Sunday, February 9, 2025

Anti-Corruption Commission arrest and charge IDC CEO Mateyo Kaluba


The Anti-Corruption Commission has arrested Industrial Development Corporation Chief Executive Officer for abuse of authority of office. Mr Mateyo Kaluba aged 46, of plot number 41830/M in Lilayi off Shantumbu Rd in Lusaka has been arrested and charged with abuse of authority of office contrary to section 21(1)of the Anti-Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012 of the Laws of Zambia.

Particulars of the offence are that on dates unknown but between 1st March 2020 and 31st March 2021, Mateyo Kaluba, jointly and whilst acting together with persons unknown did abuse the authority of his office by arbitrarily directing Zambia Forestry and Forest Industries Corporation (ZAFFICO) PLC to enter into the contract of sale, dated 16th June 2021, between ZAFFICO and Dungguan Baichan Trading Company Ltd., in relation to Mukula tree logs without following procurement procedures.

The Commission in the same matter, has arrested Ackson Tembo, a Lusaka businessman for corrupt practices involving the export of Mukula logs without following laid down procedure. Ackson Tembo aged 39, and proprietor of ACK General Dealers, of plot number 7059 off Mumbwa road in Lusaka has been charged with two counts of Conveyancing of Forestry Produce without a License and one count of Unlawful Export of Mukula timber contrary to the Laws of Zambia.

This is in connection to the matter in which the Commission in October last year, seized trucks hired by ACK General Dealers loaded with Mukula logs enroute to Namibia and Zimbabwe, with unknown final destinations.

In the first count, Tembo has been charged with Conveyancing of a Forestry Produce without a Licence contrary to Section 89 as read with Section 99 of the Forestry Act number 4 of 2015. Details are that Tembo whilst acting together with persons unknown on dates unknown but between 1st July 2021 and 31st September 2021 in Chirundu District did unlawfully convey twenty- three (23) steel containers laden with pterocarpus chrysothrix also known as Mukula contrary to Section 99 of the Forestry Act number 4 of 2015.

In the second count, Tembo has been charged with unlawful export of Mukula timber contrary to Section 91 as read with Regulation number 15 of 2015 of the statutory instrument number 94 of 2015 of the Forest Act number 4 of 2015. Details are that Tembo
whilst acting together with persons unknown on dates unknown but between 1st July 2021 and 12th August, 2021 in Chirundu district did attempt to unlawfully export 23 containers laden with Mukula logs through Chirundu border without necessary permits and licences.

In the third count, Tembo has been charged with Conveyancing of a Forestry Produce without a Licence contrary to Section 89 as read with Section 99 of the Forestry Act number 4 of 2015. Details are that Tembo, whilst acting together with persons unknown on dates unknown but between 1st June 2021 and 31st September, 2021 at Katima Mulilo border in Western Province did unlawfully convey 16 steel containers laden with Mukula logs on various motor vehicles and trailers.

Mr Kaluba and Mr Tembo have since been released on bond and will appear in court soon. More arrests in relation to this case are expected to be conducted soon.


  1. More arrests needed in connection to powers in government that authorised Tembo to procure and cut Mukula trees for export.

  2. Popcorn…let us see where this is going…. so far arrests have resulted into nothing. Tayamba kulema mwe.

  3. Regarding mukula looting ………..

    Can we have investigations into the $6 million mukula haul that was confisticated in Malaysia or Vietnam……….

    And a follow up of the EIA report into mukula theft that implicated the lungus and some high gang members of his administration………

  4. @Henry,
    Iwe @Henry , be positive for once, you are so bitter than KZ.
    Ichikonko will one day strangle you to d…th. Not everything should be viewed via political lenses, otherwise, everything for you will look bad. Why can’t you exert your energy to make sure that this arrest works, than continuing downgrading everything that the new dawn is doing? Mind you these ba pompwes are stealing from you and your children, it has to be a common effort from everyone to ensure such pompwes are locked up without playing politics here. You can’t be negative about everything every time, my friend.

  5. @6: General Kanene, they are not stealing from me. They are stealing from you. I am not bitter and will never be bitter.

    Your government is full of jokers including your s@t@n1st. I Know what I talk about. Your arrests are nothing but victimisation. No one will be convicted.

  6. Twenty eleven arrests and charges, zero convictions. Ni beans iyi. He wants his own in that seat.
    Trumped up charges always results in beans.
    ACC in his pocket vascodahichi nasheta pushi. No show!

  7. IDC was an invention of the corrupt thieving PF, and it’s therefore no surprise to find its head being involved in the same trade. Now we are just waiting for Edgar China Lungu to be arrested

  8. The political witch hunt continues. Stop going after professionals. Why are you scared to come after me? You know I will expose your corruption fight as a farce

  9. Now ACC has reached the MUKULA theft case files…I can see Jean Kapata and her clique of thieves being called in for questioning soon.

  10. Which professionals. You mean Professional failures (PF). PF was full of all kinds of elements that are far from professional. All you needed in PF is a record of been violent, public looting, disregard of human rights, among others then you good to go. Those that tried to be professional found it very difficult to work or be ethical in their deeds

  11. Kuwayawaya fye! Bushe, if IDC owns Zaffico, where is the abuse of authority?
    If it’s single sourcing, has Milupi been arrested for single sourcing and signing a massive road contract with an NGO for road projects in western province?

  12. I will correct all the PF cadres here, we are arresting to retrieve assets and not to jail people. And besides , how do u jail someone without Judgment? Hahahahaha, ati arrests but no conviction- arrests are done by the cops and conviction by the courts imwe maCadres. I know during PF rule one person could arrest,convict & jail, in one day. Chipantepante !

  13. Issacher – This is the problem with reading too much social media posts…you dont even understand what abuse of authority is …you are busy hullunicating like Bowman you are talking about a PPP contract that was signed years ago

  14. People should understand the process. You cannot arrest someone without investigation and charge them instantly. The security wings arrests, the courts adjudicate the cases and sentence. The CJ has just established a new court for this purpose. Wait and see.

  15. Issacher @15, company law doesn’t recognise what u’re talking about. It’s directors and management who are responsible for directing a corporation and not shareholders.

  16. The fight against graft should be commended by everyone regardless of your political affiliation…@ henry start functioning looks like your head is burried in the sand

  17. Kaizer, we have already told Zambia whistle blower waiting for them to take action.
    Lolela chikamba, we know about you. Starting from Dubai shop etc

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