Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Bowman Lusambo X-files – be very afraid


By Chimwemwe Mwanza

What was meant to be a dispute between two consenting adults is now spiraling out of control. While the accuser is standing by her version of the story, the accused has been steadfast in his denials. As far as he is concerned, he has never met the accuser.

Spare a thought for Bowman Lusambo, he now has to live under an embarrassing cloud of a sexual innuendo – largely due to his accuser and social media zealots. Notwithstanding the allegations of negligence of the children he is purported to have sired with the accuser, the biggest threat facing the politician affectionately known as the bulldozer is a possible charge for rape – should it be proven that he is indeed the father to Mercy Cowham’s first born child.

She alleges that the bulldozer first deflowered her when she was a minor. Most important to this saga is Cowham’s flawless narration of her sordid encounters with the bulldozer. In fact, her story seems credible enough to validate her mental stability. To the contrary, Bowman has been on the backfoot, ducking and diving while pontificating his innocence. Just who is telling the truth between the two is difficult to tell. For now, hold your judgement.

However, a thorough investigation of Cowham’s motive for impugning Lusambo’s character casts some doubt on her tale. Could this be one of those failed attempts at extortion? Regardless of the speculation, why should this story even bother say a, high flying Mr Simoson Ndiwabufi, or a low-class Ms Mary Ndiwapamulomo for that matter? Put differently, is there a sinless mortal still living on this earth?

Never mind that Bowman is a public figure, is it fair that his private life is being splashed all over social media platforms in such a reckless manner? Here is a challenge. There is a high probability that Cowham allegations could well turn out to be a big lie that has only served to besmirch Bowman’s fledging political career.

Violating Bowman’s right to dignity

So, let’s assume for a second that Bowman returns a negative DNA test and Cowham’s story is proved false, what then will be his recourse? Absolutely none for the horse would have already bolted from the stable. Yet his children will continue to live with the stigma of a wayward father. For others and possibly Bowman himself dignity is all they cherish which is why monetary compensation as a recourse to libel sometimes counts for nothing. With due respect, is Cowham even capable of sustaining a financially draining marathon court case?

Hate him or love him, Bowman inflicted quiet some terror on his political opponents when he served in the PF government, but fact is that the republican constitution guarantees his right to privacy and dignity. Thus, it’s important to distinguish between Bowman the politician and Bowman the private citizen. His misdeeds while in government – whether perceived or factual are a different matter altogether which is why due consideration for his family especially his children ought to supersede anything else including his political inclinations.

Family is sacrosanct. This is a simple but golden rule that any self-respecting Journalist or information peddler is required to uphold. Hence watching one social media blogger interviewing Cowham in a series of video postings and making a big meal out of this saga was a cringeworthy experience.

What did this person stand to gain out of parading this vulnerable woman before cameras? This is not some poker game but two vulnerable lives that somebody is playing with – a pregnant mother and its unborn child. It’s troubling that people are this desperate to hog the social media limelight to the extent that they are readily prepared to break families. Whatever the argument, bombarding a pregnant woman who is almost close to labour with mentally draining questions might help a social media blogger to increase traffic to their blog, but this is not investigative Journalism. It’s plain evil.

Pitfalls of cyber bullying

Today it is Bowman from PF and tomorrow it will be Isaac, a UPND member – something’s got to be done so perpetrators can learn a hard lesson. Cyber bullying should not be reduced to a PF, UPND or Socialist Party or FDD subject matter. Its victims often spread across the political divide. So serious is its impact on society that some victims have committed suicide. Yet these narcissistic perpetrators are left free to prowl internet platforms in search of victims.

Even more damning is the silence from the civil society and female lobbyists regarding the injustice being meted to Bowman. Surely, isn’t there a brave woman out there or Alangizi that can call Cowham to order? Could it be that the reluctance to intervene is because this matter involves a high-profile politician with links to the former governing party?

Sadly, for Cowham, a bottle of mineral water is the only incentive she got to rain all manner of vulgarities at the man she claims to be the father of her children. I bet you, this story still has some legs.

About the author: The only thing this author supports is Kabwe Warriors and that team which beat Man United over the weekend. For feedback, contact: [email protected]


  1. Pointless article subtly supporting the big lump of cow dung called Lusambo, what do you expect the woman’s organisation to do and to support when it all boils down to taking a DNA test? I am surprised anyone can write three to four paragraphs on this issue…this must be written by these so called social media influencers or hired Jukeboxes like Chilufya Tayali who just need a few coins and they will be singing your songs.

  2. I personally don’t belive the woman……..

    If it was true , most normal women would have paraded the children to show resemblance as per traditional belief……

    Atleast one would be looking like lusambo……..

  3. @SPAKA,
    You live in Europe, you ought to know that children under age have the right to privacy, its not their fault, so why should they be paraded?

