Saturday, July 27, 2024

We must remain resilient – HH


As global oil price conditions continue to tighten under the weight of the ongoing uncertainty around the Ukraine – Russia conflict, the President is urging both citizens and industry players to be extra resilient as the government continues to aggressively work towards stabilizing and ultimately lowering the pump of fuel and improve the general economic welfare of the Zambian people.

According to a statement released to the media yesterday by the president’s spokesperson, Mr Anthony Bwalya, the president said that it is important to note, that in the midst of the potential for economic disruption being caused by fuel pricing disturbances on the global market, there are still very strong signs of positive economic resilience within the local economy as can be seen through government’s ability to follow through on key commitments such as the delivery of Constituency Development Fund, which has so far seen all constituencies receive at least K6m of their CDF allocation, the successful rollout of a much improved social cash transfer program with more than 1 million vulnerable citizens being supported, as well as the implementation of the free education program for children up to grade 12.

“It must also be noted, that as part of increasing economic resilience among the most vulnerable, government has undertaken the payment of salary arrears for local government employees through the discharge of all local government equalization fund arrears, as well as paying all FRA arrears to farmers.

“It must further be noted, that these measures, coupled by the ongoing mass recruitment of health workers, with the recruitment of education workers soon to be unveiled, will go a long way towards mitigating household poverty and economic hopelessness among citizens.

“We are also urging the industry and industry leaders, particularly across the transport and manufacturing sectors, to actively continue working and collaborating with government in ensuring that we keep logistical and production disruptions to an absolute minimum as both sectors play a crucial role in keeping the wheels of the economy turning, ” concluded the statement.

Issued: Anthony Bwalya
Presidential Spokesperson
31 March 2022


  1. So you giving as money of which doesnt cover everyone to spend on transportation and very soon if not already commodity prices will sky rocket as well, begin to outsource there isnt any war in the middle east wiever of taxes on oil commodities atleast as tempral measures. come bally you better than this we all not built the way you are as an individual. head the way south africa is on the oil issue. its always about saving. tax those mines and introduce subsidy on oil not vama tax heaven benefiting your friends vaupuba.

  2. Becoming like Lungu daily, everything being spoken on his behalf by spokesperson.
    What is this lunacy of saying “…government continues to aggressively work towards stabilizing and ultimately lowering the pump of fuel…” ?
    When you are aggressively increasing the pump price of fuel?

  3. Are you going to increase our pay of Civil servants? We cannot just survive on this paltry salary

  4. Does this president even listen to himself. How can you be resilient when you are doing exactly the opposite.

    Increasing the prices but talking about aggressively working on reducing the price of fuel.

  5. Your excellence…….do you still find it acceptable that you are trekking every morning from Community House to State house using when fuel has become so expensive?
    Is it still acceptable to Sir…..Police have to use expensive fuel to drop of and pick policemen and women lined up to protect you on the way from Community Hall?
    Please Sir provide leadership on this simple matter if you are asking us to be resilient. We are in this together!!!

  6. We should be resilient? Is what you said resilient on an empty belly Bally you can do better you cant postpone hunger


  8. Mine companies on tax holiday but you don’t want Zambians to benefit their resources.Muli ban koni man tata.
    You save the interets of abasungu.namufilwa papa.Maybe ku farm not a nation

  9. Kikikikiki…and I quote….” a English man say a great talkative is a great liar”….who said these words…and what was the occasion..(50 marks)..

  10. There is a limit to how resilient one can be. Everyone has a breaking point and zambians are reaching theirs soon.

  11. Spaka and Tarino Orange big mouth UPND praise singers now come and defend your demagogue small god Mr know it all genuis HH

  12. bwetete bwetete look at his face…kikikikiki now compare this face to the face he had when he was in opposition and campaigning and insulting Lungu…pwi pwi pwi….now just vishupu coming from his backside

  13. This man has failed. He managed to sweet talk his way to state house. Lies have caught up with him

  14. Ok you all made the comments and spoken your minds. The reality is fuel is above k26. I saw chaps queuing at filling stations just to buy at lower price. But that little fuel only lasted a day or two. It is now k26 upwards. Let it go up to k30. I say so not because I can afford, I chose not to comment because I may say a lie. I have heard all you bloggers said. My problem is that all insults will not till up my tank or disputation whether it is Ukraine or Russia or both will not till my tank. The problem is that it is you zambians in one way or another who gave hh and upnd. See what you did!!!! Pf failed, socialist party wanted me to remember fifel Castro and his failed project. Fube wanted a job not to solve my problem. I stop here, I may join you and your nosense. HH please put some…

  15. Based on the damage left by PF, HH has done pretty okay in 7 months. Free education, payment of salaries to council workers, decentralization of CDF, massive recruitment of public workers, reduced corruption in public institutions.

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