Saturday, July 27, 2024

Road sector tops workers’ compensation board accident register


The Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board has in 2021 recorded an increase in cases of accidents from the road sector compared to those coming from the mining industry.

Board Corporate Affairs and Customer Services Manager, Maybin Nkolomba attributed the increase in road traffic accidents to reckless behaviour by some motorists.

Mr. Nkolomba pointed out that the other contributing factor to increase road accidents is the poor engineering of some roads.

“We are ready to work with government in engaging our colleagues, the contractors in the mining sector on safety education. Our goal is to see accidents dropping further,” Mr. Nkolomba said

He told ZANIS in an interview that although it is pleasing to witness an overall reduction of work related accidents in the mining sector, the Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board was greatly concerned that the road sector on the other hand, was recording a steady increase in mishaps.

He has since called on relevant authorities to intensify road sensitisation programmes on motorists and placement of relevant road signage to curb the increasing road accidents that have left a lot of people injured.

Mr. Nkolomba said despite the reduction in the number of accidents from the mining sector, the Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board is pondering modalities to train mine contractors and those engaged in informal mining activities on safety matters.

He said it has come to the attention of the board that most contractors in the mining sector have not been investing in safety matters, the reason his office wants to enhance safety education among contractors to further reduce accidents in the sector.

But Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) Public Relations Manager, Frederick Mubanga said in spite of the increased number of accidents recorded in in the third quarter and the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2021, the outlook remains bright where road accidents are concerned.

Mr. Mubanga said via a phone interview with ZANIS that RTSA, working with other road safety stakeholders, has put in place modalities that will ensure that the situation is arrested.

He said after investigations, it has been discovered that most erring drivers have been moving at excessive speeds ranging from 120 and 220 kilometres per hour against the prescribed speed of 100 kilometres per hour on high ways.

“We will ensure that road patrols are enhanced especially now that we are even approaching the festive season,” Mr. Mubanga said.

Asked to comment on concerns that the state of some roads were contributing to road accidents, Mr. Mubanga admitted that certain sections on some highways, such as the Great North, were not in good condition.

He has however said it is encouraging that government is already rolling out plans to expand the Great North road into a dual-carriage way.

He said this will help reduce road accidents being recorded on the road.

Mr. Mubanga has meanwhile warned erring motorists the RTSA will met out stiff punishment on them.


  1. Now that we are gone and upnd criticised our funding of roads and infrastructure, this will be a common occurrence. I don’t think it bothers the evil upnd

  2. the answer to this is provock thier licences those that are not obeying the law send them to jail or fan them!!! also police partroling should increase more importantly like mr. mubanga as stated about singage it’s not a rocket science to understand that if you are a drive! things needs to change for better.

  3. I think these warnings are lost on people, who, really, aren’t properly trained in safe driving. Judging by the number of accidents in Zambia in recent years, training isn’t adequate. Driving schools/instructors etc., keep rolling out sub standard drivers to kill more people on roads. This is a disaster…unacceptable if you ask me.

    RTSA should be engaging driving instructors to change training content; put more emphasis on respecting other drivers and revere human life. Driving should be more than just steering a vehicle – you need to have concern for other people’s welfare. And those who don’t reach the mark should be rejected.


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