Saturday, July 27, 2024

Digitalized National Registration Card Training commences in Muchinga


Government has commenced the Integrated National Registration Information System (INRIS) end user training in Muchinga Province.

Mpika District Commissioner, David Siame says the training will equip officers with knowledge on the implementation of the Digitalized National Registration Card (NRC) system.

Mr. Siame was speaking in a speech read for him by Mpika District Administrative Officer, Bwalya Kaniki during the opening of the training for INRIS end users in the province.

He further said the purpose of the training is to equip officers in the province under the Department of National Registration, Passport and Citizenship on the use of the Integrated National Registration System (INRIS).

Mr. Siame said the manual and paper-based system of the current National Registration Card (NRC) system has proved to be easy for foreigners and ineligible persons to register as Zambian citizens.

“With the INRIS, there will be a national identity number issued at birth as opposed to when a citizen is 16 years old,” said Mr. Siame.

And Muchinga Principal Registration Officer, Alice Mwape said despite the old system having served well since independence, it has a lot of challenges which include duplications.

Ms. Mwape has urged the officers undergoing training to ensure that they acquire knowledge required on the operations of the new system as they prepare to start the registration process in the province.

“You are the ones who will be operating this system, hence it is of great importance that you pay attention and acquire the necessary knowledge,” said Ms. Mwape.

She added that government has set a tone of development for the next five years hence officers should ensure that they execute accordingly.


  1. Redo thank you, we did our best. Now watch the upnd use this our project to their advantage. Th3y willl implement this only in pf stronghold and leave their strongholds with manual paper system as that allows them to give nrc to many of their ineligible supporter for the next election

  2. Isnt the Digitalisation of the NRC a national project to be coordinated centrally and premised on wide consultation and advocacy before a pilot can be launched in a location like Mpika? What is outlined above sounds like an small trial and error project that is not well thought-out nor connected to a broader national strategy.

  3. Idyots!! It will take fcking 5 years to register just 5 million NRCs.
    These idyots failed even to employ 3000 teachers, svckers can’t count.

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