Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Launch of Zambia Airways now set for December 1st-Ethiopian Airlines CEO


Ethiopian Airlines Group Chief Executive Officer Tewolde GebreMariam has revealed that the new launch date for Zambia Airways is December 1st 2021.

The launch of Zambian Airways which is a partnership between the Industrial Development Corporation and Ethiopian Airlines has missed several launch deadlines with the latest being September 1st when it was due to take to the skies.

Mr GebreMariam confirmed that all is set for the launch on December 1st and that the new airline has obtained all necessary regulatory approvals.

He also announced that Ethiopian Airlines will be launching a new airline in the DRC in partnership with the Congolese government.

Mr GebreMariam said in early December, Ethiopian Airlines will start a new carrier in Kinshasa with a fleet of 10 aircraft and that the carrier will be named Air Congo.

“We just signed [an agreement] with the government of DRC, which owns 51% of the airline and 49% is with us. The fleet will comprise De Havilland Canada Dash 8-400s, Boeing 737s and two 787s.”

He noted that the DRC presented a significant market opportunity, as the country boasts the third-largest population in Africa with 100 million inhabitants.

Elsewhere, Ethiopian is also involved in the launch of a new airline in Zambia which is set to launch on 1st December. “We have the AOC, the aircraft—51% will be held by the government and 49% by us,” the CEO said.

Describing Ethiopian Airlines’ role, Mr. GebreMariam said his carrier is able to bring in all the necessary support to get a new airline off the ground; this includes aircraft, pilots, technicians and leadership.

“The driver for such a group of airlines is not the return on investment. It is to support our hub Addis Ababa (ADD),” he said.

“We want to expand inter-African routes further, because the connectivity [within the continent] is still not well. Ethiopian Airline is like the Lufthansa Group of Africa. Lufthansa has airlines like SWISS, Austrian etc.”

Ethiopian also has its own-brand airline in Mozambique, but was forced to stop operations in May 2021 as a result of the pandemic.

“Our airline in Mozambique will come back. But the country itself has big challenges even beyond COVID-19,” GebreMariam said.

Ethiopian Airlines has further strategic partnerships with ASKY in Togo on the west coast, Malawian Airlines in southern Africa and Chad-based Tchadia Airlines in north-central Africa.

Ethiopian also has a management contract with Ceiba Intercontinental in Equatorial Guinea.

In GebreMariam’s view, cooperation with airlines in Africa is difficult; especially when it comes to establishing a new carrier.

Previously, Ethiopian had wanted to be part of the re-established South African Airways.

“We have been active with South African Airways to give them proposals, but unfortunately we were not selected,” he said.

Another market where the CEO sees opportunities is Nigeria. “[In Nigeria] we are still in discussions to set up an airline,” GebreMariam said. “And it is still in my mind that we have to do something in Northern Africa.”


  1. We paid the Ethiopian Airlines to have a subsidiary company flying with the Zambian flag…really laughable..the MD is Ethiopian for a reason to oversee their aircraft. This new govt needs to pull the plug on this one as it will cost IDC…all EA is doing is taking traffic and business away from KKIA to Addis.
    IDC cut your losses now before that $40 million investment balloons to $100 million in losses.

  2. Had the pf being in power, the launch was going to go ahead as planned. Now we have useless dreamers in power who keep pushing things back out of malice

  3. Describing Ethiopian Airlines’ role, Mr. GebreMariam said his carrier is able to bring in all the necessary support to get a new airline off the ground; this includes aircraft, pilots, technicians and leadership.
    “The driver for such a group of airlines is not the return on investment. It is to support our hub Addis Ababa (ADD),” he said.

