Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government to ensure it completes about 115 stalled Infrastructure School Projects this year


The Ministry of Education has said that it will ensure about 115 stalled infrastructure projects are completed before government embarks on the teacher recruitment exercise this year.

Education permanent secretary for administration says the budgetary allocation of K605 is meant to ensure that the uncompleted school infrastructure projects are finalised so as to address the lack of classrooms and teacher accommodation.

Ministry of Education Permanent Secretary in charge of administration, Noriana Muneku disclosed this when she paid a courtesy call of Southern Province Deputy Permanent Secretary Yolanta Malunga in Choma.

The Permanent Secretary is in Choma to Launch the Guidelines for Utilisation of Funds in Schools Under the Education for All Policy.
Ms. Muneku has further disclosed that the ministry will also recruit teachers from their respective localities in a bid to address the challenge of low staffing levels in rural areas.

She added that the ministry will further subject teachers to strict scrutiny to ensure only those with the best results are selected.

She added that this will contribute to improving the quality of education for learners which had dropped in the recent past.
The Permanent Secretary was responding to a concern raised by the Provincial Deputy Permanent Secretary about the diminishing performance of schools in Southern Province lately.

Earlier, Provincial Deputy Permanent Secretary Yolanta Malunga explained that the province has not been performing very well in the education sector.

She attributed this to the lack of boarding facilities especially in rural areas which have led to the girl child falling prey to teenage pregnancies and child marriages.

She also noted that the language barrier between pupils and teachers who are unable to articulate in the local language at their respective schools has contributed to pupils’ poor performance.


  1. The government will embark on completing the 115 stalled school projects before recruiting teachers.

    Liars, are these the only schools where the 13000 teachers will be teaching once completed. Ukulanda kwalyanguka!!

    • Bitterness will choke you, the fact is that UPND will not be a failed project like PF which lied for ten years that there will be more money in peoples pockets, yes ukulanda kwali yanguka and that’s why PF misfired for ten solid years and the Zambian people resolutely sent them away

  2. I have an issue with this statement…” will ensure about 115 stalled infrastructure projects are completed before government embarks on the teacher recruitment exercise this year.”
    This cant be true…You mean the whole exercise is on hold pending those 115 schools? Does it mean the 30.000 teachers are designated to those 115 schools Only? When are those infrastructures going to be completed? Doesn’t make sense and sounds unreliable !!
    This is food for the opposition to hammer UPND, blame it on yourselves.

  3. 30,000 ku waya. How can a government that’s failing to pay contractors promise to complete stalled projects within a year? And why has now the infamous recruitment of 30,000 teachers being tied to stalled infrastructure projects? If you can’t fulfill that promise to the unemployed teachers just tell them than beating about the bush. We knew it was a hoax just the moment it was announced

  4. Can we also look at other infrasrtructure apart from schools because here in PHI in Lusaka, this is the third day without water with Lusaka water as usual with their way of doing things, there is no word. Minister Mposha, please help us

  5. Yes, Lusaka water and sanitation has not supplied water to PHI and surrounding areas these past days, I shudder to think what is happening in peripheral areas of Lusaka, if its infrastructure let us sort it out

  6. I dont think this PS really understands what she is talking about…the PS Noriana Muneku should consult Ministry of Finance before opening her mouth stalling of projects and teacher recruitment are two very different budgets allocations unless you are telling us you have misappropriated funds.

  7. Upnd in power and infrastructure development has become poor. Our record is there for all to see. Even the same arrogant hh uses the roads we built. This should not surprise anyone because hh failed to build a water running toilet for his in-laws

    • You just left us debts left right and center you chaps. No money in peoples pockets for a record ten years. Fake opinion polls that you would win August 12, Guiness world record of 1 million dollar fire tender. Lawlessness to a level of almost bringing helicopters down, Bowman mocking Zambians that K2m was pocket change. Anyway the beauty is that you were shown the door for life, buried and forgotten

  8. In the short term shock treatment for an economy that was in a coma, which should come first, job creation or education?.

  9. As long as you will deliver mama, take your time, even in Dec you can recruit , it’s still 2022 most, no pressure. Zambians were ruled by a useless dictator for 10years and they didn’t do anything to him. So even they must jst shut up – take your time mama, you ve our protection.

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