Tuesday, October 22, 2024

PF Acting SG Expresses Concern over the Perceived Disunity Caused by Race for the Party Presidency


Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) acting Secretary-General Nickson Chilangwa has expressed his concern over the perceived disunity and friction within the Party that has been caused by the race for the Party presidency.

The PF is scheduled to elect a party president to take over from former Republican and Party President Edgar Lungu when he relinquishes the party post.

It is not yet clear when former President Lungu will leave the party post.

PF Vice President Given Lubinda, former Information Minister Chishimba Kambwili, PF Chairman for Legal Affairs Brian Mundubile and former Ambassador to Ethiopia Emmanuel Mwamba are some of the PF Party Presidential hopefuls.

Mr. Chilangwa on Sunday called a consultative meeting with some Patriotic Front Presidential hopefuls who included Mr. Lubinda, Dr. Kambwili, Mr. Mundubile and Ambassador Mwamba to guide them on the pending party elections.

After the meeting, Mr. Chilangwa issued a media statement directing that all party members, including aspiring presidential candidates, prioritise party unity and participate in party programmes such as the upcoming Kabwata By-election.

He said the PF Central Committee will in due course guide with a calendar and electoral rules when open campaigns for the position of Party President shall commence.

“I wish to inform the membership of the Party and the general citizenry that this afternoon, Sunday 19th December, 2021 I held a consultative meeting with some Patriotic Front Presidential hopefuls who included PF Vice President Hon. Given Lubinda, Hon, Chishimba Kambwili, Hon Brian Mundubile and Ambassador Emmanuel Mwamba,” Mr. Chilangwa stated.

“In the meeting I expressed my concerns on the perceived disunity and friction within the Party that has been caused by the race for the Party presidency. The meeting was motivated by recent incidents including a matter that occurred in Kasama during the funeral and burial of the late Northern Provincial Chairlady, Doris Mubanga Kalusa (MHSRIEP).”

“As Secretary General I have directed that all party members, including aspiring presidential candidates must prioritise party unity and participate in party programmes such as the upcoming Kabwata By-election and to support the current leadership of the Party and the work of PF members of Parliament among others,” he said.

“I wish to reiterate that the Central Committee will in due course guide with a calendar and electoral rules when open campaigns for the position of Party President shall commence,” Mr. Chilangwa concluded.

The PF is currently rebranding after losing the last August General Elections to the United Party for National Development (UPND).

The former ruling party has said that it is instilling discipline in the party and doing away with hooliganism.


    • If this party had advisors it should have been discussing disbanding and scampering in different directions by now. The same people who promised us more money in our pockets and delivered nothing in ten years are still thinking of coming to rule us, how

  1. Lusaka times family and all my followers, put me in your prayers. I have been vomiting all night. I know some people in upnd are after my life. But God will always win my battles. Amen

  2. You can’t go anywhere with this corrupt lot…Mwamba as usual hiding in background like a snake waiting for an opportunity

  3. Tribal party……….

    They only planted lubinda to show some colour, other wise PF is a bemba tribal party………..

    These tribal supremacists are part of the clique………….

  4. ‘Gang of thieves who will never see power again’

    There are NO thief’s in PF. From 12th August to date No single Minister have been arrested, convicted of such crime, yet we where made to understand that Zambians will see the real corrupt and thief’s in PF. Slowly we are understanding that someone his a BIG LIAR.
    Go on PF reorganize your Party and keep on reminding the Zambian People about UPND lies. Soon they will be singing the song of “Corruption and thief’s” alone.

  5. PF was a disaster in government, inherited a decent economy from MMD and grounded it, promised more money in peoples pockets with zero delivery. When I saw their acting SG with a very wrong temperament for a leader on TV, I knew they were not heading anywhere. This party is beyond redemption, Even when Amos Chanda advised them that rebranding does not mean just issuing statements and attacking the government of the day, PF has continued on the same self destruction path

  6. Pf just wait the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thinking of bouncing back to power is like building castles in the air.
    You have gone for good.

  7. If PF wants to seriously bounce back or at-least become a factor in Zambian opposition politics, they need a Tonga, Ila, lenje, soli, kaonde or lamba party president and not someone from the Northern block Zambia. There are credible names that can offer UPND proper checks and balances such as Kabinga Pande, Edify Hamukale, Wilbur Simuusa, and wynter kabimba. However , we all know that Northerners can never allow reality and logic to objectively resurrect their political vigor by allowing Southern Bloc leaders to take over PF because Sata founded it. They would rather sink with the boat than allow other tribes to lead.

  8. #7  Blessed Zambia 
    December 20, 2021 At 11:11 am

    “……There are NO thief’s in PF. From 12th August to date No single Minister have been arrested, convicted of such crime, yet we where made to understand that Zambians will see the real corrupt and thief’s in……”

    So you think faith musonda picked up that k65 million on the streets ???

    Or $1 million for a fire truck is OK ???

    Or lungu earning $2.3 million after 18 months in office is normal ?????

    Arrests are comming ……….

    As the bally said, we are doing things in a methodical way,……………

    easy catches the monkey.

  9. The the the aspirants are power hungry especially Kambwili. I see the kingdom getting dividing soon. Nipano tuli. At the convention there will be faction fighting against each because Kambwili has already declared himself PF president based on the statement he said on live TV that when he comes in 2026 he will fire all police officers.


  11. Looking at the above lineup,I see A BASKET OF DEPLORABLES ,DESPICABLES .
    Zambia’s most wanted Criminals,imagine a Zambia led by Kangwa Kambwili .
    We the people will hit the streets in 2026 to bar these Rejects from ever holding political office.

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