Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nakacinda laughs of calls to have Former President Lungu’s benefits withdrawn


Patriotic Front (PF) Chairperson for Information and Publicity Raphael Nakacinda has laughed off threats by the New Dawn Administration to strip former president Edgar Lungu off of his benefits.

Following the remarks that president Lungu made when PF MPs went to pay solidarity to his wife Esther Lungu, Justice Minister Mulambo Haimbe threatened that government will take the said action claiming that the former president is still politically active.

But Hon Nakacinda said the continued poking of president Lungu by President Hakainde Hichilema and the UPND goes to undermine the Head of State’s capability to govern the country peacefully.

He said this when he addressed the media in Lusaka today.

“I want to address Mr Hakainde Hichilema as my elder brother. The bembas say mwikala patalala mwine apatalalika. Your continued poking of the former Head of State only goes to undermine your capability to govern this country peacefully,” he said.

“These little boys that are excited being in offices as ministers and so on like Haimbe are actually being used by external forces to undermine your office. President Hakainde Hichilema, the Patriotic Front and its members and all those that are supporters of president Edgar Lungu and supporters of the opposition political parties have nothing to lose.”

Hon Nakacinda also said there is nothing to write home about the so called benefits. He charged that the country has not fully dignified the office of our former Head of State.

“You are the one that is in office. You are the one that has a greater responsibility to be able to use a high standard in your judgement in dealing with the citizens including the former Head of State. To suggest that you can strip off the so-called benefits, first of all, there is nothing to write home about benefits, whether its financially or otherwise,” he said.

“This country has not fully dignified the office of our former Head of State in terms of benefits that you can talk about. So there is nothing really there to take away. The only thing I can advise is, like they say, you can defend a lion that is caged but the moment you open the cage, the lion will defend itself.”

“President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has respected your Presidency from the time he left the inauguration at Heroes Stadium. He has constantly stayed at home. He has even minimized his movements to give you enough space for you to govern this country,” he said.

“You are the one who continues through your surrogates like Haimbe who continue to poke him out of his house. We advise, stop that nonsense.”
he said


  1. Yaba! I didnt know sense could come out of Nakacinda’s mouth. What is making him so wise all of a sudden?

    • Just listen to this: The only thing I can advise is, like they say, you can defend a lion that is caged but the moment you open the cage, the lion will defend itself.” Kikikikikiki

  2. All we can do is laugh at these f00Is in upnd. They are scared of ecl. Ask yourself why they don’t ever want him back on the political scene

  3. We have said time and time again ,……..

    Lungu without political violence and state marchinary can not win even chawama MP at this stage…………..

    GRZ are investigating embezzlement of state money on an industrial scale under lungu………..

    Lungu will be in courts soon, sooner than you think……………

    The net is closing on him and his murderous theiving gang of looters………..

  4. Spaka don’t expose your ignorance what happened to DPP the whole issue has gone quite don’t mess with Constitutional issues

    • It’s you who is ignorant……….

      You have no idea how this new GRZ works………..

      Soon the new capacity of crime enforcement to fight and prosecute will be there for all to see……

    • Ba Angoni it seems you are the only one bit aware DPP is facing JCC with recent gymnastics. It is better to resign than to be fired watch that space closely

  5. The sooner this govt wakes up the shouldnt threaten to withdraw Lazy Lungu’s benefits just do it, the man has never offically stepped down and PF has no President..the lazy bum is just cooling off come 2026 he will stand

  6. Wait for treason charges also. Antonyo Mwanza is on record telling the then president not to accept defeat. Go ahead and say what you really want to say, which that you have a small army of cadres and you are about unleash them. That is threatening national security and treasonous also.

  7. — Remove his immunity NOW! —
    Big lessons to any one who intends to run the presidency like a circus. What did president Lungu do when he discovered that huge amounts of money were being deposited in banks?
    While the economy was in the doldrums, Lungu enhanced his portfolio by leaps and bounds, from about K1 million to more than K20 million in 17 months. What magic did he use?

  8. Spaka you are ignorant it’s not about the new dawn government but laws that are in place which can’t be changed to suit people like you

  9. You can laugh off all you can, but Chagwa agwa kudala, once he is caged you will transition from laughing off to wailing like tubaana tumtoto sure. And looking at Lungu as he addressed that goon of PF *****s, his face is all bloated and he looked wholly tanked on cheap Jameson Whisky! It’s like following those old buses with tags “Dont follow me I’m also lost”, this is what “Nakanyenga” is doing following that alcoholic thieving SoB called Chagwa.

  10. Why don’t we let former presidents retire quietly. Next it will be HH to be harassed even to the extent of trying to “repossess” Community House. All presidents commit wrongs in the process of doing their duties just like we ordinary workers do at our workplaces.

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