Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema to officiate at Zambian Diaspora Conference in Livingstone


President Hakainde Hichilema is expected to officiate at the Zambian Diaspora Conference to be held from July 6 to 8, 2022 in Livingstone.

Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Relations, Stanley Kakubo said President Hichilema will open the conference that will provide a platform to government and the Zambian diaspora to engage and chart a new path for collaboration.

In a press statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Mr Kakubo said President Hichilema in his many interactions with nationals abroad has underscored the importance of involving the Zambian diaspora in national development.

“President Hichilema is of the firm belief that the country should tap into the enormous potential of the Zambian diaspora, which includes entrepreneurial, professional and technical skills and innovations among others,” said Mr Kakubo.

The Foreign Affairs minister said the Head of State has since directed government to effectively respond to the needs of the Zambian Diaspora.

The Zambian Diaspora Conference is being convened with the support of government and will be held under the theme “Shifting mind-sets to ignite growth”.

The Conference is expected to bring various stakeholders from multilateral institutions, the Corporate world, academia, and entrepreneurs.


  1. Haha those upnd diasporans are suffering their abroad and would like us to think that they are living their best lives. Majority are toilet cleaners or doing menial jobs so what technical skills can they give us? Let us be serious for once. Diasporans by their nature have given up on their own country and have given allegiance to their imperialists. If you think relying on the likes of tarino, spaka and the other ignorant f00ls will bring development then you are more f00Iish than i thought

    • Engineer wapa lusaka times yet you cleaning old people there abroad. During our 10 years we delivered on our promise of infrastructure development, how could you know when you holed up in your imperialist land. All you do is read biased news by your imperialist which is meant to make you hate and lose confidence in Africans. Hate yourself you f00l

    • Iwe mwaiche Kambwanga Kaizar Zulu, leko kutukana ba diaspora insele. Do you know how much Zambia receives per year in remittances from the diaspora? Millions. Extremely ignorant iwe mwaiche iwe. You and Lungu belong behind bars, instead of running your mouth here on LT. You and Lungu antagonized the diaspora during your corrupt reign of terror, and that was part of the reason why you lost election. Ba kabwalala imwe.

  2. Hahaha….KZ chipuba/funny. I have built an empire ku Ngombe. My relatives have started businesses with the same toilet cleaners/BBC money from UK. It adds up, regardless, be it youre an accountant, cleaner….. Its money!!!

  3. Ba Kaisa the former toilet and ward cleaner at Chelston clinic. Today you want to look down on diasporans cleaning ppl buts and toilets, when you are a true definition of Jack to a King.

    • I am proud to have served my community at Chelstone in the lab, but one thing i would never do is leave my country to go clean toilets in another country. Have some pride haha

  4. Ba Kaizar Zulu. You just a big crying child. I would rather clean the toilets than stealing from poor
    Zambians. Through thefts you are now boasting and still have guards to keep on insulting and beating up poor women and native Zambians. Go back to Malawi before we carry out plans to shut your mouth. You are very lack that you have taken advantage of this weak gouvernement who keep tolerating your dirty words and give you a platform of insulting them.

    • Sorry you feel that way Sam. Seek therapy and stop stressing yourself over my humble success. Go and stress mr ndambo. Twalumba ba sir.

  5. You make fun of yourself Kaizar Zulu You are not successfull. But just a simple thief
    who gained money under the PF maffias. But I must warn you to stop insulting and to stop
    harrasing Zambians.

    • My success annoys you, is that not weird? You are suffering from mental health issues. Go and see a French doctor. They have some crazy doctors there for crazy African sell outs like you. No one forced you to run away to whlte man’s land. I stayed suffered and made something out of the little I had. You on other hand ended up a nobody, a mere blogger with no status. My friend fuseke from here!

  6. Mr Editor, I think this website is also read by kids. I therefore, do not understand why Kaizer Zulu and his uncouth, vulgar language has not been banned from posting. Please comment sir.

    • Mention one uncouth thing I have said on this article. You are just a biased frustrated upnd cadre. I will pray for you.

  7. Kaizer Zulu is exemplifying the snobbish attitude that keeps so many Zambians in poverty. They would rather steal or beg than work for their money. They find it demeaning to earn a decent wage cleaning toilets but honourable to be thieves and beggars.

  8. Kayisa doesn’t know that toilet cleaning is a big business in the western world ask Tasila Lungu. So is home health. It’s different from the toilet cleaning you were doing at Chelston Clinic for a monthly salary. I could tell that you hated the job at the clinic from the way you used to treat and talk to patients. Always angry for no reason. Just because you sit on that unearned high chair, you think you are all that.

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