Saturday, July 27, 2024

New ministries key to youth development- PMRC


Policy Monitoring and Research Centre (PMRC) says it is elated by the establishment of the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises as well as the Ministry of Science and Technology.

PRMC Acting Executive Director Mr Sydney Mwamba says the development is a positive step towards encouraging the Zambian young population to venture into entrepreneurship and innovative skills.

Mr Mwamba says Entrepreneurship and innovation is the engine for investment, job creation, poverty alleviation and sustainable economic growth for any economy.

ZANIS reports Mr Mwamba in a statement ahead of the National youth day celebrations falling today stressed that promotion of Science, Technology, and Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) schools will push the country’s industrialisation agenda in accordance with this year’s youth day theme dubbed: “ Enhancing Youth Participation at all levels of National Development.”

Mr Mwamba explained that this year’s youth day theme entails government’s transformation agenda to be youth-centre through the use of fiscal policies and job creation drivers in the Agricultural, Finance, Information and Communication Technology, Tourism and Manufacturing sectors , respectively.

He said that this year’s youth day celebrations come at a time when there is renewed hope for greater youthful participation in the national development agenda and a heightened expectations that the new dawn government will foster job creation, youth economic empowerment, and inclusion in the governance of the country.

‘The decision by Government to allocate over 2.5 million Kwacha towards Youth Empowerment Programmes under the 25.7 million Kwacha Constituency Development Fund (CDF) in the 2022 National Budget is an opportunity for the youth to shape the development of their communities through the establishment of businesses that foster job creation and income generation, which is key for poverty reduction,” Mr Mwamba stated.

The theme also calls for enhanced youth participation in the political sphere through the deliberate inclusion of a clause in the electoral policy framework that mandates political parties to adopt the youth in all their organizational structures.

The large youth turnout during the 2021 general elections demonstrated that the young population have a key role to play in driving Zambia’s democracy


  1. Never understood why the PMRC (just like the CCPC a totally useless and expensive hobby of some bored and corrupt civil servants) wasn’t ABOLISHED by HH when he was doing his sacking rounds a few months ago.


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