Saturday, July 27, 2024

I don’t own land in the controversial Lusaka East Forest Reserve No. 27-Vice President


Republican Vice President Mutale Nalumango has denied suggestions that she owns land in the controversial Lusaka East Forest Reserve No. 27.

Lusaka East Forest Reserve No. 27 is said to be the only public protected area and large natural green space in the immediate proximity of Zambia’s capital city, Lusaka.

It is not very clear how several people acquired plots within the reserve area.

Featuring on the first edition of the revived Frank Talk Show on ZNBC TV on Thursday night, Mrs Nalumango said she does not own any property within Forest Number 27.

She was responding to a question from activist and singer Maiko Zulu who was part of the Frank Talk Show audience.

Mr. Zulu wanted to find out whether Mrs Nalumango owns property in Forest 27 and whether the UPND government will fulfill its promise of restoring Forest 27 as a reserve area.

The Republican Vice President condemned the de-gazetting of Forest 27 and the allocation of plots in the reserve area.

“De-gazetting forest 27, I will start by saying no sir I don’t have not even when I was in government as a minister did get land unfortunately even straight from government. Whatever little piece of land we have we bought from individuals who had titles. So personally you said I am, I don’t know whether I am honest but I am truthful (laughs) because you can choose to define words. No, I own no property and I don’t think it was done in good faith,” Mrs. Nalumango said.

She said the allocation of plots in the forest was a drawback as Zambia and the world fights climate change.

“Colleagues you don’t, today with all the issues to do with climate change to start with which is affecting us so negatively and affecting the world. Why? And you see that many people who are in Forest 27, I have no concrete evidence but you will find that these are people who own land elsewhere too. How selfish, how selfish. It was not done in the public interest. It is wrong. It was wrong to de-gazette Forest 27 and like I said there is law but law was made by man,” Mrs. Nalumango said.

She said citizens should allow the law to prevail over the issue of allocating plots in Forest 27.

“We are still struggling with how we handle this. If Zambians understood that there is no malice in what we are doing. We should bring down this and allow the law, the right law. This was wrong sir (Maiko Zulu) and I am passionate about that. I don’t care who is there (Forest 27) they may be my relatives, you were wrong to do what you did,” Mrs. Nalumango said.

The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources last September halted all development projects taking place at Lusaka East Forest Reserve No. 27.

This was in order for the New Dawn government to find out how plots were acquired within the reserve area.

Lands and Natural Resources Minister Elijah Muchima instructed the director of the commission of lands to take stock of all activities that have been happening at the forest reserve.

Mr. Muchima expressed sadness over the amount of land that has been taken up for development in Lusaka East Forest Reserve No. 27 which is also called Chalimbana system recharge area.

Local Government and Rural Development Minister Garry Nkombo who was with Mr. Muchima at the time said the government will ensure it protects the recharge area in order to help people around Chalimbana and Chongwe river areas.

Meanwhile, when the UPND was in opposition Mr. Nkombo promised that after forming Government the UPND would restore Forest 27 as a reserve area.


  1. We know KZ has plots which he allocated. They are big just like the size of his head. I miss Ms kz once he is jailed she will come for servicing. I miss her eyes twalipitapo kale bwangu

  2. Lungus looting was not only financial and moral …………

    He over saw the looting of forests , gameparks……..nothing was sacred

  3. This ugly black kermit the frog looking woman is a big liar. That is why my very sharp brother munir zulu recently undressed her in parliament and showed our corrupt she is. She is involved in the upnd fertiliser corruption scandal and is protecting criminals.

    Hatembo which woman can you service with that little thing in between your legs that you inherited from your father.

  4. We all know that the de-gazzetting of Forest 27 by the corrupt Lazy Lungu was not only wrong and corrupt but immoral this should be an incentive to completely close it off and move in bull-dozers with the Forestry Dep to replant trees in there. What we are seeing is simply delaying tactics by this govt and passing the buck to the Lands Ministry. HH7 needs to reverse the de-gazzetting of that area …same with Lower Zambezi stop dragging your feet as no one will take you seriously at your Climate Change talkshops you attend.

  5. Mutale Nalumango you and HH7 can not sit there and wash your hands off it and say we dont have plots in there…why dont you tell all your MPs to give their plots in there if you are serious about climate change? Time for talking is over this is the same with purchase of NRDC land which holds an aquifer that is a recharge for ground water in the capital…HH7 was against this deal with the Chinese but he has not said anything now he is in govt.

  6. All ministers are given peices of land by the state where they can build a retirement home to dignify their service as they wait for their state funerals. Forest 27 was degazetted by following all procedures with presidential signature as expected appended. THESE CURRENT MINISTERS WILL ALSO BE GIVEN LAND LIKE ANY OTHER FORMER MINISTER without application or lobbying but as an entitlement. Dr kaundas house and Inonges house are in Forest 27 and there were dozens of FORMER ministers residing there already before the remaining piece of land was degazetted. JACK MWIIMBU IN NHIS CAPACITY AS LEADER OF OPPOSITION WAS GIVEN A PLOT AT FOREST 27 AND HAS STARTED BUILDING HIS HOUSE. DOES THE PRESENCE OF MWIIMBU IN THAT AREA NOT CONFIRM UPND PRESENCE? This whole thing is about GARRY NKOMBO AND…

  7. Garry Nkombo is desperate for presidency of Zambia in the near future. He planted his Nephew Kayumba at State House to monitor HH and gather intelligence daily. Nkombo is an officer of the Office of the President ,Special division FACT. He is trying hard to ensure HH is disliked by the public through Demolition of buildings that add to the GDP of Zambia and through other deliberate controversial schemes such as the Kachasu saga. At Forest 27, Nkombo is out to humiliate, mock, ridicule , pour vendetta and manage his political insecurities and future competition by targeting certain former ministers who have Presidential potential such as Chitalu Chilufya, Davies Chama, Edify Hamukale and Brian Mundubile . Nkombo collects money from applicants in UPND during adoption in millions of…

  8. UPND shu shu shu – where in the constitution does it say every minister shall be given prime land? So what if Garry has ambitions to aspire for higher it wrong? This is why you end up with leadership vacuum at the top in African countries.

  9. Hatembo did your wlfe lie to you that I only paid her k30? She is keeping a whole of money from you.

  10. I’m sure Maiko zulu was mistaken it’s not the current veep but the previous veep who has a plot in forest 27. Being the greedy and corrupt old hag that she was .


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