Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema has reiterated his stance not to meddle with the actions and decisions of law enforcement agencies


State House has said that it is disappointing that some members of the former ruling PF want to drag the name of President Hakainde Hichilema into their personal entanglements with law enforcement agencies.

Presidential Spokesperson, Anthony Bwalya said that it is shameful for some former government leaders to insinuate President Hichilema’s involvement in their battles with the law whenever they are scrutinized by investigative wings.

Mr. Bwalya says President Hichilema has reiterated his stance not to meddle with the actions and decisions of law enforcement agencies as they investigate allegations of corruption and transgressions of the law involving PF members.

He said that the resolve of government is to ensure anyone who participated in the looting of public resources is held accountable and that all proceeds of corruption and crime are recovered for the benefit of all Zambians.

Mr. Bwalya said that the culture of lawlessness and criminal wrongdoing is over and that all individuals who abused their authority to circumvent the law will account for their actions in courts of law.

Mr. Bwalya was reacting to assertions by former Lusaka Province Minister Bowman Lusambo who accused the president of using the Anti-Corruption to harass opposition leaders.


  1. Lusambo………

    Just get your tax recites from ZRA ready for those millions you were spending allover the place………..

    Hope you have a clever accountant……

  2. Lusambo……..

    Any well wishers you claim gave you those millions better be prepared to be dusted down by ZRA aswell for tax compliance…..

  3. That’s disappointing to hear, because the ACC are way too embarrassing to HH and UPND government. Why should ACC be paid for sniffing on Lusambo’s anus?
    ACC should have been raiding Romeo Kangombe’s hut and take back wood he is stealing from villagers, those are cases the HH can go about stay away.

  4. I hear this chap built himself his own state House… where did he get the money from??… from wearing blue overalls all over Lusaka.Editor please show us the photos….so that people can judge for themselves….

  5. Most former PF ministers are just malicious to cry foul and blame the President for things which they did themselves. Law enforcement agencies are now professional and don’t wait for instructions from the President the way it was during the ubomba mwibala alya mwibala regime

  6. I dont know why the likes of Anthony Bwalya cares to respond to trivial issues of dumba$$es like Bowman and cliques of petty thieves who were very fortunate enough to be given ministerial position by an equally incompetent President…we want you to respond to issues regarding Forest 27, issues regarding review of the constitution, issuing regarding having an empty suit for a govt spokesperson when the President will host a press conference in 2022.

  7. Deja Vu – Please tell us what you want him to say because you know better as you are very objective on LT ..really laughable …enlightening us on why he is dancing!!

  8. “Mr. Bwalya said that the culture of lawlessness and criminal wrongdoing is over and that all individuals who abused their authority to circumvent the law will account for their actions in courts of law.”

  9. When our president ECL said the same, you criticised him and called him corrupt. Today this mad man is saying the same.

  10. Lusambo was probably the dumbest PF crook there was………

    Coming from being broke to giving out truck loads of maize meal , cooking oil and other foods every month to his supporters……

    To affording whole billboard advertising of himself and him and his family……..

    To giving out bundles of cash in markets in Ndola………

    To hudge property portfolio without any traces of loans………

    ZRA needs your tax returns badala……..

  11. Enough time has elapsed to rootout PF caders in strategic positions…….

    Now is the time to reposes all those vehicles registered under GRZ that avoided paying duty……….

    It is also time the PF party shows the customs duty paid for their imported regalia and vehicles………..

  12. H²’s ugly face, prints and scent is dotted and stinks around these fish cut searches of PF members. He declared that the ACC will be under his pitcoat and armpit meaning therefore that he has his filthness in all these selective atrocious acts on innocent citizens.
    Look at this ka size one vuvuzela ka Hanthony. You can f00l useless characters and niggaz like tarino jay jay.

  13. It’s pressure mounting. Remember that he hasn’t secured even a simple useless conviction.
    He is outsmarted and his ACC under his tri.bal. cousin silumesi is now looking so haphazard; kicking in every direction like a child learning to walk.
    Not rocket science to notice the vivid center staged hh in all this. ACC is hh and hh is ACC, anthony; you sound really delirious right now. Like a fellow on ARVs, no offence but your statement is a miss.
    I sympathize with you. Just needed to say something at all costs just to protect the boss hiding in plain sight yeah?

  14. State House Has Fallen – Really laughable…I dont know what you people are drinking nowadays…someone is hard at work in State House ati he is hiding in plain sight. ..those days when State House was a beer tavern and a rhumba dancing club are long gone! LOOOOOOL

  15. PF was just a disaster and because they were influencing the actions of the police then, they think UPND is the same. And PF police was the worst, imagine what we had in Mongu where HH a mere passenger in a car was charged with a traffic offence and though there is no treason in our traffic offences, that is what the passenger was charged with. PF was just a complete disaster

  16. Lusambo will very soon be singing the UPND manifesto when he realises PF is a gonner………..

    Man gotta do what man gotta do to save his as.s……..

    Only thing Lusambo is too du.ll to directly deliver lungu…………

    But his money trail will lead to the big brains……..

    Watch this space

  17. We heard law enforcement agencies are under state House ?of course the actual job is done by officers. The Sam like during Michael data all tenders were under state house so what do people expect?

  18. @ Ema you’re right for al l the former PF leaders’ finger pointing directed at HH as the law and investigative agents visit them is confirmation that ECL directed everything during their reign! ECL put his fingers and feet where he was not supposed to! The stance taken by the ‘New Dawn’ will take time to be understood and appreciated that the country has three distinct arms of governance with equal responsibilities for their jurisdiction without meddling by another another of the three: Executive, Judiciary and, Legislative. These arms are meant to operate independently in their contribution to good governance but most Zambians are resigned to the fact that the Executive is above the Judiciary and Legislative. New Dawn just wants to impress upon the trio to reclaim dignity and…

  19. Executive, Judiciary and, Legislative. These arms are meant to operate independently in their contribution to good governance but most Zambians are resigned to the fact that the Executive is above the Judiciary and Legislative. New Dawn just wants to impress upon the trio to reclaim dignity and effectiveness!

  20. When the late president kaunda left government,the mines and all companies in Zambia,the parastatals were sold.The proceeds of the sale of the giant mines and parastatals no one knows where it went. The aftermath of this was suffering and dying of many workers and families. The wounds are still fresh.wise….wise…..wise

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