    Let Lusambo prove his innocence…………..DNA chabe !!! And let the poor kids privacy be kept.

  4. #6  general Kanene 
    October 30, 2021 At 9:43 am

    You live in Europe, you ought to know that children under age have the right to privacy, its not their fault, so why should they be paraded?…”

    I live in Europe but I know the community belief of zambia……….

    Usually before even and DNA was invented people relied on rebalance as proof …….

    Even now , that is the ways in communities
    though out zambia and Africa in general

    Tradition even says the child you deny is the one that resembles you most………

  5. I will start with her age when she met bowman at shoprite ndola. She claims she was 16 years old and had just completed her grade 12 the previous year. Which means she 15 years the year she completed her grade 12 and started her grade one when she was 3 years old. And her current age in relation to her three children and the fourth on the way, it doesn’t add up.
    Bulldozer might have graded her garden, but he might not have been the one who provided the seeds and the fertilizer. Just my assumption

  6. @SPAKA,
    I would agree with you if the case involved some villager….MAYBE.
    But you cant deal with this modern man c.rooo.k `s case based on old traditions,
    “Tradition even says the child you deny is the one that resembles you most……… “, and modern science says, the facial looks and skin color of a child can not be relied upon to judge parenthood, the only and accurate way is DNA….DNA…..DNA…
    Let Lusambo NOT worst money on MAKEBI ZULU in an effort to save his face from his wife and his funs, just get him have DNA and the case will be closed.

  7. Spaka – I hope your account is not cloned because you should be the last person to suggesting parading infants on social media especially that you are in the UK. While young children might not give any thought to what their parents share about them on social media, that may not stay true as they grow older. … They also have no say in whatever political or social messages their parents press on them.

  8. FutureZed – That bus already left the station .. any normal man or wife would have pressed for their husband to get over this with a DNA test but our women are short-sighted and greedy this is the best time for a test,,,what if something unfortunate were to happen to this fooooool Bowman what then for Mrs Lusambo? She would have to contend with the Lusambos in one corner and this Ms Cowbell for inheritance.

  9. Having dipped intermittently, the Bulldozer is not sure if those DNA will be his undoing. He probably knows he was a “spare time” intervention … how unfortunate if each of those was a bullseye. That is the gist of this story. Namuuzani. This article is long for nothing.

  10. Oh grow up upnd f00Is. you think we don’t know that it is upnd top officials paying that ugly prostitute to come up with baseless accusations againy my brother bowman?

    If you want to talk about illegitimate kids then talk about hh daughter who is hidden in the US. And that is only one of the ones we know of

  11. Lusaka times used to allow bloggers to insult ECL. So why are they now moderating those that speak out against hh? It is my right to call hh a cheecolour if I want. Infact mukungu wa hh. Moonyellow yake. Hh is a pile of dog s.h.i.t

  12. male chauvinist ??
    there are a few on here who are living in the past
    One is well known for his nar*sis*istic blogs
    They just cant seem to accept they are losers

  13. @4 Spaka: These are under aged kids. Why parade them in Public? That’s illegal. Let’s step back. You mean where are powerful women to support their fellow lady, if Lusambo is not Guilty, let him go for the DNA to clear you name. The more he ducks the DNA proposal, makes the public believe he is the father. Now with the age, takes the matter to another twist because he can be arrested.

  14. I didn’t want to comment on the article but I can’t resist to make an observation…it appears Zambians are more interested in scandalous stories than those which affect their well being. I’m referring to stories on the Budget. There are very few contributions while this story has received over twenty so far and still counting.

  15. You guys don’t know a clever woman……..

    If that was a clever woman and any of those kids resembled Lusambo , trust me she would have had him crucified by showing off those kids resemblance to the public………..

    That is what intelligent scheming women do ……..

    Resulting in case closed even without DNA……

    Many a man has accepted responsibility just based on resemblance……..some things you can’t deny.

  16. baKaizer Zuluam not sure how many balls you have to say such things to ba Kateka. Or you forget that it is your pf that signed the Cyber Law in an effort to fix Bally? Are you trying to get some traction that you’re being victimised because you’r pf?

  17. Its sad that one can blog the above spew….the woman in question is definitely in a weak position she cannot afford expensive lawyers…she might not be educated and was lured into an ex-m affair…as she states he flashed cars took her to homes he promised would be hers/children…in her mind she thought more kids why not…bowow Lusa has now come up with a story that she abandoned her child for failing to settle bills.. grow up you dont know her so what you smoking cannot …only God knows who is telling the truth…I hope if either is lying that he punishes the lair with force…

  18. #24 nineo: that Cyber law never got passed, even the PF criminals were too scared to approve it. And stup!d KZ “friends” in OP are suddenly no longer his friends…… Hahaha Kikikiki hehehe hohoho. And the Zulu name used to belong to real warriors – but NO MORE, look at ex-president Zuma in SA: curtailed, house arrest, and soon he will be convicted for CORRUPTION!

