Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Patience Chisanga-Mayer calls for public speaking training for young professionals, business leaders and political leaders.


Public speaking, leadership and branding expert, Patience Chisanga-Mayer says public speaking is an essential skill for today’s business and political leaders.

Patience Chisanga-Mayer has called on young professionals, business leaders and political leaders to invest in public speaking skills as essential tools that can help them influence and inspire their audiences.

Speaking in a live interview on the side-lines of one of her public speaking master classes, the public speaking, leadership and branding expert has encouraged the general public, entrepreneurs, executives, business leaders and politicians to invest in public speaking courses and coaching services in order for them to improve their presentation skills if they are to grow professionally and lead effectively.

“It is not rocket science. You cannot lead effectively if you can’t speak, you can’t cultivate professional advancement if you can’t speak. James Humes an author and former presidential speechwriter once said, the art of communication is the language of leadership” these are the words of a man who wrote speeches for Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Benjamin Franklin, and many other leaders worldwide. There is no winging it in public speaking and leaders or professionals who invest in it develop a confident and persuasive voice,” she said.

Mrs Chisanga-Mayer is the first female Zambian Toastmaster to be awarded the Distinguished Toastmaster Award, a communication and leadership award that represents the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters International.

“Effective communication and public speaking are a key skill to becoming a good leader. It is not what you say but how you say it. You can use as many complex words as possible, you can use any language of your choice, but if you do not encompass emotional intelligence, truth, good listening skills, respect, owning and telling your story and so many other speech devices required for one to communicate in a manner that leaves a footprint; people will not listen to you and sadly may not respect you. What  you say, how you say it when you say it, to whom you say it, and whether you say it within the proper context are critical components of being an exceptional speaker and leader.” She said.


  1. You are on point Madam. The first one should be our Vice President Mutale Nalumango and Minister of Information Chushi Kasanda.
    Like the points you have touched on “What you say, how you say it when you say it, to whom you say it, and whether you say it within the proper context are critical components of being an exceptional speaker and leader.”

  2. Stop cyber bullying kasanda my old flame. Jealousy will kill you. She is still more attractive than now no matter how attractive your English is. Fuseke

  3. This is supposed to start from schools and churches but today there is little debate taking place no wonder even these people go further say parliament and councils they fail to put things clearly across and the end result is giving half baked information to the public. WE need to reintroduce debating clubs for our youths to enhance their public speaking skills. Today we have many of our leaders who can’t articulate things in public and due to such failures end up being short tempered and unreasonable or can’t allow free flow of ideas. That is a 2 way traffic.

  4. Chiluba used to speak very well but what happened? I don’t speak very well myself but I’m more successful that those sweet talking womanizers. In short it’s no every good public speaker who means well.

  5. Caesar, it doesn’t matter what I’m doing. I can be a successful guard or or a successful janitor. It’s success all the same. There are doctors, presidents, musicians and other professionals who are either successful or failures.

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