Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Construction of Mansa ZAF base to commence


Zambia Airforce Commander, Colin Barry has disclosed that his office will soon embark on the construction of the Zambia Airforce base in Luapula Province.

Brig. General Barry says the construction of the base project will ease the issue of accommodation for the Zambia Airforce personnel in the province.

He states that the project will be massive and will create employment for the local people in the province thereby improving their economic status.

Brig. General Barry has however appealed to the Government to support this project.

He says he is keen in improving airports for commercial purposes in various provinces to ease the mode of transport and time covered.

Meanwhile, Luapula Province Minister, Derrick Chilundika says Luapula Province being endowed with so much natural resources has the potential to contribute to the Gross domestic Product (GDP) of the Country.

Mr Chilundika has however stressed the lack of air transport as the main challenge the province is facing to perform as expected, mentioning the hospitality and tourism industries as the most affected.


  1. Finally what President Mwanawasa rejected of an American base in Luapula is now coming to fruition under the guise of ZAF base. Why spend Billions of Kwacha on a military base at a time when we have other pressing developmental issues. Where is the money coming from? – redundant question as it is an American base. Since when did military share their base with civilians to allude to increasing domestic flights??
    This must be nipped in the bud as Zambia is not at any time soon going to war and therefore, no need for an expensive new ZAF/American base

  2. Very important for ZAF to have bases in every province. These are security matters which needs to be addressed to ensure we continue to enjoy our peace and new found freedom. Yes, bases can be shared with civilians. City airport in Lusaka is the headquarters for ZAF and that runway is shared with Civilians.

  3. What type of reporting is this…you supposed to state the cost of the project, who is funding it, who is constructing it? Where is the accountability and transparency?

  4. ” …..Gen Barry has however appealed to the government to support the project”. Very interesting, not so? Can the Zambia Air Force embark on anything that the government doesn’t support? We hv serious challenges right now to grow the economy and provide jobs in the non-state sector.

  5. Why does ZAF need a base in Mansa? The airforce has got TWO airplanes and ONE helicopter, but FIVE bases? Total waste of money

  6. My clone above needs to get a life..I will be proving who I am in the next couple of days with a real picture of myself

  7. Nemwine – Exactly he goes on to state that “He says he is keen in improving airports for commercial purposes in various provinces to ease the mode of transport and time covered.” that is not his job. That is the job of the ministry of transport

  8. The former Ndola Airport is now Peter Zuze Air Force Base – and is in close proximity to Mansa. I think for strategic reasons, the next Air Force Base should be located in the Eastern Province – Cabo Delgado is a serious concern.

  9. Don’t mind my clone. It has never been exposed. People like Barry are exposed men like me. We understand forward thinking and outside the box way of thinking. It is called being civilised. Many Zambians like my clone are not civilised

  10. This ZAF project must wait to allow for an economic recovery
    Mbala adequate for Northen par t of country
    Livingstone for Southern part of country
    Mumbwa Lusaka for central and whole coutry
    ZAF can engage any threat within 20 minutes anywhere in the Country
    It is different with the Zambia Army who need presence in all regions
    Focus on staff training, equipment and social projects

  11. A statement by ZAF Commander Collin Barry that ZAF will soon construct an Airforce Base in Mansa attracts timely advice to all new Service Commanders and Permanent Secretaries. They should refrain from issuing statements that border on Government policies. This is a policy matter reserved for the Republican President and his Ministers. Zambia only had military confrontations with Ian Smith’s Rhodesian regime and apartheid South Africa . In accordance with the HH’s Government, Zambia must first consolidate trade with its neighbouring States to boost economy as one way of creating jobs for our youths. Zambia and Congo DR must prioritize the construction of a bridge across the Luapula River to complement developments done at Kazungula. Apparently, only Choma and Chinsali urgently need the…

  12. Besides, the Late President Mwanawasa was indeed patriotic for having declared that Zambia should not allow the establishment of a foreign Military Base within its territory. This pronouncement emphasized Zambian non-alignment foreign policy – an ideology that seeks to enhance free trade with all States of the World.

  13. #6 Tarino Orange, where did I mention commercial aircrafts? learn to read. I grew up by that airport as a kid and I remember trespassing through lusaka golf club to watch the single engine civilian planes which used to take off and land from that airport. KK used to land from there many times. I bet you don’t even know why it is called city airport do you?

  14. On the incomplete sentence reflected earlier, I meant to say:
    “Apparently, only Choma and Chinsali urgently need the construction of provincial airports if and when the Zambian economy allows for more useful infrastructural developments. The core role of Collin Barry and other technocrats is to modernize service delivery with respect to human resources.”

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