Saturday, July 27, 2024

Hichilema must live up to his words to professionalize the civil service


Former Zambia’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Emmanuel has said the appointment of Thabo Kawana into the civil service is fraught with irregularities and illegalities.

Mr. Mwamba said Kawana has been appointed to a position that doesn’t exist.

He said his position requires revision and approval of the structure at the Ministry of Information and Media.

He said Management Development Division and PSMD need to approve the structure and treasury authority from the Ministry of Finance sought.
He said the new position should be subjected to a competitive process where other members of the public who are qualified must apply.
He said it’s only after this process was completed that the Director should be appointed.

He said the appointment into civil service had laid down procedures and processes and Kawana’s appointment had breached such processes.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mwamba urged President Hakainde Hichilema not to politicize the civil service.

He said the appointment of Mr. Patrick Mucheleka as Permanent Secretary Special Duties at Cabinet Office and Josephs Akafumba as Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Home Affairs who recently held active party position as Deputy Secretary-General of UPND and President of NDC respectively, undermined the integrity and professionalism of the civil service.

He said President Hichilema must live up to his words to professionalize the civil service.


  1. You always give me thumbs down when I say an African is not suited for the Western type of governance. He can possess the highest university degree that can be obtained from the best university but you can not take the African from him.

  2. I can only imagine what challenges HH is facing. He had to build a big coalition to get elected. He has the challenge of holding it together or better still building on it so that it’s bigger. These are the difficulties of competitive politics in a poor country.

  3. It’s a lost cause. The civil service has already been destroyed by HH’s appointments.
    Worst of all, appointing people to positions that don’t exist in the civil service structure.

  4. Looting of national resources is in different forms…. one example is to appoint friends to positions in order to give them a lively hood.

  5. So hw did they get on before HH appointed them to government positions? It’s more about wanting to keep the company of those he knows and trusts in government.

  6. This is the worst government Zambia has ever had, all appointments are based on if you a cadre of upnd if not you are not qualified for anything for the benefit of Zambians, people never realized that this government is a joke and regional.

  7. nshilimubemba – You have already forgotten about the cadre power of 5 months ago..the ama Americans even ZP was afraid of them. You call a govt that has opened up 30,000 jobs for teachers and health workers, provided free education, rid of vile cadres from stations and markets the worst govt…PF of Lazy Lungu failed to do any of this in 7 years….really laughable some people have memories of fish.

  8. Deja Vu – the reason bloggers mark you down is you post comments that you yourself don’t understand when you are cornered you start crying like a little toddler in the corner.

  9. #9 iwe ichi nshilimubemba you wanted Bemba appointments like it was during Sata’s tribal gov’t? STFU we’re all equal .

  10. Most Zambians who couldn’t manage to think much deeper than an average man, are and were convinced that HH was fighting for them, Iam sorry this guy had his own agenda to fight for himself that he has finally obtained immunity from prosecution as president and former president.
    So that no one can any longer talk about his looted asserts from the Zambian public.
    He has now made it no more questions about that evil acquired wealth.
    He must be a very happy man.

  11. This President in state house will not and cannot lift the immunity of ECL because they fall in the same category of looters and him being the senior of them all, what would make you think he can start that issue of lifting the immunity of his friend that is a child talk.
    If HH loved Zambians he wouldn’t have taken Zambians back to that monster IMF he knows very well how our people in Zambia are going to suffer and suffering has already started to all households except for those who share with him this leadership.
    As for this President now he is home and dry everything is work equal to his agenda, why should he bother about anything.

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