Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bally’s Chaotic Bleeding Presidency: Nevers Mumba and X-Cult Worshipers


By Kapya Kaoma

If only you can name all the lies, human rights abuses, and the unfolding scandals of this New Dark Regime one by one, it will surely surprise you why respectable persons remained mute on HH’s immoral actions. And if those who died before August 12 came back from the dead, they would still be shouting “Lungu must go!” And who wouldn’t?

The State House is empty. Bally sleeps in self-imposed exile in New Kasama. For how can he sleep in Plot One amidst the ghosts of those who have died due to his lies across the nation? Today he camps at the Ministry of Health, tomorrow he will be at the Ministry of Finance, then at the Ministry of Mines, and the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Agriculture until he gets back to New Kasama! Such actions prove only one thing, desperation for the bleeding Presidency.

HH is projecting his own failure on his Ministers as opposed to owning them. The problem is that he has not governed at all, but spent most of his time on the plane and meeting with Bazungus. To him taking pictures with Bazungus is governance; good for a colonized mind like his. Flying in search of Bazungus for photos for his tweets, though shameful, feeds his childish ego.

HH has to fix his own mess, but his worshipers will still shout, “Bally will fix it”; fixing the very mess he created. Black Mountain is in chaos; the economy is in chaos; hospitals are in chaos; drugs are an endangered species, fertilizer delivered in March; and prices are going up. A smart businessman has only proved one thing, he doesn’t know how to fix things. The only thing he knows is creating chaos! Even things that he has total control over, he has no plan. He promised to employ teachers; Chimbwi has no plan. He called on doctors and Nurses to start preparing their CVs and go back to work after August 12, 2021. Now do it Mr. Smart. The Ministry of Health is in chaos. In a Trump-like manner, he decreed mining at Black Mountain; it is in chaos. He shouts Anti-Corruption, but arrests and prosecutions are nothing but chaotic. Talk about so called respect human rights, torture, no cadres, and unfolding scandals associated with his cronies, the man is highly gifted with confusion; whatever he touches dies. Like his cadres, however, he sleeps in self-deception. The good news is, he can make his own rules and get away with it. After all, Bally will fix it until 2026! Fixing what? Kaya!

Only pastor Nevers Mumba believes kaponya politics of HH are good for Zambia. Why not? The man practices vulture politics; he always goes for dead bodies. As to Seer 1, this Man of God to Baal now kneels, seeking a job; for principles he lacks; hyenas and vultures have no shame. So he is now busy supporting kaponya politics from his new god; it paid off when he worshiped Mwanawasa, and of course, Banda. He can lecture us about hypocrisy when we know how hypocritical his entire political career has been. He inherited the MMD, but like the Christain Party he founded, it never won a single seat but died under his watch. And now he hopes it will pay off if only this Seer 1 created demigod can take note of his naked sacrifice; pandering naked to Baal.The man whose name was once linked to corruption as Zambian Ambassador to Canada and Cuba, today courageously cheers as Baal selectively persecute his political opponents. When will Mumba tell his new god that living in New Kasama while kids die from lack of drugs is immoral? Is it not hypocrisy to ignore the truth that maintaining two Presidential residences is akin to corruption? If Mumba is able to challenge Lungu, he must challenge his true god Baal. But since he is an opportunist, his belly belongs to HH!

When will the opposition boycott parliamentary activities until HH moves into the State House? If he doesn’t, then let him fund his own security from his pocket. This is a fair demand. He can’t continue to demand transparency and accountability while he continues to steal millions of dollars through back door dealings at his house. He is not above the law. He may be a god to Nevers Mumba and other Kaponyas, but not under the Constitution.

The youth of Zambia may shout, “Bally will pay,” but Zambia pays the cost. Since taking power, I have repeatedly said that the creation of the demigod as opposed to a democratic president in HH made him a monster. How many so-called “academics, lawyers and human rights activists” are guilty of creating the devil called Bally? “Give him time” doesn’t work; in democratic governance the clock begins ticking the moment one assumes office. HH never, never, never, ever, ever, and ever embraced democracy in his 15+ years in opposition. So what fooled people into thinking that a despot in opposition can graduate into a democratic president in power? Does it mean the once prophets of Baal who are now speaking up against this false and heartless god have finally seen the light or they are simply too ashamed to swallow the shame of failed promises? It’s not that easy.

