Saturday, July 27, 2024

Additional 2,780 first-year students at UNZA awarded scholarships


An additional 2,780 first-year students at the University Of Zambia (UNZA) have been awarded scholarships by the Higher Education Loans And Scholarship Board(HELSB).

Higher Education Loans and Scholarship Board Senior Corporate Communications Officer Chisela Kawanda says this has resulted in over 5,000 first-year students being awarded student loans in one university in one academic year for the first time.

Ms. Kawanda told Phoenix News the additional student loans have been facilitated by the ministry of finance and national planning.

She added that in awarding the additional student loans, the 40 percent merit, 30 percent rural affirmative, and 30 percent female affirmative criterion was used while all applicants living with disability were awarded in the first selection.

Last month Finance Minister Situmbeko Musokotwane announced the over K65 million and over US$57,000, funds seized from Faith Musonda would be channeled to over 2,200 first-year University of Zambia students who earlier did not benefit from the scholarship loans scheme for the 2021-2022 academic year.

In September last year, Joint Investigative Wings seized over K65 Million and over US$57, 000 from Ms. Musonda’s house in New Kasama area which was hidden in suitcases and was forfeited to the state.


  1. Can you give us a breakdown of who they are and what their parents do , during our rule the upnd accused us of giving scholarships to our own children. Why aren’t the upnd asking for details anymore?

  2. Can you give us a breakd0wn of who they are and what their parents do , during our rule the upnd accused us of giving sch0larships to our 0wn children. Why aren’t the upnd asking for detaILs anymore?

  3. Seizure of stolen funds, assets and properties from PF thieves should intensify to enable the country meet some promises made during the campaigns. The effective operation of quick Asset Recovery Courts will enhance the clawing back of stolen assets from thieves that have deprived Zambians for too long. UPND stated that much of the funds to meet some of the commitments would come from resources within the nation to be generated prudence and DD in procurements and asset recovery. Yes we can.

  4. Good work…Gone are those days of recklessness where you had that evil woman Prof. Luo denying funds for busries so they could award themselves inflated GRZ contracts and then lecture to students to be entrepreneur and pay for themselves. Luo was more than happy to close these learning institutions indefinitely just so as not pay anything….shame on you Lazy Lungu and Luo both UNZA graduates.

  5. You would not see the likes of Saulosi commenting here instead he will send the shameless UK based Impostor who has nothing to lose or should I say it has no face to save…really laughable

  6. I still feel it was wrong to chanel Faith Musonda’s K65 million and over US$57,000 loot to this programme instead it should have been invested back in our investigative wings like DEC and ACC who lack proper equipment and vehicles it would have been highly motivional for them

  7. A whole adult still obsessed with a kids drink called tarino. These are traits of pedophilia, an adult should be fascinated by adult drinks like whiskey.

  8. These are loans. I thought there’s a difference between a bursary and a study loan? When I got a sponsorship I was not asked to pay back.

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