Thursday, January 16, 2025

Being denounced for telling the truth


By Fred M’membe President of the Socialist Party

Some of us are good at getting in trouble for saying what others do not want to hear. Our friends in the UPND and its government seem to have the misconception that it is all about agreement and harmony.

Our politics are about plurality and diversity. Even our Christianity is not about united voicing Bible verses like John 3:16 or speaking the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Division, not unity, is a significant theme in the Bible. Prophet Jeremiah, from the Old Testament, was persecuted for saying what God told him to speak to the people. As a prophet of God, Jeremiah, was opposed for saying what people did not want to hear from God. Lies and gossip may be more popular than the truth. Should we shut up or speak up about what is harmful to society?

God called and appointed Jeremiah as His prophet to His people. God’s people and other religious leaders did not like what Jeremiah said from God. The temple’s chief official had Jeremiah beaten and put in stocks to pressure him to shut up. Many of the prophets of God in the Old Testament received reproach, ridicule, mocking, and even death for speaking up. Jesus was also persecuted for saying and doing what other religious leaders and people rejected.

As Christians, Jesus warns us that saying and living what Jesus said and did will result in our persecution. We will be persecuted because, “A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher and the servant like his master.” Jesus warned his disciples that if they have called him Beelzebub, or Satan, how much more will they malign them.

Jesus warned his disciples that they should not fear persecution for speaking His words. They will prove true even if those offended by them reject them. Jesus and his words are meant for the good of others, even if they sting. Persecution, beatings, being placed in jail, or fed to lions will harm or kill your body, but it is God who saves your souls for heaven, not other people. We fear others and things we cannot control, but God is to be feared above all else.


  1. More sense in mmembes finger than the entire upnd cabinet combined. Mmembe you are wasting your energy and wisdom under a socialist party. Come join pf and do great things

  2. Fred, I will forever appreciate all that I have learnt from you. Note that they are others acknowledging your efforts. Fred, you should never be discouraged. We have a duty to better this country. We don’t expect them to take care of us but their businesses. Snare and negative responses will not develop this country, This time, they should not get away

  3. So says One of the biggest tribalists……….

    With his post newspaper, membe destroyed alot of people and helped usher in the PF………..

    In his mind as kingmaker , member became one of the worst tribal bigots zambia has ever seen. ………

    That’s why he never talks about tribalism

  4. Yes, “GOD IS TO BE FEARED ABOVE ALL”. PF govt feared no God that iswhy they demanded for a permit from HH for him to attend church service at St. Joseph’s Catholic church in Ndola.

  5. Since when was this Demon of Lucifer a saint? Iwe chi Fred the devil knows you by name. We are suffering now because of you,we defaulted because of you. During your Post days you praised and helped usher in real thieves into government as they promised never to charge you tax. Which is an obligation even non employed Zambians pay tax, but you , with a highly profitable company you decided to evade,the money which was supposed to pay retirees, You Fred took it away, Money meant to buy medicines in Hosptitals-Fred took it away. Money meant for free education-Fred took it away. You evil idioooot-Shut up!

  6. If you believe anything Fred Mmembe says then i’ve got a nuclear powered aircraft carrier to sell to you for just $100 USD.

  7. Now Mmembe wants to use religion to recruit followers for his communist party. He must be really desperate.
    When did Mmembe ever speak the truth? His Post newspaper entertained a large audience in Zambia because it was full of lies. All stories were presented to favour Mmembe’s prejudices and political goals. The reporters were all scared of being fired so they toed Mmembe’s line. He was a tinpot tyrant. Thats why he went into political alliances with politicians; a taboo in journalism. Anyway as a fox politician editor he used the freedom of journalism for his own political ends. And people bought his lies

  8. comrade the truth hates they lied there way into state house they are being haunted by there own lies Ba fred you are sport on

  9. There is no sane person who has denounced King Fred as he puts it : For telling the Truth”. What is worrying is that our bro has lost the confidence and respect that he once commanded. His articles are always self contracting and its clear he has no principles as a politician. For King Fred to turn around his diminishing political fortunes, he should be bold enough to disband his Socialist Party (SP) and join UPND. and make meaningful contributions to the well being of mother Zambia. Who knows next time, he may become next President after HH. In Politics there are no permanent enemies but short and long term interest. Quoting verses from the Bible will not win you votes and not to forget SOCIALISM is was buried with collpase of Iron Curtain some years ago. Aikona King Fred just come…

  10. Ha little fleddie and his fat desk lawyers who tried to dupe dbz never mind unpaid taxes, airport taxes not remitted oh please ba some of you

  11. Mmembe will be paid alot of money for unlawful seizure of his post newspaper, he is already rich because the governmemnt will pay him back everything

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