Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mongu DC disapproves the recruitment process of heath personnel


Mongu District Commissioner, Akabeswa Imasiku has disapproved the recruitment process of 142 health personnel by the human resource committee in the district.

Mr Imasiku said this during the media briefing at his office, saying the recruitment process has to be redone citing a lot of irregularities in the process.

The District Commissioner said the human resource committee has not followed the decentralization policy of considering the local applicants including those who were doing voluntary services with the clinics in the district.

Mr Imasiku said the human resource committee tasked to do the recruitment has disadvantaged the local residents adding that the province has been used on several times as an entry and exit points of civil servants.

He said currently the district has 41 positions in the education sector with people on payroll who are not working in the district but they are elsewhere.

And Mr Imasiku has, however, expressed happiness with the teacher recruitment as his office was fully engaged.


  1. The circus continues. On several occasions, the country was assured about how transparent and corruption free the recruitment process was going to be. However we now learning of a very disjointed process that will be questionable as long as it does not conform with some offices. Please do something correctly first time for once. Where was the DC when the process was ongoing?

  2. Your father who Bemba is a civil servant based in Mongu and you are a qualified teacher. So you have to go to Kasama to apply for the vacancy. Let’s be serious with issues.

  3. #3 Deja Vu – It neither make no sense to have a district full of teachers and nurses from other districts when local trained teachers and nurses have not be employed for years. That what happened under PF – relatives and cronies were employed all over the country without due regard for others in those areas. That is being corrected today and protest will, as expected from PF who are still employed under a civilised party – UPND.

  4. You said the PF were corrupt, so you were given what an environment without corruption looks like and now you cannot stomach it? so corruption to many is only bad when it is other perpetrating it?

  5. #4… you don’t seem to get it. So those Tonga people who are in Mansa must travel to their tribal land to get employment? Why do you people hate the bembas? This has nothing to do with the district but what tribe you are. There are Tongas in my province who decided to settle there after retirement…so you tell us just because his child is Malambo Haansele, they should travel to Monze to apply as teachers or nurses. Don’t forget that civil servants are transferred to any part of the country. Don’t evils. Don’t dig a grave before you die.

  6. We warned you about upnd. The recruitment promises are just a political gimmick. If you rely on getting a job from government under upnd you’ll die of hunger. You have been warned

  7. We can not have a situation in kasama where………..

    Nurses and teachers are roaming the streets in kasama unemployed, while……..

    Teachers and nurses from southern or Lusaka province fill vacancies there………

  8. We can not have a situation in chipata where ……….

    Teachers and nurses are unemployed, while vacancies in chipata are filled by teachers and nurses from monze or pemba……..

    Simply unacceptable……….

    Same with CFD funding , we can not have priority for local contracts that overlooks local contractors for those out side the provinces……….

    Simply unacceptable……….

  9. That’s why KK never posted these officials to there home district or province. One from Northern province would serve in Western province etc

  10. We can not have a situation in chipata where ……….

    Teachers and nurses are unemployed, while vacancies in chipata are filled by teachers and nurses from mon.ze or……..

    Simply unacceptable……….

    Same with CFD funding , we can not have priority for local contracts that overlooks con.tractors for those out side the provinces……….

    Simply unacceptable……….

  11. Simply unacceptable……….

    Same with CFD funding , we can not have priority for local contracts that overlooks con.tractors for those out side the provinces……….

    Simply unacceptable……….

  12. To correct legacy wrongs , like ……….

    Years of PF tribalism and marginalisim of some tribes………..

    Some actions to correct this tribalism might seem extreme to some , like giving locals a chance at jobs………..

  13. De ja Vu …………

    What would you say if nurses and teachers in kasama are left unemployed, only………..

    to find the vacancies there are filled with applicants from southern or Lusaka provinces ??????

  14. #12 For your information people in Luapula province have not complained on who’s being recruited. A chid to one in-law to my friend who is a Lozi has been enrolled. The man works for the imigration dept and the wife works for Mansa General Hospital.
    We saw it we who have experience with you people. You hate bembas with passion. But we shall not hate back, we shall always give you the other cheek.

  15. Does the government have money to pay new workers or its a plan to delay the process so that it can find money? Next time dont promise what you can not fulfill. What thousand what thousand in words only. Look at CDF funds story, nilyashi yakwakaleya mateyo kapena vishimi. Please just say the truth, we are all Zambians and we know that politics is about lies for you to win.

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