Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kitwe DC, Slag dump management working to ease traffic congestion


Kitwe District Commissioner, Lawrence Mwanza, says his office and the Black Maintain Community Consortium will consider reducing the number of trucks loading at the slag dump (Black Mountain) every day in a bid to reduce traffic congestion on the Kitwe-Kalulushi road.

This decision follows complaints from residents of Kitwe and Kalulushi about the traffic congestion on the road caused by the trucks ferrying material from the black mountain to the processing companies.

Mr Mwanza said there are over 300 trucks using the road every day.

He noted that the problem is compounded by the numerous trucks heading to the Kasumbalesa border that use the same road, adding to the trucks from the black mountain.

“The quick solution there is the one that we have been working on. We have managed to find a route behind Mopani for the trucks carrying the slag from the black mountain, so if we take away all those trucks at the back, we will be easing up the route but we still have a challenge with the numerous trucks entering Kitwe enroute to Kasumbalesa,” he said.

He explained that the government is actively looking for a lasting solution to the challenge of constant congestion on the road, which he said is inconveniencing many other motorists.

And Mr. Mwanza has said the government will soon work on the Chibuluma-Kalulushi road which he said is also contributing to the traffic congestion because of its poor state.

The mining operations at the black mountain have continued to be the cause of traffic congestion both in Kitwe town and on the Kitwe- Chibuluma road.

Residents of Kitwe and Kalulushi using the road to go for work and back home have complained about the congestion saying it is becoming difficult for them to get to their various destinations on time.

There have also been cases of thefts from motor vehicles especially around St. Anthony compound as vehicles move slowly due to the traffic jams.


  1. The entire Kitwe police has been deployed to maintain order at a road crossing. Meanwhile the burglars have a nice time breaking into our houses.

  2. Lawrence Mwanza is a suspected beneficiary of the Mountain. He ignored calls to involve other stakeholders to plan for the activities of the Black Mountain miners. The 30% is almost finished and the youths who were said to be empowered have empty pockets. Don’t take people for granted. As a Presidential appointee your actions must be measured. The youths of Kitwe have been betrayed and it won’t be without consequences. You’ll meet them in August 2026. UPND is an empty shell, it has no grassroots.

  3. Pollution and damage mwebantu. The city will become as dark as coal. These are the trucks you should have taxed for roads and the use the money to maintain cirt of Kitwe roads

  4. KKKKKK just give them time to ferry their mechandize like when all the working class people have passed through and gone for work that is when they can start using the road and again when knocking off trucks should stop moving to give again way to those who are knocking off whilest you are looking for a solution because the answer will not come now because there is no money.

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