Thursday, January 16, 2025

Traditional leadership demand a portion of the CDF


Senior chief Kalilele of Mushindamo district has advised government to consider allocating a percentage of the constituency development fund (CDF) to chiefdoms.

Senior chief Kalilele says as traditional leadership throughout the country champion development in their respective chiefdoms, it is only reasonable that government allocates a portion of the CDF to the structures.

Senior chief Kalilele said this during this year’s Chibuye Makalakala traditional ceremony of the Lamba people under chief Mulonga in Mushindamo district yesterday.

“This money which has come for the constituency, we appeal that part of it should be given to us because our chiefdoms are not developed”, he said.

The traditional leader added that he is aware that CDF should be channeled towards developmental projects and hence the need to allow traditional leaders have a stipulated amount from CDF that can be used to develop their chiefdoms.

” If we can get some money from CDF as traditional leaders, we can then use it to construct or rehabilitate palaces and offices to modern structures”, he said.

And , North western province Minister, Robert Lihefu, who graced the ceremony said government has already shown determination in developing communities across the country by increasing CDF.

Mr Lihefu said since CDF is disbursed through local councils across the country, traditional leaders should have a say in how CDF is utilised in their localities.

“As you may be aware, the fund is disbursed through local councils. This allows our traditional leaders to participate and represent their chiefdoms as they are councillors who sit in council meetings”, he said.

Meanwhile, Solwezi East Member of Parliament, Alex Katakwe said the traditional leaders should have a say in matters relating to CDF as the funds are channeled towards development of communities within their chiefdoms.

Dr Katakwe said Parliament is in the process of reviewing CDF guidelines and the plea by the traditional will be presented as debates continue in Parliament.

“Our royal highness, let me take this opportunity to inform you that the full CDF guidelines are not yet released as reviews are still ongoing”, he said


  1. Cdf is being used as a conduit for upnd to steal milli0ns. Look at how rich garry has become overnight. Spending milli0ns on his daughters wedding

  2. Who is this man called Quarry. Are we raising and promoting another mental disarrogate
    again to the likes of William Banda or to the likes of Kaizar Zulu.
    When can we be freed from this selfish and unsympathetic animals, who never care eve if children are eating and sleeping from the streets. Yet they swim in millions of money at the expense of poor Zambia. Is he also going to claim to have gain millions by starting with one cow like HH or by having a father who owned mines like Lusambo or by starting selling beans like GBM. Let’s be honest ? The Copperbelt and many towns in Zambia have become a ghost province due to thefts from these people. Yet Zambians still primitively clap and sing for them. Shame. Somehow, Kaizar Zulu must be telling the truth. Is Quarry another product of…

  3. CDF for chiefdoms my foot. Arent these fat or skinny useless witches already funded through the Government. Infact they get paid from GRZ already – on other hand, CDF is for someone who is not on GRZ payroll, someone without direct benefits from Gov. So for this moron of a chief to come out here and expose his stupidity is utterly disgusting. How will roads,schools, clinics be developed is money is channeled to modernising a useless chiefdom?

  4. The guidlines of CDF are very very clear and that is “CDF is for capacity building/production, and not consumption”. Building a palace to stupid chiefs like this one above, is consumption, therefore this ka chief must himself apply elsewhere where there is a budget for consumption.Not pali CDF. Infact to be specific, CDF was designed for the youths only.But few madalas can chip in but they must not be made comfortable with youth funds.

  5. These traditional leaders are very lazy chaps who just depend on handouts. They should be ashamed and the government is partly to blame for encouraging such nonsense. Are these leaders or beggars ?

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