    Mr President and State House advisers if you are reading this please pull the plug on this venture, it has zero addition to the economy everything is benefitting EA…and you are taking traffic away from KKIA which need to pay for itself. You could have easily cut a deal with EA to increase flights to Zambia. Remember KKIA is now a 24/7 International airport like Addis airport you are killing your own industry to benefit another…this whole idea…

  4. Describing Ethiopian Airlines’ role, Mr. GebreMariam said his carrier is able to bring in all the necessary support to get a new airline off the ground; this includes aircraft, pilots, technicians and leadership.
    “The driver for such a group of airlines is not the return on investment. It is to support our hub Addis Ababa (ADD),” he said.
    Mr President and State House advisers if you are reading this please pull the plug on this venture, it has zero addition to the economy everything is benefitting EA…and you are taking traffic away from KKIA which need to pay for itself. You could have easily cut a deal with EA to increase flights to Zambia. Remember KKIA is now a 24/7 International airport like Addis airport you are killing your own industry to benefit another…this whole idea was…

  5. This may turn out a millstone for the UPND government. In fact it’s high time the attorney general Mulilo Kabesha examined the agreement btwn Ethiopian Airlines with Zambia with a view to renegotiating it so that this ill-thought-out venture should stop. Running a national airline cannot be a priority with poor state of our public finances. It was a trademark PF lack of seriousness with national affairs.

  6. You talk rubbish in the meantime mr CEO. Meanwhile Marshal Muchende is signing his signatures for his new role. When he starts talking a walk in his Garden called Zambian, you are one of the grass that will, unfortunately, feel his weight. For now, sing or boast all you can – see u in front. Tozaonana kusogolo.

  7. When HH said “people that supplied air to government were paid first”, he actually meant you, Ethiopian airlines. You were paid money deliver planes and lift our airline but instead you ve been operating your own airline – Ethiopian airlines. This deal is gone ! As soon as Solicitor General, Minister of Finance get settled, you guys are gone without remuneration. Cause u guys dubious are Government money with PF and HH ll tell you.

  8. ….instd of being prosecuted, Zambia will use your filthy smelling air buses for free for the same agreed period. Because investigations will show that u ve been paid that money already, which obviously, shared with Milingo Lungu. Pray that you are not blacklisted in Zambia for this deal but u ll be gone with no owed amount, and u ll go anywhere and evidence ll be there for all to see. U can boast till December so long.

  9. Let the New dawn government cancel the
    Deal and say it was arranged by previous
    Government.Not beneficial to Zambia.

  10. You wonder where the $30 million that moron Brian Mushimba paid EA went…if we wanted shares in EA they would just bought them.

  11. Can all of us right thinking Zambians protest against the setting up of this potentially loss making airline? Just look within your neighborhood at africa’s biggest airline SAA and see the damage it has caused the South African economy. We can’t allow another draining of our scarse Financial resources

  12. Bad deal was done and not in the interest of Zambians. Don’t be excited Mr. Ethiopian. I think Zambians should be capable of running their airline if needed but because we had a government that was specialized in corruption and looting of country resources people like Ethiopian airways took advantage. This deal must be cancelled with immediate effect let’s postpone the airline launch. Please keep your Ethiopian airlines in Ethiopia.

  13. Mulikita – We have been saying this and waving our hands in protest for the last 10 years since this idea came to fruition by old man Sata …but they have carried on even HH7 himself was against this so why is he quiet as a businessman himself he can tell that this has zero benefit to Zambia…we are just helping EA expand and fight its competitors like KAL and its Jomo Kenyetta Airport base at the expanse of KKIA

  14. Somebody out there is shouting that Zambia Airways would have been launched on schedule had pf still been in power. Launching an airline for the sake of prestige even where you can see that you are being duped is naivety at its highest order.

  15. Tikki – The only people who have the short end of this stick is the Zambian taxpayer…EA are just routing a small portion of their existing aircraft to KKIA and probably put their old aircraft on the route given them a paint job….if they deal goes south they have nothing to lose plus they are creating skilled jobs for their people, you only have flight attendants…and a small number of toothless Zambian managers reporting to this Ethiopian MD.

  16. It is all summarized by the CEO in “It is to support our hub Addis Ababa (ADD),” he said. SAA could not accept their proposal because they always put their national interest first.

  17. Disaster: Zambians never learn. Ethiopian is involved in so many airlines. What the hell do we think they will have a strategic plan to grow our carrier? This is all about take over the major routes and screw them. Can’t we see they messed up Air Malawi? IDC are not serious and useless actually because this airline will close sooner than it saw its 5th anniversary.

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