Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia records eight new cases of the Omicron variant


Zambia has recorded eight new cases of the omicron variant.

According to the Ministry of Health, the total number of omicron variant cases in the country now stands at 11.

Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo disclosed this during an update today, saying all the eights cases of the omicron strain were detected in Lusaka province.

Ms Masebo further indicated that out of the eight new cases detected, five had a history of international travel.

“We have detected eight additional cases of the new omicron variant, all from Lusaka, bringing the total to 11 cases so far.” The Minister noted.

She explained that the five who have been detected with the omicron strain are vaccinated, adding that the vaccination has offered protection to the patients.

“The patients are showing common symptoms, which include headache, body pains, cough and abdominal pains.” She said.

The Minister says the first three persons who were detected with the Omicron variant have recovered and tested negative to COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Ms Masebo says the government is not considering closing the borders following the detection of the omicron strain in the country.

She said Zambia currently has low cases of the new variant compared to the neighbouring countries.

The Minister stated that in the interim government has heightened surveillance at all crossing points, which is meant to ensure that those coming and going out the country are screened.

The Minister of Health hinted that all those travelling have to get vaccinated 72 hours before travel.

And Ms Masebo has made a passionate appeal to members of the public to get vaccinated.

She encouraged the public to take advantage of the many vaccination centres that have been opened in public places.

Ms Masebo says the vaccines once taken, can help to reduce the severity of the disease.

The Minister has however described the prevailing COVID situation in the country as worrying. Adding that the number of infections is beginning to rise.

She has since implored members of the public to adhere to the five golden rules of maintaining the health guidelines, as well as avoiding unnecessary travel.

And Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI) Director Victor Mukonka says the eight who have tested positive to the omicron variant are making good recovery.

Professor Mukonka highlighted that out of the eight, two patients are asymptomatic with mild signs of flu, joint pains and cough-like symptoms, while the six are symptomatic.



  2. ‘get vaccinated 72 hours before travel’. This statement is abnormal. Madam honorable I recognize you wanted to say ”get tested 72 hours before travel.

  3. @Brazillian Hare. For improved beauty of Nalumango. God did not create beautiful women in Zambia. You will struggle to get one!

  4. Our Zambian brothers and sisters in S. Africa, please dont travel to Zambia this christmas. With the high numbers you are experiencing, think about your relatives who you will infect when you come. We know it’ll not be intentional but that’s the reality. The higher your infection rates, the more likely you are to catch it yourself and transmit it to your relatives and the general public. We miss you but do the right thing.

  5. Madam minister, how are you going to enforce quarantine for people entering Zambia by road, especially from south of our border? If no stringent measures are taken, a spike in January is inevitable.

  6. Kekekekekeke! Uyu mwina ng’umbo! Just say Zambia’s beautiful women aren’t interested in politics. I have seen very beautiful Zambian women outside of cabinet

  7. It seems to me, there are too many trolls in Lusaka Times comment section. Too many, because the people on the ground feel quite different. Lusaka Times comments has lost its sincerity to me, therefore Lusaka Times for me is, hands off.

    There is strong evidence that vaccines have proved to be life-saving protection against COVID-19 infections that have killed millions of people in the World. A germ that causes a disease is called an ANTIGEN. Bacteria and viruses are two kinds of antigens. On the other hand, the human body possesses in-built mechanisms that of producing antibodies to fight off disease-causing pathogens (antigens). This mechanism is termed IMMUNITY.

    The manufacturing of vaccines involves the incorporation of substances that induced the production of antibodies that are specifically targeted to fight and kill a particular germ (a bacterium or virus). Hence the COVID-19 vaccines have been formulated to produce more human antibodies capable of being specific against this virus. Besides, persons who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 cannot be easily be infected by this deadly virus. Even if they get infected, vaccinated persons only experience mild (weak) illnesses which cannot lead to death. Hence, Hon. Minister Masebo is right. We must all get vaccinated.

  10. It is high time African states under the umbrella of African Union, galvanised the best of its scientists to develop and manufacture our own vaccines. Money can be channelled to the AU’s existing institution called NEPAD to develop Africa’s own vaccination. Africa cannot for ever rely on Europe to provide pharmaceutical products,

  11. It is high time African states under the umbrella of African Union, galvanised the best of its scientists to develop and manufacture our own vaccines. Money can be channelled to the AU’s existing institution called NEPAD to develop Africa’s own vaccines. Africa cannot for ever rely on Europe to provide pharmaceutical products.

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