Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government Launches Handbook on Sexual Violence to Standardize prosecution of Cases throughout Zambia


Vice President Mutale Nalumango yesterday launched the Prosecutors handbook on sexual violence with a call on prosecutors to respond quickly to cases.

Speaking during the launch in Lusaka, Mrs Nalumango said victims of sexual violence should have the confidence that the prosecution system will respond in an expeditious manner.

The Vice President says this can only happen when the system gives victims assurance by creating a reputation that will not make society doubt the efficiency of the prosecutors.

The handbook on sexual violence will result in the standardization of prosecution cases throughout the country.

It will also enhance accountability and transparency in the manner the cases are handled.

The Vice President has therefore made an earnest appeal to prosecutors to ensure that cases of sexual violence are won at all costs.

“We do understand that you are able to distinguish evidence that can stand as evidence but when you take it to court do everything possible because the victim gets double embarrassment but the perpetrator will go for another one because he knows how to get away with it,” Mrs Nalumango said.

And the Vice President said the number of GBV cases recorded in the third quarter of the year amounting to 4,042, out of which 685 were sexual offences is highly alarming.

Mrs Nalumango said there is no excuse perpetrators can come up with to defend their acts of secual violence.

“You the perpetrators are the problem, and you must feel guilty and not push the issue to the victims,” she said.

And the Vice President also disclosed that Government will soon rollout High Courts in all the ten provinces of the country.

She also said the increment of the budgetary allocation to the National Prosecution Authority is testimony to government’s commitment ensuring justice for all citizens.

Speaking earlier, Director of Public Prosecutions Lillian Siyunyi said the handbook will be instrumental in guiding prosecutors to handle cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and sexual violence.

Ms Siyunyi said the document will also add consistency in approaching cases of GBV and sexual violence.

She urged prosecutors to familiarize themselves with the contents of the handbook.

And Attorney General Mulilo Kabesha said he now expects cases involving sexual offences will be handled adequately.

Mr Kabesha said the number of cases to be successfully prosecuted should be the benchmark that should be followed.


  1. What is this woman talking a out?

    Don’t we already have laws to curtail that vice?
    Mmmmmmhm! Does this party live in Zambia?
    The problem is unpnd always sounds prejudicial. How can you ensure that cases of GVB are won at all costs?
    What laws are you proposing?
    Perpetrators under the law have the right to be fairly heard.
    Thats the Rule of Law.
    Remember that GVB is cuts a cross the binary gender we have in Zambia seeing that transgenders are not part of this discussion.

  2. Handbook? On sexual violence? I despair. Govern the country, fellas, govern. We have enough and adequate laws to address all those things. I expect that at the minimum workplaces will be encouraged to adopt sexual harassment codes. Are you already tired? Where your friends created a ministry of religion and Affairs you are publishing handbooks. Stop it.

  3. So this government has created a handbook to teach the perpetrators of sexual violence on what not to say in order to secure a prosecution? What planet are these people on? This can go either way. Victims can abuse the rules if you have them written down and the perpetrators can find ways to beat the written rules.

  4. Perhaps I understand Thorn in the flesh’s dilemma. What is sexual violence? Having sex violently? Or doesnt she mean GBV?

  5. We should never assume the perpetrators of sexual violence are all men. So many young men have been sent to their early graves expecially in Zambia.

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