Saturday, July 27, 2024

No Joy at 2022 CAF Awards for Coach Bruce and Grace


The 2022 CAF Awards held in Rabat, Morocco on Thursday night did not favour the Zambian duo that made the final honours shortlist.

Shepolopolo Zambia coach Bruce Mwape and midfielder Grace Chanda both returned to camp in Casablanca empty-handed from the awards gala held on the sidelines of the 2022 Women’s AFCON Morocco is staging from July 2-23.

Despite steering Zambia to the 2020 Olympics last July as Africa lone representatives in Tokyo, Bruce Mwape lost the CAF Women’s Coach of the Year award to incumbent Desiree Ellis of South Africa who also beat his side to the July 23 WAFCON final where Banyana will play host Morocco on July 23.

Interestingly, Mwape beat Ellis for third place at the 2021 COSAFA Cup last October that Shepolopolo won 4-3 on post-match penalties after a 1-1 draw.

And in the player category, Chanda lost the CAF Women’s Payer of the Year Award to another incumbent.

Nigerian striker Asisat Oshoala retained her accolade.

But Oshoala will not be in Friday’s third place playoff against Zambia in Casablanca after withdrawing from the 2022 WAFCON in the group stage due to injury.

She did not even score a goal in the WAFCON qualifiers after an injury plagued season that she highlighted in her award acceptance speech.

Furthermore, Oshoala also missed Nigeria’s 2022 WAFCON final round qualifier in February against Cote d’Ivoire in February due to injury.


  1. I’m surprised some people thought Zambia would win anything there. Winning with CAF is not about how good you are but about which country you come from. They robbed Zambia in the WAFCON semi with South Africa, robbed Christopher Katongo when they withdrew the local player award then gave it to Abutreker of Egypt, etc. Our FAZ is too weak to speak out

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