Saturday, July 27, 2024

Given Lubinda Condemns Raids on PF Members as Cornelius Mweetwa Justifies the Actions by Security Wings


PF Vice President Given Lubinda has condemned what he has termed the persecution of leaders from the previous regime and close associates of former President, Edgar Lungu by state agents.

Mr. Lubinda says it is regrettable that the UPND’s spokesperson, Cornelius Mweetwa, could tell the nation that there is nothing wrong with the raids on PF members and people associated with Mr. Lungu by security wings because they are the ones who were in power and were in charge of public resources.

He has appealed to President Hichilema to stop using state machinery to inflict revenge on his political opponents under the guise of fighting corruption.

Yesterday UPND spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa said that there was nothing wrong with the raids that the investigative wings are conducting on former PF leaders because they were the ones handling public resources, UPND spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa has said.

Mr Mweetwa said that these people were untouchable when they were in power and people were scared to go after them.

He said it was pointless for the investigative wings to go after people who were in opposition like Gary Nkombo, Brian Kambita and Stafford Mulusa when they did not have links with public resources.

Mr Mweetwa said that the PF was in government and some of them might have done things that were at variance with the law.

“We were nowhere near the corridors of power and never had an opportunity to handle public resources that was at variance with the law,” he said.

He wondered how the investigative wings would follow innocent people just to show that they were not biased.

Mr Mweetwa said it was difficult to talk on behalf of the Anti-Corruption Commission and other investigative wings and there was need to ask them.

Mewanwhile, former Lands and Natural Resources Minister Jean Kapata The raid by law enforcement agencies on the Esther Lungu Foundation Trust is shameful and uncalled for.

Ms Kapata said the raid is meant to embarrass innocent people such as Ms Lungu, including the former First Lady’s office. In an interview in Lusaka, Ms Kapata said the raid is a witch hunt and should be condemned by Zambians.

Ms Kapata explained that the First Lady’s Office receives a lot of donations from well-wishers – local and international. She said the former First Lady’s Office should be respected and it is unfortunate that law enforcers could be the first ones to break the law. She said the move by the law enforcement agencies is a sad one and should be condemned.

Ms Kapata wondered where the country is heading because there was too much hate in the nation.

“It is very unfortunate that the former First Lady’s office, Ms Lungu, could be raided by law enforcers who are the custodian of law, it is shameful and uncalled for because the office receives a lot of donations from society,” said Ms Kapata.

Recently, law enforcement agencies comprising the Anti-Corruption Commission, Drug Enforcement Commission and Zambia Police raided the foundation and broke the lock to a container only to find wheelchairs inside.


  1. “………Ms Lungu, could be raided by law enforcers who are the custodian of law, it is shameful and uncalled for because the office receives a lot of donations from society,” said Ms Kapata”

    Where did Mrs lungu get the $2 million used to go and get antiquated fire trucks that were destined for the scrap heap in the USA ……….?????

  2. My brother lubinda do not worry. Life teaches lessons. Upnd are a one term party and soon they will face the same predicaments they are subjecting innocenct civilians to.

  3. Lunbinda was minister of justice for the most lawless, corrupt theiving GRZ , that thankfully, zambia will ever have………

    He is is shameless…………..

    Zayeloo also knows that he is being used the by tribal clique of bigoted hegemonists to add some colour to the PF tribal party presidential race…………

  4. I can’t believe that we actually allowed such leaders to lead this nation? This was surely a rogue state. These guys could not even understand the whole essence of debating in parliament. This is why it is very had for them to understand issues being discussed in parliament because they can’t go to their constituencies and explain to them.

  5. Mr lubinda you have very short memory.
    Do you remember what PF were doing
    When in power?
    What UPND are doing is not a fraction of
    What PF did.

  6. Unfortunately you were a bunch of thieves so its not surprising…you should be encouraging the security wings to vet you if you want to cleanse yourselves of the corruption tag.

  7. ABABOMBA MWIBALA ,BALYA MWIBALA Edgar Chagwa Lungu issued that rallying call to his Criminal Shameless Disciples,and they went ahead and did just that .
    Esther Lungu is very much a part of what was Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his Corrupt Criminal Enterprise of a Government.
    The Raids are Totally Justified,we dealing with a regime took pride in Stealing National Assets,
    The Chickens are coming home to Roost.


  8. Let the investigative wings show the public what they are finding at various places they pounce on and at the end of investigations and arrests people want to see the benefits of this thing to the Republic of Zambia.

  9. They will be more Raids in 2022,The Lifestyle Audits are Coming,Criminals beware .Be Prepared to account for what’s in your possession
    All those sitting on and enjoying ill gotten wealth ,like Lubinda here are experiencing TWITCHING RECTUMS
    2022 will be a year of ANAL TWITCHING for Edgar Chagwa Lungu and his Corrupt Criminal Enterprise of a Government


  10. Those aspiring to end corruption should think twice on the process.
    Why should the Law enforcement units only start working when a new political party comes into power? So in short these law agencies they’re toothless, they can only operate with the instructions from somewhere, it was the same thing when MMD, and PF got into power. The same thing will happen when UPND gets out of power. Why do politicians forget so easily once they get into power. Personally, the only time I’ll start believing and respecting these agencies’ actionss is when they’ll have the power and the ability to arrest serving politicians if at all they believed or suspected them of wrong doing. The only leader who will change the way these law enforcement agencies operate is the one who’s going to give them the…

  11. ANOTHER SIDE OF UPND’s COIN. A Ministerial intention to demolish house in a DE-GAZETTED Forest 27 raises solemn eyebrows. If UNDP is targeting to punish Hon. Inonge Wina, then the Lozi voters will soon react appropriately. Note that ALL ethnic groups in Zambia are endowed with 99% wise people and 01% political halfwits (vipuba). Hence the primitive behaviour of some UPND leaders will prompt eminent world HISTORIANS to classify and record ONE ethnic group that genetically consists of 99.9% HALFWITS and 0.1% wise people. Let’s emulate Mandela’s wisdom of RECONCILIATION.

  12. Zambians are not privy to a meeting organized by former President RB where HH met ECL in the presence of former Presidents Ernest Bai Karume of Sierra Leone and Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania. The outcome of Aug. 2021 Elections proved that “IT TAKES TWO TO A TANGLE” to foster democracy. But Zambians also know that the UPND inner-circle led by a hardcore Chief, did not like Mutale Nalumango as Running-mate to HH. This means that in the same way that we the Easterners betrayed ECL, history may repeat itself such that HH is prone to be betrayed by members of his own ethnic group. Demolishing houses in a de-gazetted Forest 27 is a process aimed as embarrassing a President to the world onlookers.

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