Saturday, July 27, 2024

Requirements for Driving Schools to benefit from CDF prohibitive-ZADAC


A prominent Driving School has bemoaned the requirements for driving schools to benefit from youth empowerment programmes under the revised Constituency Development Fund.

According to the new CDF guidelines, driving is one of the skills that government wants youths to acquire

Government has since set aside some funds to offer bursaries under youth empowerment for youths to learn driving as a skill.

But ZADAC School of Driving says the conditions attached to Driving School accessed part of the funding for training youths in driving skills are not friendly.

ZADAC Managing Instructor Bafana Moyo says conditions that a Driving School offering driving skills should be accredited with Teveta are cumbersome.

Mr. Moyo said that currently, driving schools in Zambia are regulated by RTSA and that the driver instructor licence issued by RTSA is sufficient.

“A a few weeks ago, it came to my attention that government had introduced bursaries for youth empowerment of any skills training course and that driving was a skill included in the program. As a driving school administrator, I elated to hear this news because it meant the school was going to be a beneficiary,” Mr. Moyo stated.

Mr Moyo added that to his dismay, he was informed that the school needed Teveta accreditation to qualify as trainers on the program.

He added, “it has come as a huge shock that we are now being asked for Teveta accreditation especially that we have not been given any notice for this but we are being left out of this very important empowerment program.”

Mr. Moyo charged that the requirements will disadvantage majority of driving schools.

“We are dismayed because in line with our Republican President H.E Mr Hakainde Hichilema’s assurance to us –government will endeavour to empower local SME’s in their programmes. We believe that being left out in this way is against His Excellency’s wishes.”

He continued, “To worsen matters some of the Teveta accreditation requirements are prohibitive to most driving schools – such as schools having board members, an application fee of K9,000 and 6 months bank statements with a minimum balance of K5,000.00 at any time.”

“I am appealing to government to understand that driving schools are small enterprises that may find these requirements very hard to meet especially under such a short notice as in this case,” Mr. Moyo said.


  1. Please comply come together as driving schools form coopératives get accreditation we need order less lives will be lost on the roads we must start from somewhere

  2. Driving is a skill offered by a driving school for individuals who need to drive or drive as a job. I do not see how CDF can come into learning how to drive. This would be one instance of abuse of CDF and breed corruption. This is New Dawn government of laws, not passed PF regime of abusing national resources.

  3. Look at this pf Cadre Moyo, still accustomed chipantepante of PF. Which president assured you? The president does not work at TEVETA or RTSA, those local level issues which u have to comply or get closed up. U think this is pf where u only ve to know the president & then u can do however u wish? Pay *****es! Besides u already charge your customes up to K5000 for the whole course now why can’t u pay K9000 which u make from 3 clients only?

  4. I agree with Peter above. What these SMEs must understand it that it is important that government brings order, sanity and accountability to the way CDF is implemented. There is no free money. This is tax payers money and such needs massive accountability. Also accreditation will improve training quality standards. Meaning drivers will receive nationally recognised training. Don’t forget that government is potentially looking at training heavy equipment operators/drivers. Sanitising this area is coming from a good place. Just support the system by working on meeting the requirements.

  5. How can a driving school be wanting CDF…they think this is the PF days were Ministers’ girlfriends were getting empowerment funds to go and buy Brazillian wigs for themselves.

    Why should driving be funded from CDF, isn’t driving private endeavor?
    Sound like a gateway for misuse or abuse of public funds. WATCH OUT ba UPND, this cant be !!

  7. TEVETA should go ahead and introduce accreditation to all sectors building, road construction, plumbers……etc That way we will all be singing the same hyme. All those without, no work be it private work or gov contracts. In the UK we have NIEC, CSCS and others. You can not do any job without an accreditation cert/licence from any of these schemes.

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