Saturday, June 15, 2024

Inability to forgive evil under the previous regime is emitting elements of dictatorship in Zambia


By Venus N Msyani

The Patriotic Front (PF) government did a lot of evil towards the opposition. Including torturing president Hakainde Hichilema on a trumped-up treason charge in 2017.

Having condemned that throughout his campaign for the last August general election, it is surprising to see HH allow torture under his administration.

Shabby Chilekwa, the barber to former President Edgar Lungu is alleged to have shot and killed United Party for National Development (UPND} supporter Lawrence Banda during the Kaoma by-election back in 2019.

On Wednesday, February 9, 2022, Mr. Chilekwa was reported tortured by the police while questioning him on the killing. According to his lawyer, the torture has left Mr. Chilekwa with lashes on his back, injured ears, blood in his urine, and serious body pains.

Mr. Chilekwa was transported to Kaoma in Western Province to go and face charges. Lusaka High Court Judge, Mwape Bowa has ordered the state to have him brought to the University Teaching hospital (UTH) in Lusaka for medical attention.

It has just been reported that the state is refusing to do that. Claiming it will be costly to transport Mr. Chilekwa back to Lusaka.

Mr. Chilekwa is innocent until proven guilty. Was not transported to Kaoma to be dumped there. He is injured and need medical attention. Refusing to let him receive proper medical attention is a violation of human rights.

On Monday Shebby Chilekwa, was charged with murder. He remains in police custody in Kaoma Western Province.

It is disturbing to learn that murder suspect Chilekwa has lost his right to privacy. It has been disclosed by Human Rights Commission Chairperson, Mudford Mwandenga that his office visited Mr.Chilekwa but was not able to meaningfully engage with him because the police officer refused to excuse them.

Mr. Mwandenga says his office has no mandate to issue a statement on behalf of the police regarding the allegation of torture of any suspect. He demands that Zambia Police must do the right thing and prove whether or not Chilekwa had been tortured.
Earlier Zambia Police had refused to comment on the reported torture in the country. Saying the Human Rights Commission is a competent authority to comment on the allegation.

Bally will fix it. People went for that because indeed fixing was needed. The country’s economy needed fixing, employment needed fixing, and the government needed fixing. On top of that, police needed fixing.

In general, everything in the country needed fixing. Meaning some people, in this case, criminals needed fixing as well. However, not through torture. Torture is for dictators. It has no room in a democratic society.

The inability to forgive evil under the previous regime has started emitting elements of dictatorship in the country.


  1. Allegations of torture and refusal to send an acussed person for treatment are lowest this government has reached so far and is walking on thin ice so early.
    In terms of forgiveness,I want to say justice is a must for those who suffered,as well as a lesson for those in government not to repeat the same mistakes.
    Secondly the New Dawn must institute reforms of Institutions.Without strong institutions the same injustices,will happen, already we’re seeing recurrence of torture and a weak Institution (Human Rights Commission) trying to work.UPND has no honeymoon,the honeymoon was for a month,this action is raising doubts among the inteligentia,beware…

  2. Strange: it makes me think of the corrupt thieving incompetent former president Edgar China Lungu; he wouldn’t know how to spell “forgiving”.

  3. I want someone to interfere with the presidential motorcade and see what happens to that person. Having said that, it would have been better for Lungu to ignore HH’s pranks at the time.

  4. There’s time for everything under the sun. When people are up there, they should not think things will remain the same forever. Honestly I don’t feel sorry for what the PF criminals are going through right now. We used to warn them that a time to reckon would one day come. How I wish the happy trigger cop who shot dead Mapenzi Chibulo could be identified. Even to the current servicing leaders: Watch your steps today so that tomorrow you enjoy your retirement in peace

  5. They will be forgiven after accountability for their actions. Remember the law does not recognise forgiveness, first account in accordance with the law. Lungu had openly declared that he would put HH in jail after winning without stating any crime committed. A brutal regime needs a brutal example so that people are not encouraged to follow in their footsteps.

  6. Zambian journalism has gone to the dogs! Is this the quality of an article you would want to print in your paper?

  7. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind. UPND’s attempt to rule by vengeance will only create a society where those who are hurt through torture and other means, together with their families and friends, would also want to have some of those in power now also tortured once they are out of power. Those who do not learn from the mistakes of the past are condemned to repeat them in future.

  8. Edgar China Lungu put HH behind bars FIFTEEN times, once for FOUR MONTHS. And that is called FORGIVING? So far HH has been holding back in a remarkable way; if he would have put Edgar China Lungu behind bars on his first day in office I would not have been surprised. And where is the evidence of the alleged torture? There isn’t any.

  9. The critics of the government have failed to check on government for he is performing very well. This government doesn’t have time to answer cheap political propaganda such as barber man for Lungu had been tortured. Find credible things to question the government. Ask your fraudster Nakachinda the source of the story how barber man was tortured.

  10. The only sad thing about this being made to account for c criminality is that lungu has not YET been touched……..

    Lungu was behind most of evil seen in PF and must be made to account………

  11. So you guys were beating so we could forgive you? You must be joking, then it’s better for UPND to start beating people now also so that they can ask for forgiveness when they are out of power-isn’t it sir?

  12. To the writer of this article I would like to pose just one question. If I broke into your home, stole your Tv set, music system, fridge and stove and got apprehended by the police at some stage and they wanted to know where I had taken the goods to by applying minimum allowed force required so they are exhibited court to acquire a conviction, would you order them to stop in the name of human rights?

  13. Does the UPND administration subscribe to due process?; ” a course of legal proceedings according to rules and principles that have been established in a system of jurisprudence for the enforcement and protection of private rights”.

    Beyond all divergent governments in the world they must be a unit under the basic level and that is the Constitution. GRZ should demonstrate to its citizens the ideas of what the constitution holds, not of UPND.

    UPND administration, it is mind boggling in the manner in which you prosecuted Shabby Chilekwa. Please convey due process.

  14. Rubbish of an article. So you mean UPND ministers and cadres should also steal and then be forgiven by the GRZ that will take over from them? Did you even take time to consider what you were writing or you are just after making a stupid name for yourself. I would shoot you in the head if I where in one of those countries run by dictators. What a foolish article to write.


  16. It was that greatest of sons of Africa Shaka Zulu ka Senzangakona who taught us that “Never leave your energy behind or they will rise over your throat”. Lungu himself vowed that when he hands power back to himself he will arrest all starting with HH. Now people want that thieving bloody sucker left alone, Chagwa u nyelile munungutuna wahae.

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