Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Government allocates over K930 million for Recruiting Health Workers


The government has allocated over K930 million to equitably employ and deploy 11, 200 health workers countrywide this year.

Minister of Health, Sylvia Masebo has disclosed that this is in a bid to transform the health sector in real terms and achieve universal health coverage for all.

Ms. Masebo revealed that the current number of health workers in the health sector stands at 63, 838, against the approved establishment of 139, 590.

She explained that the situation leaves a human resource gap of 75, 752, which represents 56 percent of the approved establishment.

The minister said this in a ministerial statement in Parliament, noting that the dire situation has for a long time negatively affected the delivery of quality healthcare services to the Zambian people.

Ms. Masebo pointed out that the recruitment of the 11,200 health workers will improve staffing levels in the Ministry of Health.

She said the number of health workers will increase from the current 63,838 (46%) to 75,038 (54%) of the approved establishment.

“I wish to emphasise that the recruitment of these health workers does not only mean doctors and nurses. Health workers include among others, dental surgeons, midwives, clinical officers, laboratory personnel, pharmacists,” she said.

Ms. Masebo said all the mentioned workers are equally important in the delivery of quality health services in the country.

She explained that the Ministry of Health will utilise the recruitment process to normalise, through promotions and some of the longstanding challenges, for example, some eligible senior resident doctors that have been receiving salaries of junior resident doctors will have their plight resolved.

The minister also said some of the Registered Midwives that have been receiving salaries of mere Registered Nurses will have their appropriate salary issues resolved.

She said the specific numbers regarding each cadre per district shall be spelled out in the advert that shall run before the end of this month.

The Minister of Health added that government is very much alive to the challenges of health workers that have specialised in various disciplines but are still occupying lower positions on the payroll due to lack of vacant and funded promotional positions.

“I am happy to inform the House and the nation at large that this problem, however, will be addressed during the 2022-2024 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF),” she said.

She said the Ministry of Health, through a consultative process with the Civil Service Commission, Public Service Management Division, Cabinet Office and Ministry of Finance, has finalised prioritisation of the 11,200 health workers to be recruited in 2022.

The minister explained that the priorities are based on the actual human resource needs that are affecting the sector.

These include having at least one qualified health worker at a facility where there is none and increasing the number of health workers.

She stated that the treasury authority for the recruitment process will be effective 1st April, 2022.

She said the modalities of issuing the treasury authority have advanced and are expected to be concluded before the end of March 2022.

Ms. Masebo further said that the new administration has embarked on a decentralisation programme whose implementation has so far reached an advanced stage.

She revealed that the government will, through the Civil Service Commission, decentralise the recruitment of health workers.

“It is envisioned that the Civil Service Commission should advertise the recruitment of the 11, 200 health workers within the month of March 2022,” the Minister said.

She said following the new government’s aspirations in supporting family values, the decentralised recruitment process will help in curbing separation of families.

Ms. Masebo said in order to enhance transparency and fairness in the recruitment process, government, through the Civil Service Commission, has established human resource committees at district and provincial levels.

These committees, with specific terms of reference, are multi-sectoral in nature and will spearhead the recruitment process.

She has since paid glowing tribute to the trained health workers in the country for their patience in the recruitment process.

She assured them that time has come for them to be employed.


  1. Good but also help your constituency to access cdf funds to complete developmental projects like mean wood ndeke police post and road to kampasa hon minister.Don`t concetrate at Min of Heath alone but entire Chongwe constitiency.

  2. OMG, 930 million kwacha allocated to the MoH. While the PREVIOUS corruption scandal at that ministry still has not been eradicated. Mark my words, those health workers will NOT be hired, at least not all of them, and HALF the money will simply “disappear”.

  3. The ministry of health has been the conduit for stealing government money and channelling it to the ruling party.
    Ask the permanent secretaries that have been at this ministry.

  4. PF cadres: remember the pronouncement reads”Medical personnel” and not UNZA medical students. Thankyou

  5. Madam minister, how are we going to sustain this increased wage bill? From IMF package? I understand the PF left the treasury empty.

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