Saturday, July 27, 2024

Masebo counsels pharmacists to stop issuing drugs without prescriptions


Minister of Health, Sylvia Masebo has called on pharmacists in the country to be professional and stop issuing drugs without prescriptions.

Ms Masebo noted with concern that there is misuse of anti-biotics drugs hence the need for patients to get prescriptions from health facilities.

She observed that when people are not given antibiotics at the hospital they resort to private pharmacies.

ZANIS reports that Ms Masebo said this today when she officiated at the ReAct Africa Conference which is being attended by health specialists from different countries.

Ms Masebo is however optimistic that through the conference, many solutions will be found with regards to antibiotics.

And speaking at the same event, ReAct Africa Director, Mirifin Mpundu said the objective of the meeting is to improve awareness and understanding of antimicrobial resistance through effective communications, education and training.

The conference is being held under the theme, “African’s response to antimicrobial resistance: accelerating one health national action plan implementation for the next five years.”

Meanwhile, Minister of Health, Sylvia Masebo says the country has recorded 66 COVID-19 cases from the 1, 217 tests conducted in the last 24 hours, representing a national positivity rate of five percent.

Ms Masebo said the country did not record any COVID-19 related deaths in the last 24 hours.

She explained that the cases are from 17 districts across 8 provinces saying that Northern and Southern Provinces did not record any new cases.

Ms Masebo further said about 186 discharges were made from both home and health facilities.

The minister said this during the COVID-19 update in Lusaka today.

She disclosed that there are currently 1,429 active COVID-19 cases country wide, adding that 15 are currently admitted with seven on oxygen and one in a critical condition.

Meanwhile, Ms Masebo has expressed happiness that currently the number of people receiving the first doze of COVID-19 vaccine has increased.

She noted that Central Province has officially crossed the 70 percent national vaccination target followed by Copperbelt with 53 percent coverage.


  1. There are ways of monitoring the drugs put out by any pharmacy. Prescriptions are archived by the pharmacy and can be checked against the drugs in stock

    • But who’s supposed to inspect these issued against surrendered prescriptions…. I am sure there people employed for this but as usual they want to operate from the offices m

  2. Police CIDs should have been tasked to go to these Pharmacies and most importantly; those owned and run by Indians to pretend, they are patients needing medicines especially – antibiotics. I can tell you, ALL those pharmacies could be SHUT for good.


  4. We have lived without prescriptions since evolution , what are you trying to achieve. It is bad enough doctors ; don’t make medicine harder to access.
    If nurses who run clinics can prescribe , then even pharmacists should.

  5. its difficult to find a solution to such until we change our corrupt mentality . Ministry of Health , ZRA and ZAMRA are the chief culprits . They have formed cartels with these indians .

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