The current situation is due to the hatred of Lungu and the PF that influenced how many analysts viewed national issues. The love of the nation was secondary. This is critical in understanding why many persons failed to call out HH’s lack of consultations, dictatorial tendencies, endless trips, failure to declare his business partners, transparency in contracting debts, torture, and countless lies among many shameful things that have characterized the New Dark administration. One wonders whether they are under the spell of Seer 1 for HH has no moral standing–everyone knows–HH is nothing but a liar. His administration is dirty, but we are forced to believe he is Mr. Clean by THE LIAR IN CHIEF!


  1. Kikikikikikijukija Hehehehehehe nkunkunkunkyu hahahahahaha kwekwekwekwe kwikwikwikwikwi

    So anything h² touches dies, so it is also in order to say anything nervous Nevers touches dies. Suffice to say!
    It’s a long haul to 2026. Infestors are celebrating in the mines with the tax holiday. Declare his partners you say? He is ripping from the huge profits being made in the mines. His partners are the bazungus mining our ore for free. Yes kapya you too enabled him h².
    Let’s roll in the ‘Government of Saul”. Not even a year has elapsed. Tikalipo baba.

  2. Kapya Kaoma and his PF friends left a total mess, can you believe a simple shelter and a few booths called a toll gate was costing K78 million one(4.3 million dollars) during their rule , they left the country choked with debt to the brim, today he must come and say Bally has failed, when Bally has a lot of work to do to clear the mess left by him and his PF friends before we can see results. Can these PF planted writers be serious for once or atleast pretend to be serious

  3. Mr. Nevers is an hypocrite. As long as he is looking for employment, he will never comment on anything wrong bally is doing.

    He will only comment when he is not offered a job but that would only be in 2025.

  4. UPND is on firm ground and the few teething problems are expected, for sure it will be different from PF who promised us more money in our pockets but at the end of the ten years there was no money in our pockets

  5. Dear Author, PF is dead and burried for good. Just internalize it and start moving on. For sure this criticism on Bally is not constructive criticism, this is a smear campaign but of course also lamentations from the August 12 drubbing

  6. Ati ba Nevers bafuna position ya DC, let the man continue bootlicking. It’s sad that as a pastor, he has failed to be morally upright and speak out on the transgressions of the UPND.
    About the author’s supposed attack at those now criticizing UPND who allegedly kept quiet when HH was in opposition, there are two responses to that.
    The first is that an opposition party doesn’t use our tax kwacha to fund their activities. Secondly, the author is writing selectively and choosing not to see how some academics (I know the one he is trying to target) did challenge HH when he was in opposition. These articles are available online.

  7. We do note that HH cares about his businesses and not about Creating jobs and growing the economy. His Strategies are at variant with the law and one can see it is about his and others businesses. We know what wrong ECL did and also saw what the good things ECL did. HH praise singers we don’t need your analysis. As of now, the strategies in place offer no hope.

  8. Love him or hate him, Nevers is just a cool guy, he may not have any real political clout, but he will harm no body, he is a good man of God. Stop unnecessary attacks on people, try gardening, you will find it refreshing and valuable

  9. #2 For how long are you going to blame the PF? Mr Hakainde had told us severally that he would fix everything in a given period. He had spies within Government so we can assume he knew what he was going inherit. He used to boast how people from governmet used brief him even before the president got any given information. Even the advertised health recruitment is just a front to save face. Just wait when complaints start coming. That’s why they have included auxiliaries because it’s not going to be easy for people to know whether drivers or cleaners have been employed or not.

