Saturday, July 27, 2024

Thousands of DR Congo refugees in Zambia opt to head home


Nearly 5,000 refugees who fled violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) four years ago are opting to head home voluntarily from Zambia in coming months, with the first 100 people setting out yesterday.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and Zambia’s authorities began the voluntary repatriation of Congolese refugees from Mantapala settlement, in Luapula province, to Pweto in Haut-Katanga province in DRC, as security has improved sufficiently to allow for their return in safety and dignity.

Some 4,774 refugees have expressed their intention to return voluntarily through intention surveys carried out by UNHCR in October. The voluntary repatriation which will continue into 2022 is part of the?continuation of the tripartite agreement signed in 2006 by UNHCR and the Governments of Zambia and the DRC.

As security has improved in some areas of Haut-Katanga, an estimated 20,000 refugees have spontaneously left Zambia since 2018 to return to their areas of origin – mainly to Pweto territory. UNHCR is working with authorities in DRC and involving development partners like CARITAS, to advance reintegration projects including education, health and agriculture, and to ensure conditions for safe and dignified returns.

Congolese volrep pre-departure 1
Congolese volrep pre-departure

Some 18,000 Congolese refugees live by farming at Mantapala settlement alongside 5,000 Zambians, across 11 integrated villages. The settlement was established in early 2018 to accommodate refugees who were displaced because of inter-ethnic clashes as well as fighting between Congolese security forces and militia groups in parts of the south eastern DRC in 2017.

The governments of Zambia and the DRC, UNHCR and its partners including UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Food Programme (WFP) are working closely to support the returning refugees. That support includes the provision of Voluntary Repatriation documents, expedited immigration clearance, health screening and school certificates to allow children to resume their education in the DRC.

UNHCR and WFP have provided two buses and two trucks to transport refugees and their belongings, as well as food for the journey. In addition, they will receive a cash grant to help them as they pick up their lives again in the DRC.

UNICEF has improved water and sanitation facilities at the reception centre in Chiengi district, where returning refugees will sleep over to process immigration documents before embarking on the final leg of their journey home.

The Government of Zambia has prepared a COVID-19 rapid test for the returning refugees at the Mantapala Rural Health Centre, before they commence the journey. UNHCR will disinfect the buses, provide face masks, hand sanitisers and, together with the authorities, ensure that COVID-19 prevention measures are observed, including loading of buses to half the capacity.

Zambia hosts some 103,028 refugees, asylum seekers, and former refugees. These include 63,681 from the DRC.


  1. A sign of how bad things have become in zambia under the failed upnd project. Even refugees would rather risk their lives by going back to war ridden countries than suffering under hh

  2. Although Zambia has hosted refugees for many years, it’s not conducive for those that wish to improve theirs lives. Refugees that have made it in life are those that left Zambia to other countries or the shrewd entrepreneurs like the Rwandese or crooked Malawians that even end up in high government offices. Zambians are very jealous people that don’t wish to see black foreigners succeed. They will always accuse them of this and that. Government doesn’t even have nay plans for education or integration. They think providing make-shift shelters in the bush is being receptive. There’s no refugee that wishes to educate their children that can live longer in Zambia. Politicians just abuse them during elections. We’re a kokai country

  3. @KZ has gotta a point. People should be flocking into a new Zambia. But not even us in diaspora who left during MMD vs PF panga fights are not attracted by HH’s New Thing Government yet. HH leadership is not romantic.

  4. #3.1 Astronaut, it’s not only war that create refugees. Many Malawians fled Kamuzu Banda’s brutal authoritarian rule. They include the likes late Dennis Liwewe and William Banda. There are many Zimbabwean refugees in the region that fled Mugabe and they’re still running away from the Crocodile

  5. #8 One example of Malawi exiles is former Kansenshi High School Head Master, Mr Chokani I think. He was pursued by the Kamuzu gangsters for many years.

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