to come out proper security measures otherwise we will be talking day i day out whilst the foreign dealers will be making huge profits us complaining. If the local people are hoping to make a fortunate from gold mining that is just a dream its better the people of Chibwika to take up farming as the area has rich soils and good rainfall.

  2. This chap wants to know where the gold that is being extracted is being sold and how much has been raised.
    Why should you be told? In short this chap wants to know were the market is so that he can extract the mineral illegally and sell.
    Some Chiefs kuwayawayafye,… te fintu!

  3. I support the chief bcoz as zambians we were expecting the economy to be boosted by this mine but todate no production figures have been published. My fellow zambians gold is like dollars it doesn’t depriciate, you can imagine even illegal miners have built mansions from the same mine what more those that are using modern equipment?

  4. 1. I am completely disappointed by this chief and the minister of mines for their conduct and stance that seem to support and suggest that locals should participate using stone age methods of mining. Somehow Kabuswe sounds extremely naive when he rants locals feel that mineral is being taken on top of their heads.
    2, Looks like the chief is bought. Guess what when you privatize that mine, Zambia will lose by and large. What’s happening there is lawlessness synonymous with the upnd. hh’s eyes with IMF should be rolling at the sound of Gold. Kabuswe is lawless and planless.

    • The Chief has reason to complain. It started almost in the same way in Tanzania where foreigners were benefiting from the gold out there. Eventually the government moved in and regulated the mining and selling. Now, the country is benefiting tremendously.

  5. The chief is right…….

    Why should his subjects be unemployed while the mine is employing people from elsewhere ??

    His subjects must see the benefits of the mine………

    Just like how locals of game park areas must see benefits of gameparks for them not to poach animals, the locals of the area must also benefit from the gold mined in their areas………

  6. Chiefs, upnd NW Provincial Minister, upnd youths and now Kabuswe don’t want ZCCM IH to do the mining there at kasenseli gold mine. No if not ZCCM, tge who?
    a) South Africans – Isidingo the place of Gold?
    b) Americans- First Quantum IMF
    c) Your locals with stone age mining methods
    d) Hh’s offshore funded accounts with his corporate international cohorts.
    For Zambia, the i inept hh cabinet should sit to consider a well thought out local plan to have our gold in our national reserves at BoZ. This should already be happening. Looks like the chiefs also want to be paid royalties. Work it out.

  7. Chiefs in North Western are the most selfish of all. Minerals have gone into their heads such that they have forgotten about their people.
    If you look at chiefs like Mpezeni and Mukuni they put governments to serious tasks for their people.

  8. It’s so sad that even the chief sitting far in the bush at his palace can see the failures caused by the loot of proceeds from gold and copper sales by pf and their minions who were appointed to head these boards…
    All the chief is hoping for is the money to trickle down and benefit the local..

  9. zccm=ih does not run mines sir…it has a stakeholding but it doesnt run mines..anyways there is a new Board enroute and a new CEO am sure as an investment vehicle zccm-ih under IDC will deliver since idc will soon get new personal as well…

  10. That Gold mine was a gravy train for LAZY LUNGU and fellow thieves …these are the same people who are today sat in Parliament asking quizzing govt about free education. We need investigations to be conducted …remember that case where PF were investigating themselves, ACC and DEC need to look into that

  11. Go to Rustenburg in South Africa and go to the Royal Bafokeng and learn how a mineral resource can benefit the local people. They have perfected it to an art there.

  12. We want to know who the other shareholders are in this mine and what they are bring to the table that ZCCM can not… this New Dawn govt is sleeping indeed. I said it here that Directors of DEC and ACC should have been the first ones to go!!

  13. For me what I think guys ne , is that HH should employ more DEC,ACC, FIC personnel out there now. As criminality is everywhere by the former regime. Cos clearly as u can see by now, that everywhere they went, everything they touched was done illegally. It was jst a name that we had a government running our affairs cos these guys were clearly running their own affair pamitu zatu.

  14. Where can u today that it is clean there – where? Which department or ministry. Even Chiluba who we mistakenly thot really stole, left some Very clean ministries behind.

  15. We voted him out – Anayenda – This is what happens when people are not brought to account because people like you will start to think PF was okay and its alright to loot taxpayers funds with impunity.

  16. Am very disappointed with all those hunting for investors even for gold, whn as a nation we can do it. After 57yrs we still want foreigners to reap from us. Please Zambians whn are going to do it ourselves, those foreign investors we call all the time, wht hv they done for us since 1991. Wake Zambians.

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