  10. Us Zambians, together with Nevers Mumba and other well meaning Zambians , given a chance for another Presidential election, we will still go and elect Bally, No Zambian wants to go back to the old dark days of the PF misrule, widely condemned everywhere including at the UN by a US President. The dark old days of cadres, inflated prices, ubomba mwibala alya mwibala, ZNBC and public media becoming PF vuvuzelas, diplomats and civil servants becoming PF cadres, killings by Police of innocent citizens with impunity, up to now we do not know who killed Mapenzi, Vespers or Frank Mugala, those days are gone, and thank you Bally

  11. H² economy fixing formulae he used to write about have since died. Naive economic rantings won’t help. A once divisive h² is now desperately looking for unity. He never used to recognize international economic dynamics that used to affect Zambia’s economy. He brushed off any such inferences. He never took Covid seriously while in opposition, he joked about climate change. Now Russia/Ukraine war isn’t a joke, with flop fuel pricing policy. Will you Zambians not dance ndendeule?
    Kaya. The fixer goes to state house 09:30hrs and knocks off to his New Kasama bunkers at 15:30hrs every day. He goes to work at state house. He doesn’t live there.

  12. Couldn’t be out any better. One thing I like about Nevers is his capacity to patronize the ruling parties. For him, as long as he is being allowed a seat closer to the power that be. Surely his hypocrisy is shamelessly clear to see.

    By now, he could have been an amazing man of God, but seems he’s now a man of gold..

  13. Smooth criminality is when one gives tax holiday to the mines and they give you commission. You can’t trace bukanwalala. Smooth criminality is building roads by foreigners who will be in charge of toll gates for 35 years and you getting commissions way after they are dead. Zambians wake up.

  14. He sent the youths ( Lusambo & others) to beat and drag ba Kachingwe in the streets. A man of GOD????
    He blamed Rupiah Banda for his failures in the 2016 elections…..At the funeral he was eulogising Rupiah as a democrat…..This the hypocracy ECL was talking about.
    He then blamed Mutati for his failures …… Mutati left but where is MMD today? Today he is begging for a job in the party where Mutati is ?
    He had boasted that MMD had strong branches. across the country….. What happened to those strong branches on 12 the August?
    He is a failed political personality with no direction and there is no way he can lead any organisation .let alone the country. See what has happened to his own MINISTRY AND CHURCH..
    He. missaproporiated at the Embassy.

  15. PF being the mother of all evil must be blamed for as long as their atrocities remain in our memories, we will forgive but not forget. The most brutal regime to have ever graced Zambia’s landscape

  16. Bally is our only hope, let them post as much as they can they stand no chance. We are repeating the same results in 2026

  17. The Reverend Kapya Kaoma is enjoying exercisding his freedom of speech. In a former world he used to criticise diplomatically now he is daggers drawn and angry. Not good for democracy. Debate issues dear Reverend. If you criticise, offer alternatives. Avoid being personal and remember that the one who says to his brother, ‘Raca!’ is liable to eternal damnation.

  18. Infact, HH should give Nevers a good job as a reward for being a true friend of the struggle from the oppressive corrupt tribal PF governance. For you Mr author, you can go and hang. Your friends from the PF have allegedly been commiting suicide in the resent past, what are you waiting for? Doom is still readly available in the shops

  19. The maggots are known to break down organic material in the pile so it can further decompose. THAT’S WHAT NEVAS MUMBA DOES ANY POLITICAL PARTY THAT HE JOINS.

  20. Obviously you are chocking. I still have faith in the current government for liberating us from the pf monster.

  21. You may insult the author, but the truth is in your wallet! This is something UPND cadres are afraid to accept.

  22. Say it as it is sir, the conman has conned Zambians big time. The Bally worshippers are still in dippers as soon as they start wearing shorts and skirts that is when they will realise the damage caused by their god. They have been doing exactly and worse of what they opposed in the previous regime. HH does not see anything wrong by staying in new Kasama when there is a state house.

  23. Kapya Kaoma is a liar and a bitter elections looser we shouldn’t listen to his self seeking empty diatribes.

  24. Running a country take consistency. It is a series of small strides in the right direction that eventually lead to significant progress. Yes, Zambia is highly indebted. The priority should be to pay off the Eurobond and allow for a restructure of sovereign debt owed to other governments, particularly the Chinese. What remains critical would be the resolution of the Mopani and KCM sagas to get the mines producing and stop the cash bleeding at ZCCM-IH.

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