Saturday, July 27, 2024

Harassment of the Media Will Not happen Under the New Dawn Administration-Kasanda


Information and Media Minister Chushi Kasanda says the Access to Information Bill will be taken to Parliament during the session that resumes on 15 February 2022 as this is in line with the government’s commitment to achieving a free media.

Ms. Kasanda said that the harassment of the media that was witnessed previously will not occur during the new dawn administration.

Ms. Kasanda has, however, urged journalists to be responsible in their news coverage and ensure that they balance their stories and that Government wants to partner with the media to promote countrywide coverage, editorial independence, and free media.

Ms. Kasanda noted that government is, however, aware of the many challenges that the media face such as lack of transport and modern equipment.

Speaking when she met Ireland Ambassador Bronagh Carr at her office in Lusaka today, Ms. Kasanda said it is for this reason that her ministry is meeting with various stakeholders to address some of the challenges the media face.

She said her ministry also wants to promote exchange programs for journalists in order to promote professionalism.

In response, Ms. Carr commended the New Dawn Administration for placing emphasis on free and fair media as Zambia has had challenges concerning free media in the past.

Meanwhile, Ms. Kasanda has said that Transparency is key in good governance and that was why the new dawn administration is running a transparent system in managing public resources.

Ms. Kasanda said that government as a custodian of public information wants to ensure that there is a legal framework in place that allows the public to access information held by public bodies.

Ms. Kasanda said that the access to Information Bill once enacted will benefit the media and the public in accessing information.

Ms. Kasanda said that Government feels the enactment of the Bill has been long overdue and that is why President Hakainde Hichilema wants the ministry of Information and Media to ensure that the enactment process is accelerated.

Ms. Kasanda was speaking during the reviewing and analysing of submissions from stakeholders on the Access to Information Bill in Lusaka today.

Ms. Kasanda said that government wants full and wide stakeholder participation in the review of the Bill so that consensus is achieved, adding that the Bill was recalled from the Ministry of Justice to allow for wider consultation with stakeholders.


  1. . Kasanda has, however, urged journalists to be responsible in their news coverage and ensure that they balance their stories and that Government wants to partner with the media to promote countrywide coverage, editorial independence, and free media. THIS THE PART THAT ANNOYS ME. WHEN THE SAME MEDIA WAS ATTACKING LUNGU YOU SUPPORTED IT… EVEN ACCUSING HIM OF STEALING SOMEONE’S IDENTITY. HONESTY IS VERY CARDINAL IN WHATEVER WE DO. IF THE MEDIA WERE RIGHT TO INSULT THE PF, THEN IT IS RIGHT EVEN NOW TO INSULT THE UPND….. BUT INSULTS ARE BAD AGAINST ANYONE REGARDLESS.

  2. SMH are these guys still in opposition…is PF still in charge….harassment of the media is happening right….so the New Dawn government is not in control kikikikiki and what about the US $50 million fertilizer deal….why are you not being investigated Chushi Kasanda….your boss HH is a demagogue

  3. But ba Kaizar naimwe definition yanu ya “sexy” ifunika kuichita investigate kuli ba ACC. Sexy? With that tyre around her waist?

  4. UPND is on course, it wont be like PF which was a failed project for ten years prompting the Zambian people to overwhelmingly decide on August 12, Access to information bill being taken to parliament, very proactive government this one

  5. Lets all support the new dawn, they mean well. stop looking at little faults, little faults are normal, this is a new government, inflation is coming down. It shall be well

  6. Nitpka you have killed me. Tyre around the waist hahahaha. You young boys have been influenced by western media to think that a woman should be stick thin. Only real big strong reliable men can manage a fuller figure woman. When you are small you cannot enjoy these nice curvy women. They won’t feel you because sikafika ka nanikane kako. All I will say is that she is one of my top5

  7. Journalists, where were you when HH was virtually under house arrest in Zambia. President Hakainde Hichilema would not be allowed to move out of Lusaka with risking of being arrested. He in fact been arrested more than 15 times, a record of arrests accrued to an individual in the Zambian history. HH was not allowed to campaign in the country side while the incumbent ECL Lungu and his cadres were dehumanising Zambians without any police protection and never reported any where, where were you when HH human rights were being ridiculed? Zambia’s image was destroyed in the region and internationally while local journalists watched in owe, foreign news media informed the world . HH is restoring the credibility of Zambia both at regional and international level for us to be relevant on the world…

  8. @Don may be Membe was free to masquerade as a journalist because he was hiding his politicalidentity and intentions but now he is openly a politician he cant be a journalist. Period. A politician cant be a reporter.

  9. #11 Muna, where were you when journalists were arrested, when media houses were closed for speaking out against misrule…. some genuine others fabrication?

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