Wednesday, October 23, 2024

South African Company shows interest to invest in N/W Province


Tysys Capital Group a South African company with a capital base of about 65 billion United State dollars has shown interest in investing in various projects in North-Western Province.

Speaking when they paid a courtesy call on Northwestern province Permanent Secretary, Grandson Katambi yesterday, Tysys founder and group Chief Executive Officer, Modise Motloba said their interest is in investing in housing units projects among other things.

Mr Motloba said working in partnership with his Zambian counterpart, they want to help with the feasibility studies and raise the funds for the projects.

“We believe in the projects and the housing sites that you have and other areas, we could assist from the concept around feasibility studies to basically preparing from our commercial case experience that we have and expertise to have been able to raise the money”, Mr Motloba said.

He said their other interest is to help Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as they are critical in creating jobs, distributing wealth and also sustenance of the economy.

Mr Motloba said they want to provide access to finance as well as access to markets for SMEs.

“And out of that we hope that we will have an ecosystem where there will be a thriving SME environment, there will be a thriving job creation environment and there will be a thriving income generating environment”, he said.

North-Western Province Permanent Secretary, Grandson Katambi commended North-Western Chamber of Commerce for attracting investors from outside Zambia to assist the nation in reconstructing the economy of Zambia.

“It’s a known issue that we are trying to reconstruct our economy in Zambia which was not doing very well and we can only do that if we tap into other adventures that will promote or help us bring together our economy which is now in shambles”, Col. Katambi said.

Col. Katambi added that the province has almost everything that is perennial in nature that the investor would like to invest in.

He urged the investors to take some time and move around and see if there are other areas they will have interest in.

Meanwhile, North-Western Chamber of Commerce and Industry Vice president, Amos Kapi said the investment for Tysys Capital Group is the result of the investment expo that the province held in 2019.

Mr Kapi said Tysys is interested in investing in a modern bus station and housing projects in the province.

“They have come in to the province to provide and appreciate some of the designated projects and investment sites”, he said.

Mr Kapi has since called on the Provincial Administration to help the investors in every possible way to ensure that the investments are actualised.


  1. I don’t buy into such. SA has equally huge housing deficit and a better chance of recouping investment in such. Why come all the way to Zambia? I have foreign companies come to Zambia. Get title deeds or mining rights and the start going round chasing for money to invest. Surely we can do this ourselves!!!!

  2. Charity begins at home. Sort your housing deficit at home before venturing to Zambia; or are you coming for something in the ground?? Our people eh…too willing to believe so called “investors”!

    #plant a tree please!

  3. We should be wary with such investors…they say they want to invest in housing but all they want is to obtain cheap land at a discount then put a shopping mall and high price flats in gated communities for Boers and other foreigners working in the mines.

  4. Zennia – Exactly all they want is to build posh flats for white management in the mines for rent …they have seen how that posh school Trident in Solwezi is doing well where pupils pay tens of thousand of dollars every term. If they want to invest let them pay land through the proper channels at competitive rates.

  5. Rubbish! iam in South Africa myself right now till Dec of which i may be back again due to my office here which iam struggling to move to Zed but, There is no type of house that a South African can build better than our komboni Bricklayers there.Esp that the owners of this Company are black South Africans it rises alot of questions cos Black South African grew up, and still live in houses made out of iron sheets known as”Sharks”. So where did this good samaritan learn how to build a house? I been in & out of SA for 12 yrs and im confirming to you now that Zambia Architects are the Best in the region.

  6. You guys havent seen a getto yet untill you ve visited South Africa. Thereafter when u are back in Zambia u ll look at Kalikiliki or Bauleni or zambia compounds differently. Those are not gettos, by far. Who here, on this platform, will believe me when i say that where most of these Black South Africans live, they dont even have water for days, neither electricity in their homes(which they connect illegally) yes they ve roads and road lights,but that abt it, Inside the gettos its pure poverty there,no toilets either but they use mobile things. And then dont even mention of crime,cos its now jst part of their DNA(Rape,Robbery,Murder,Highjacking) happens at the same rate water runs out of tap. Anyways – cheers guys i have to go see my girlfriend at her shark in the getto, pray that i come…

  7. Be wary of these people. Most have no trackable record of investment in their own or other countries. Yet they convince our elites with their grandiose tales of vast wealth to invest. In reality, they come to Zambia to try their luck, but at the expense of our people. Does anyone remember – in 1995 a couple – so called “wildlife conservationists” that came from the USA, and based themselves in North Luangwa? They murdered a villager and justified the act on conserving wildlife. No one held them to account, and they promptly packed off to their country. But we had lost one of ours and for what; wanting to eat a bit of venison nurtured by his ancestors? We need to wise up!

    #plant a tree please!

  8. Corrupt Ministers working with fake investors…why is it always foreigners…where are Zambian businessmen

  9. Its a very obvious question. If they have money to splash on Zambia why haven’t they splashed it on South Africa? We have similar problems requiring similar solutions so it only follows that one should try these solutions first at home before exporting them or is there a hidden motive to this “investment”

  10. Saulosi – Our businessmen lack vision they would rather buy trucks and buses…the moment a Zambian tries it they will rush to Ministry of Lands to put spanners in the works!!

  11. @6 Zenia
    You’re very wise and I like your Patriotism……keep it up and don’t be like empty mungulu head Spaka

  12. To begin with, it is common knowledge that black south Africans do not run the south african economy and hence do not have any capital to invest in south Africa and let alone any African country. They will have to go back to south africa and ask their white masters for capital etc. This is already a non starter ! Zambians should wake up to the reality that black Africans do not even own land in their own country and you think that they can invest in Zambia ? Please Zambians, wake up and get exposed !

  13. To begin with, it is common knowledge that black south Africans do not run the south african economy and hence do not have any capital to invest in south Africa and let alone any African country. They will have to go back to south africa and ask their white masters for capital etc. This is already a non starter ! Zambians should wake up to the reality that black Africans do not even own land in their own country and you think that they can invest in Zambia ? Please Zambians, wake up and get exposed !

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