  19. Did the author of this article get akasaka ka ndalama from Lusambo. If Lusambo knows that he is a public figure he shouldn’t be out there doing things that he knows very well that he will be exposed. You are a useless man, you are more interested in Lusambo than the woman who has had to carry his children. You are the kind of useless men who think you can go about impregnating women and leaving them to care for your offspring. As for me I believe Mercy’s story.

  20. A message for kaizar Zulu everything you have said about Mr HH are the same things you have that is if you are a man. You a human being who has no shame. So the UK hasn’t changed your foolishness. You are a shame to the beautiful couple that brought you into this world. If you are a married man, then you are a shame to your wife and children. You are a very hateful man. Nendoshi balaibepesha. You are worse than indoshi.

  21. For me , when I plant a mango , I expect a mango to grow , not a pawpaw………

    If a woman accuses me of fathering her child/children , the first thing I would consider is resemblance……..

    Even if I know I had a sexual relationship with her, if the child/children bear no resemblance to me , then I definitely demand DNA……..

    Yes resemblance is not a definitive identifier , but it creates a strong case in the courts of public opinion where this is being laid bare………….

    100% sure , if there was a case of resemblance, the public would have been treated as witness ………
    Even in the west , many a famous people , like mick jagger of the rolling stones , had his paternity case with a Brazilian model decided and closed in public after she showed off the resemblance…

  22. For me , when I plant a mango , I expect a mango to grow , not a pawpaw………

    If a woman accuses me of fathering her child/children , the first thing I would consider is resemblance……..

    Even if I know I had a relationship with her, if the child/children bear no resemblance to me , then I definitely demand DNA……..

    Yes resemblance is not a definitive identifier , but it creates a strong case in the courts of public opinion where this is being laid bare………….

    100% sure , if there was a case of resemblance, the public would have been treated as witness ………
    Even in the west , many a famous people , like mick jagger of the rolling stones , had his paternity case with a Brazilian model decided and closed in public after she showed off the resemblance of the…

  23. If a woman accuses me of fathering her child/children , the first thing I would consider is resemblance……..

    Even if I know I had a relationship with her, if the child/children bear no resemblance to me , then I definitely demand DNA……..

    Yes resemblance is not a definitive identifier , but it creates a strong case in the courts of public opinion where this is being laid bare………….

    100% sure , if there was a case of resemblance, the public would have been treated as witness ………

    Even in the west , many a famous people , like mick jagger of the rolling stones , had his paternity case with a Brazilian model decided and closed in public after she showed off the resemblance of the child to mick jagger ……..

  24. If a woman accuses me of fathering her child/children , the first thing I would consider is resemblance……..

    Even if I know I had a relationship with her, if the child/children bear no resemblance to me , then I definitely demand DNA……..

    Yes resemblance is not a definitive identifier , but it creates a strong case in the courts of public opinion where this is being laid bare………….

    100% sure , if there was a case of resemblance, the public would have been treated as witness ………

    Even in the west , many a famous people , like mick jag.ger of the rolling stones , had his paternity case with a Brazilian model decided and closed in public after she showed off the resemblance of the child to mick jag.ger ……..

  25. Even if I know I had a relationship with her, if the child/children bear no resemblance to me , then I definitely demand DNA……..

    Yes resemblance is not a definitive identifier , but it creates a strong case in the courts of public opinion where this is being laid bare………….

    100% sure , if there was a case of resemblance, the public would have been treated as witness ………

    Even in the west , many a famous people , like mick jag.ger of the rolling stones , had his paternity case with a Brazilian model decided and closed in public after she showed off the resemblance of the child to mick jag.ger ……..

  26. Iam not a UPND or PF supporter but the only reason I celebrated PF’s loss was Bowman Lusambo. PLEASE UPND do not replace Lusaka with a carbon copy. So far I can’t see anything like him in your party but they could be just hiding.

  27. Iam not a UPND or PF supporter but the only reason I celebrated PF’s loss was Bowman Lusambo. PLEASE UPND do not replace Lusambo with a carbon copy. So far I can’t see anything like him in your party but they could be just hiding.

  28. A very good lessons to all our sisters out there that like to open their legs for every zip they see. How would a normal person be impregnated 4 times by the same person whom you know is married? Stupid! And all you morons who are debating senselessly, stupid! Debate on issues and not on what your senseless brains are saying, the article is spot on, we need to respect one another as far as scandalizing a person is concerned. I was equally disappointed with Simon Ndiwabufi’s move to expose that woman to the public. Her reactions exposed her that WAKUMA BAR….That moron who even hasn’t got a personality made it worse for the woman because people are now doubting her

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