Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zambia’s reputation on the world stage is growing positively-Finance Minister


Minister of Finance and National Planning Dr. Situmbeko Musokotwane has declared that Zambia’s reputation on the world stage is growing positively.

Dr. Musokotwane’s comment comes in the wake of a decision by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), a United States Government Agency, to select Zambia as being eligible to develop a five (5) year grant program.

The decision by the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) to select Zambia as being eligible to develop a five (5) year grant program was announced last Wednesday.

Recent compacts signed between MCC and other eligible countries have ranged from about US$330-$500 million.

This is Zambia’s second Compact, following the expiry of the first one in November, 2018 that supported water improvement projects in Lusaka such as the rehabilitation of Kafue Water Works, rehabilitation of ten (10) water distribution centers and Construction of the Chelston reservoir among other projects.

In a media statement, Dr. Musokotwane said it is encouraging that Zambia was selected for the second Compact because the new dawn Government has demonstrated commitment to democratic governance, investing in people, and pursuing economic freedom.

“Today let me take this opportunity to join President Hakainde Hichilema in thanking the Board of MCC for selecting Zambia for the development of a second grant (Compact). The new Compact will definitely supplement the Government’s efforts in delivering development to citizens,” Dr. Musokotwane stated.

“Several weeks ago, I accompanied our President to the United States of America for the UN General Assembly (UNGA). On the sidelines of the UNGA, the President led us in talks with the Millennium Challenge Corporation at a meeting held in Washington, DC. Yesterday’s (Wednesday) positive decision by MCC is, therefore, an affirmation of the productive nature of our Washington engagement,” he said.

“We will soon have a new Compact; a clear demonstration of the excellent partnership that exists between the Governments of the Republic of Zambia, and the United States of America. MCC’s decision to select Zambia as being eligible to develop a new Compact is also a great sign of Zambia’s growing positive reputation on the world stage. We will keep building on these positive sentiments, through partnerships based on trust, cordiality, and mutual interests.”

Dr. Musokotwane added:”We are aware that the governance standards of MCC are rigorous. Often, the set yardsticks are also the basis on which MCC’s commitment to deliver sustainable economic growth, and help reduce poverty throughout the entire lifecycle of its investments, is weighted. Therefore, it is encouraging that Zambia was selected for the second Compact because the new dawn Government has demonstrated commitment to democratic governance, investing in people, and pursuing economic freedom.”

The first Compact focused on rehabilitating Lusaka’s core water system, expanding water supply and sewage networks, and improving the City’s drainage backbone.

Progress was made with 24.8km length of drainages completed, 330 km length of water distribution network completed, and 92km total length of core water pipes replaced.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the Zambian Government will be expected to facilitate a constraints analysis process to identify factors hindering growth in the country.

The outcome will form the basis for the selection of projects and activities to be included in the second Compact agreement between the Government of Zambia and MCC.


  1. Old man which reputation is good from the satanists. The government revenues can cover all those civils works. Old man so you tell me the bills for water and sewer ends in salaries only for you to begin asking foreign funds for rehabilitation works? weak people perennially their bellies dependent on government and we expect the economy to change when he has lamentably failed in the past.

  2. Choose to believe whatever u want to believe in, Luapula Boy. The fact is the future looks bright with the political and economic team now in place. The early signs cannot be visible to everyone.

  3. Stop dreaming. What are you doing differently? You are still arresting opponents for defamation and you think the West will pat you on the back for that?

  4. Stop dreaming. What are you smoking? What are you doing differently? You are still arresting opponents for defamation and you think the West will pat you on the back for that?

  5. This is Zambia’s second Compact, following the expiry of the first one in November, 2018 that supported water improvement projects in Lusaka such as the rehabilitation of Kafue Water Works, IF THERE WAS ONE BEFORE, WHAT WAS THE REASON BEHIND IT IF ZAMBIA HAD NO REPUTATION?

  6. Even PF bandits managed to sign the first compact grant which ended in 2018, so what ‘growing reputation on the world stage’ are you talking about? Too much self-praise with these liars!!

  7. It’s good that Zambia has once again qualified for the compact. The last one was;

    Signed on May 10, 2012: Entered into Force on November 15, 2013: The Compact End Date on November 15, 2018

    Its a progressive continuation. This time around the USA included the notion that there was a good transition of power Zambia from PF to UPND unlike many African nations where presidents want to stay in power even when they have clearly lost election, or their term has ended.

  8. what you do has nothing to do with the world stage,we not here to please them,Once that is learnt,you’ll do well for those ordinary people on the ground!,At tymez i feel UPND is there to please the west,.Remember that the West don’t actually care about you.its my hope that you govern this country based on the needs of the ordinary zambians

  9. Who is the “world” in your eyes? the people you’re conniving with? Our world is Africa, when our African brothers and sisters are happy with you then we know you are doing a good job. Not ba gebenka ati “in the world”

  10. @ Observer Independent, I like your objective assessment and analysis of things all the time. So that means the PF government however there mistakes, did a lot of good. I have been to Zambia several times in the last 20 years. The infrastructure development I have witnessed, is just unbelievable. Sadly, some people who are now taking their families to schools, hospitals, clinics and driving on the same roads built by the so called corrupt former PF government, are too blinded by their hate.

  11. God hates pride. The upnd now think everything is about them and not the Zambian people.
    This program is actually a PF program and is the second instalment of the same.
    Why not acknowledge that instead of boasting as if the program has been initiated by upnd?
    Next, we shall hear that the sun is now shining brighter in Zambia because of upnd!

  12. Mayanda Mulenga

    The human mind is at its best when its in harmony. It can do things that look impossible. Until we learn to be sober, Zambia cannot move forward. No nation can progress when its people are addicted to picking up quarrels and tiffs.

    Enjoy The day !!

  13. This is bullwaste.
    H² tried to mess up Zambia’s to the Imperialists by writing hogwash.
    Writing hogwash started and finished with h² himself.
    This is how stuff works. The devil is in the detail.
    He tried to paint Zambia evil, he had to paint righteous in his mind.
    But most people never believed h² bullcrapness about our beloved country. No single individual could do that because the wrong perception was all in the minds of evil people like h² and his goons.
    Zambia’s reputation cannot be surmounted by actions of the few disgruntled sadists like h².
    Zambia earned its respect way back in the 60s and 70s during the KKs of this world.
    IMF is US and EU. If you favors from them, it means that now they rule you.

  14. From IMF to MCC the borrowing continues what is going on just continued from where the PF left from borrow borrow so much and we ppl of Zambia get confused thats when fraudulent kicks in same ol same ol just different toilets.

  15. We thank God for Bally,one thing for sure is that we have a President with a well mapped out plan,he is not interested in the next election but delivery. He is not a puppet too and is a good negotiator,above all he is not corrupt. Praise be to God

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