Saturday, July 27, 2024

We will not halt the fight against corruption-Nalumango


Vice President Mutale Nalumango says Government will continue to fight against corruption to have a better society.

Mrs. Nalumango says the fight is not political rhetoric but a genuine one that every citizen should support.

She says corruption denies citizens access to quality services and better livelihood.

Mrs.Nalumango has since urged the public service workers to uphold integrity, accountability, and professionalism.

The vice President said when she officiated at the 2022 Africa Public Service Day Commemorations at East Park in Lusaka today.

Mrs. Nalumango urged public service workers to embrace technology and innovations to quickly respond to emergencies, and disasters.

Zambia Congress of Trade Union Representative (ZCTU) Cosmas Mukuka  said the public service should play a pivotal role in supporting and facilitating the achievement of the National nutritional needs.

Meanwhile, Acting Secretary to Cabinet Patrick Kangwa said the public service has been labeled as corrupt, irresponsible, and unprofessional by many but that not all public service workers are in that category.

Mr. Kangwa warned that bad officers in the public service will be rooted out and dealt with accordingly following cabinet directives.


  1. Pursue them relentlessly………….

    Nomatter what tribe, colour or party the majority of the theives belonged to………..

    Nomatter matter how loud the beneficiaries of corruption try to drag tribes into this fight……………

    The new dawn GRZ will not relent……..

  2. Fuseke you were called out by my young brother in parliament, for shielding your upnd friends who are involved in the fertiliser corruption scandal. Go to hell

  3. Iwe #1 commenter Nazo Nkhani you mean PF and Lungu never had a selective fight against corruption either? You’re either idi0tic and/or naive.

  4. “Mrs. Nalumango says the fight is not political rhetoric but a genuine one that every citizen should support.”

    Of course its political rhetoric because no big fish has been arrested and sentencec, even the fast track courts are a joke.

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