Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nakacinda defiant after his release from Police detention on bond


Opposition Patriotic Front Member of the Central Committee in Charge of Information and Publicity Raphael Nakacinda has remained defiant after his release from Police detention on bond.

Mr. Nakacinda was on Wednesday arrested for the offence of Defamation of the President and spent a night at Chelstone Police Station in Lusaka.

Upon being released from Police Custody, the former Minister of Water Development in the previous PF Government vowed to continue providing checks and balances to the new Government.

Mr. Nakacinda said he will not be intimidated nor silenced by arrests.

He accused the UPND Government of abusing law enforcement agencies to harass political rivals.

“I was honoured to spend a night in cells for the sake of our democracy. I was greatly honoured to spend a night in cells in defence of the sacred institution called the Judiciary. PF Members don’t be intimidated. Mushitile chalimo ama toothbrush, mulingile mwashitila chalimo ka sopo, pantu Ukufuma mumayanda yesu the only place Mr Hakainde Hichilema will take us is the cells. But we will not be intimidated by those antics,” Mr. Nakacinda told journalists outside the Police Station.

Mr. Nakacinda made fresh allegations that the UPND Government may start killing opponents when harassing them using law enforcement agencies does not achieve the intended purpose.

“They (police) even brought UPND thugs to try and impose them in my cell for whatever motive. What I know is that after they exhaust the idea of abusing the Police, abusing DEC, abusing ACC, the next thing they will attempt is to start eliminating people.”

“Yesterday I was defended by inmates (detainees) who stood up to those who were suggesting that they bring cadres of UPND in our cell for whatever motive. For us aluta continua, we are going to have a press briefing to give more details of what has happened from yesterday up to today and the media will be informed,” Mr. Nakacinda said.

He also questioned why Police were attempting to get his fingerprints when he was not a convict.

“Of course there is this new phenomenon under the New Dawn wanting to incriminate people by collecting fingerprints. The whole delay from yesterday up to today has been trying to force me to give them finger prints. I mean fingerprints are only collected from convicts; you can’t collect fingerprints from a person who has not been convicted,” he said.

“I am innocent until proven guilty and I look forward to interrogating Mr. Hakainde Hichilema over the mate of defaming him because he is the one I believe who has complained so we will meet in court and I hope he can have the courage to come to court so that we can have a conversation over the defamation matter,” Mr. Nakacinda said.

Police in Lusaka on Wednesday recorded a warn and caution statement from Mr. Nakacinda aged 43 of farm number 1794 Kafue District for the offense of Defamation of the President contrary to section 69 of the penal code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

This is in regard to the statement he issued at High Court grounds on December 13, 2021 and the interview he had on one of the radio stations in Lusaka recently.


  1. It’s the state which has taken you to court not the president baba.
    Stick to being a pastor otherwise you will spent time in prison

  2. #2  Deja Vu
     December 16, 2021 At 8:15 pm

    “Could there be a whole can of worms? ”

    We have been waiting for this can of worms for HH from tiyali, nawakwi , kambwili , C Banda , GBM……….

    now you think nakachinda will give you that can of worms ???

  3. This dog called Nakachinda is clearly rabid, chiwewe sure! He seems to be the loudest puking mouth faeces all over stinking the whole country. HH was overwhelmingly voted in by all Zambians, whether Nakachinda likes it or not! Azafelapo chabe za mahala.

  4. This fool is getting more attention than he’s worth. After all the stealing and damage to the economy of the country his party oversaw, he is given so much publicity? What democracy did his government uphold? There was no transparency in any of their dealings, prices of roads, infrastructure, goods for govt, no permits given to any group or political party for public meetings, violence against opponents, supercharged corrupt practices, the list is endless. So PF please SHUT UP about democracy. Let others talk. PF have not earned that right

  5. Wow!
    The die has been cast.
    AG vs RN.
    He sounds credible. H² looks bad in this narrative.
    Remmy the UPNDEAD cadre is mercilessly politically being used.
    I alway knew there was always a dark side of h². I am seeing so clearly now. The vegence is so arrogant.
    Dictator ramped up rub a dub style.
    He won’t last long something inside of me tells me.

  6. We are still waiting to see the man in charge will do next he has arrest so many people in the last hundred days he has been in state house, we don’t know how many he will arrest in one year, he be called Mr arrest your opponents.
    His end will be very painful , if he didn’t forget his arrests and time in detention who can forget his!
    He is pilling up a very bad history that will drivent ever little good he will do in state house someone said power is sweet.

  7. I do not support Nakachinda nor the State. The law regarding defamation of a president must be abolished because
    there is a is just a very thin line between defame and political criticism.

  8. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    Don’t really care about this man’s rantings but this “defamation of the President” should be scrapped out in modern day Zambia. It simply translates “you can’t piss me off because I’m the President”. Being the President is not the same as being some stoneage period village chief.
    Jeez Zambian presidents have thinner skin than even the Pharaohs. With so much overwhelming mandate why is HH and his UPND govt so insecure about the likes of this Nakachinda guy?


  10. I wonder how people find it worth to support something which is wrong. You dont peddle false allegations against somebody even if you are desperate of attracting attention.

  11. I don’t like where this is going. Just leave Nakachinda alone. Let him speak all he wants because he is now in the opposition. If he doesn’t speak, then you have no opposition. Am waiting for the delivery of the promises not this arresting of people opposing your views.

  12. Actually, I think Nakachinda is one of the most relevant opposition politicians. So is Sean Tembo.

    The rest? Well, they are just a bunch of cowards who cannot stand up to the ruling UPND.

  13. My humble advise to Nakacinda is that HH may not be as tolerant as ECL was in some instances. Bally strikes me as a ruthless character who before the camera pretends to be as harmless as the dove. Make no mistake you’re likely to disappear mysteriously. So tame your tongue young man , in the now observe things from the terraces.


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