Saturday, July 27, 2024

Serving UPND officials in Govt portfolios urged to be thankful – President Hichilema


President Hakainde Hichilema has reminded government officials including ministers and permanent secretaries serving in his administration that they are in those positions because of sacrifices of the zambian people.

The President says it is important for government officials to be selfless in the discharge of their duties so as to respect and honour the hard work and sacrifices of others who might not have had the opportunity to serve in government.

Mr Hichilema was speaking at the Natala family Ranch in Lubombo area of Mazabuka district Southern Province at the first memorial service of the late prominent farmer and member of the UPND presidential campaign team, Gladstone Natala who passed away last year on June 30th at the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

“Let me now address the party (UPND) and government officials. How often do we forget that you are in those positions because of sacrifices of others such as the late Mr. Natala? The freedom struggle would not have been won if these people did not do their part,” President Hichilema reminded.

Mr. Hichilema who described the late Mr. Natala as a hardworking and fearless party mobilizer, advised those that have remained to always work for the good of the people.

The President has committed himself to attend to memorial services for former party officials and others who once served in government.

“Yes, I have heard about many who died and I pledge to attend their memorial services,” he said.

Speaking earlier, Family spokesperson, Costern Chilala urged the Head of State to address the injustices suffered by some ethnic grouping at the hands of the former ruling party, some of whom lost jobs and business contracts simply because of their tribal belonging.

Mr. Chilala however thanked the President for his tireless effort to reunite the country without ethnic considerations.

And Southern Province Minister, Cornelius Mweetwa remembers the late Mr. Natala as a selfless man who contributed much to the growth of the UPND as a Party.

The President is in Southern Province for various engagements and is tomorrow expected to grace the Lwiindi Gonde traditional ceremony in Monze district.


  1. Even MMD ,UNIP and the stinky unPatriotic Front did that too. So let’s wait for the attack from that UK based hypocrite impostor .

  2. How can they be thankful when they are plotting to resign due to your obsessive nature with power, and your micromanagement.

  3. Yes be thankful that HH has brought back Zambia’s GDP health ,forex reserves and investors to secure all Zambian jobs. Lazy Lungu was doing the opposite.

  4. Enka I will kill you because even the King of Belgium killed Africans too. Does that make any sense?

  5. all tonga’s must thank their ka tonga god ( hh) for fixing Bemba’s and Njanja’s . ., wenyo!

  6. “Speaking earlier, Family spokesperson, Costern Chilala urged the Head of State to address the injustices suffered by some ethnic grouping at the hands of the former ruling party, some of whom lost jobs and business contracts simply because of their tribal belonging.” That their is UPND’s agenda.. Return their tribal dominance

  7. Truth be told, people who get jobs by way of political appointments shouldn’t think they are above the rest. Can they win elections on their own without some of us? President shouldn’t also spend too much time on ceremonies of pagan rituals & memorials of the dead. What benefits accrue from such to the majority apart from some chaps doing crazy stuff in the bushes!

  8. Indeed, serving UPND members, Ministers and other Govt Officers, must be thankful to HH. The Easterners and Northerners (including Luapulans) merely helped HH get his Republican Presidency. Alas! Imagine that even Mambwe District where 5 Chiefdoms belong to the Chulu clan, and which has a UPND MP, but Judge Chulu has to suffer a trail of vengeful punitive measures. This current scenario means that it is automatic for Tongas to benefit, This message is targeted to non-Tongas (i.e. Kajoba, Kasanda, Mary Chirwa etc) to be thankful to HH. However, their glory of privileges is short-lived and is to last for up to 4 years and 2- months from now. Thereafter, the “lucky” non-Tonga beneficiaries will soon relocate into the streets of misery after 2026.

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