Vice President, Mutale Nalumango, has commissioned the K4.6 million Sinyawagora rural health centre in Luangwa district and reaffirmed government’s determination to eliminate the inequalities existing between rural and urban areas in accessing healthcare services.
Mrs. Nalumango said it is important that citizens have equal access to quality healthcare services so that they can enjoy healthy and quality lives.
Speaking when commissioning the facility in senior chief Mburuma’s area, Mrs. Nalumango said government remains committed to attaining its developmental aspirations as outlined in the United Party for National Development (UPND) manifesto.
She said this can only be done with developmental partners such as Luangwa Child Development Agency which built the facility with financial support from ChildFund- New Zealand.
“We will continue promoting such partnerships that are aimed at improving the quality of life of our citizens because we want to truly work in unity to serve our people. It is through the spirit of unity that we are commissioning this facility here,” she said.
The Vice President has since commended Luangwa Child Development Agency and ChildFund for supplementing government efforts in improving the delivery of healthcare services.
Mrs. Nalumango stated that government is committed to providing relevant manpower and medicines to achieve universal health coverage.
She said the commissioning of the health facility is timely as it has come at a time when the government is recruiting over 11,000 health workers.
She advised people who are eligible to apply for the jobs.
“Though we have emphasised that people should be employed within their districts of residence, those who are eligible must take the first step by applying. You cannot be employed if you do not apply,” she said.
And Minister of Health, Sylvia Masebo, directed those involved in the recruitment of health workers to give priority to the qualified local people.
Mrs. Masebo advised those that have not yet applied for employment to take advantage of the three days extension to do so.
“We don’t want people from other districts to take up positions to disadvantage the local people as was in the past. We have seen such people get transfers shortly after being employed, a situation which denies the local people the required services,” she said.
She further announced that Luangwa district has achieved 62 percent vaccination of the eligible citizens in the Covid-19 vaccination campaign.
And Lusaka Province Minister, Sheal Mulyata, appealed to the Ministry of Health to ensure that the new facility is equipped with qualified health workers.
Mrs. Mulyata said Sinyawagora health centre provides healthcare services to a population of over 3,000 people.
Meanwhile, Child Fund Country Director, Simba Machingaidze, said the facility consists of a maternity wing, pharmacy, laboratory, screening rooms, male and female wards, mother and child wing among other units.
He disclosed that patients with complicated medical conditions had to cover a distance of over 24 kilometres to Katondwe mission hospital to access healthcare.
Mr. Machingaidze said some expectant mothers opted to deliver in their homes because the only health centre in the country did not have adequate equipment and space for maternal services.
He expressed concern that poor staffing has been a major challenge among health facilities that ChildFund has built in some parts of the country.
“This is so, especially in rural areas. We hope the ongoing recruitment of health workers will help address this concern,” he said.
Feira Constituency Member of Parliament, Emmanuel Tembo, said the construction of the health facility will reduce the travel costs to access healthcare services.
Mr. Tembo stated that Luangwa district has 400 health workers who are working on a voluntary basis.
He has therefore appealed to government to give priority to the local people in the recruitment of healthcare workers.
Your incompetent emotional minister masebo went on to bully and intimidate health professionals because she cannot take responsibility for her failures. F00lish