Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lessons from Obama; Ministers must develop their own strategic plans


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst

Part 1

The other day, one of our foremost bloggers, Simon Mwewa, opined that being President is not an easy task because everything is blamed on them. He asserted that Bally’s resolve to see a better Zambia is self-evident; even his distractors know that his goal is to steer this country to prosperity and stability! The article was accompanied by a photo depicting President Hichilema in deep thoughts.

We concur with Simon. We’ve no doubt HH means well for this nation. Of course, UPND has a manifesto that demonstrates how the party intends to utilize available resources not only to improve the general welfare of the people but develop the nation as well.

However, for this to be realized requires a team of enthusiastic and dedicated individuals (cabinet ministers) who are able to easily understand and interpret the manifesto for them to individually help achieve what is set out in the manifesto or indeed record any milestones!

This is what constitutes the thrust of this article….. We expect cabinet ministers to share the same vision and resolve as HH to help extricate our nation from its quagmire. In order to avoid seeing cabinet ministers entangling themselves in embarrassing situations commissioning car parks or toilets; they ought to be guided by strategic plans of some sort constituting detailed plans highlighting specific solutions for each and every problem bedeviling our beloved nation!

According to Wikipedia, “Strategic planning is a process in which organizational leaders determine their vision for the future as well as identify their goals and objectives for the organization. The process also includes establishing the sequence in which those goals should fall so that the organization is enabled to reach its stated vision.”

In his interesting autobiography, A Promised Land, Barrack Obama reveals that when he was President, he used to have regular meetings with individual members of his cabinet to interrogate teething issues in their departments and prod them on their specific visions for their departments and egg them on to develop their specific strategic plans.

Why is this important and relevant to our situation as a nation? Ministers would be compelled to work towards achieving specific targets to help create jobs for our youth, ensure that farming inputs are delivered in real-time and infrastructure is being worked on timeously, and not whenever there’s a by-election coming up as was usually the case in the past.

In our next article, we take a look at letters that ordinary people write to the President from time to time.


  1. Baba, write something more informative. All presidents hold on-on-one meetings with cabinet ministers and heads of statutory bodies as and when needed. So what’s the fuss showing us you read Barak?

  2. Comrade!
    It’s now that Bally is in state House that you realise that Presidents are blamed for all the wrong. HH is yet to learn a lesson now that he is President. God resist the proud, Bally will fix ,let him fix everything.

  3. Comrade!
    It’s now that Bally is in state House that you realise that Presidents are blamed for all the wrong. HH is yet to learn a lesson now that he is President. God resist the proud, Bally will fix ,let him fix everything.

  4. Hh has assembled a team out of appeasement. No values. If Hh respected good values, he would not lie to voters. He lied. On the contrary, Barak and his steam believed in the same values.

  5. Bill, whose WE that you keep referring to? Speak for yourself number one. That you agree with Simon “presidents get to be blamed for everything”. It appears you are again late for your surgery. Don’t you know this has been going on since 19 penda ifikondo? Now that Bedroom Bully or sorry “Bally will fix it” is president you suddenly become alive to the fact? C’mon man you too old for that.

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