Sunday, February 9, 2025

Kawambwa Tea set to hit Zambian Supermarket shelves soon


The Industrial Development Corporation has announced that Kawambwa Tea is expected to hit Zambian super markets shelves soon.

In an update on the project, the IDC says in 2020, it embarked on another ambitious project of constructing a new and morden tea processing factory to support value addition by processing and packaging high value tea for local and export markets.

It says plant and equipment installation has since been completed.

The IDC says the commissioning of the plant is planned for this year.

The new factory will double the processing capacity to 50,000 metric tonnes per day of green leaf tea from the current 24,000 metric tonnes per day.

Kawambwa Tea Industries Limited has an established tea plantation covering an area of 423 hectares.

The IDC says expansion will take a phased approach.

“The revamping of the tea plantation has enhanced the economic activities of Kawambwa district through job creation especially for women who are the majority tea pickers, (the process is delicate and requires paying attention to detail).”


  1. It’s 50,000 kgs (or 50 metric tons) per day, not 50,000 metric tons per day. And I agree with Deja Vu: let’s taste this tea first; if it has the same quality as Five Roses it stands a chance if the price is lower; if it is more like Trinco it will end up on the bottom shelf in the supermarket – and it will FAIL.

  2. But considering this enterprise started while the corrupt thieving incompetent Edgar China Lungu was in charge of the IDC – many corrupt PF-ers will be on the take (I hear stup!d KZ is a tea drinker) so I will not bet on Kawambwa’s success.

  3. Another success attributed to PF. If only they had listened to people’s concerns about caderism and corruption, this country would have been on a path to success.

  4. Great pf project but can I ask lusaka times to refrain from publishing any non rb related articles? Let us respect our late father. It seems people in diaspora pick up f00Iish western values when they move there. As for no corruption, I am sure even your fat ugly wlfe screams my name when she is with you

  5. Kawambwa Tea could be a niche product if IDC employ experienced staff who know what they are doing if it means headhunting people from Malawi and Kenya do it…as someone who drinks a variety of herbal and black tea I can tell you that investing in the right tea bag paper is paprmount. More and more people are also drinking loose tea which is of high quality….I buy empty tea bags then blend different loose teas with a variety of medical and health properties.

  6. This is great. I already hv an idea about hw to improve sales but it’s not for this site. IDC will get it from me. I’m not joking.

  7. Zambians are so damn a people, infact very backward bunch of mediocres. Always supporting NGO or foreign products. Go to those countries these NGOs come from and see if their countries depend on foreign tea? They manufacture their own, from toothpicks to the cars that u mediocres are busy flashing at clubs & Levy junction mall. Yet u are still sitting on your asses judging local products. Those plastic shoes which u buy from kamwala do u criticize them?cos a genuine show is leather & not Chinese or Lebanese plastic.

  8. And those Lebanese even swear at u “hey you! Why u walk rough in my shop-get out”, you then get out also but tomorrow u still go their to buy his plastics, yet here is a genuine Zambian onion and u want to judge. Which quality is a South African onion? Ask us who are in South African instd fyaku sabaila-As almost everything is injected for it to grow bigger. Small is quality u mediocres. No chemical. Besides that South Africa hates foreign products-u can export onions to SA. But u are importing them and listen to Amapiano yet here I ve never heard of a Zambian song in a club-not even an intro. Hahahahahahahahajahahaha

  9. Excellent. Can’t wait to try Zambian tea! I very much hope this will soon be on UK – Sainsbury’s shelves too; Kenyan coffee is – why not Zambian tea!

    #plant a tree please!

  10. Zennia because unlike Kenyans you choose to run away abroad expecting others to develop your country for you. Fuseke

  11. It is not possible to produce 50,000 MT per day of tea, the reporter probably meant 50MT per day .

    Imagine giant copper mines in Zambia produces in the range of 200,000MT to 300,000 MT per year

  12. @14 – Aah..I’m sorry you feel this way – but, judging by the flag beside your comments, you too reside in the UK! So, why the gimmick eh? Shall we both return?

    #plant a tree please!

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