Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH warns Heads of Quasi government institutions to avoid extravagance in their expenditures


President Hakainde Hichilema has called on Heads of Quasi government institutions to avoid extravagance in their expenditures and always put the interests of Zambians first as it is for them whom they are employed to serve.

President Hichilema said Quasi government institutions have an obligation to improve the lives of the Zambian people through the services they provide and has tasked the Heads to explore ways in which they can reduce unnecessary expenditure and channel funds to other areas that they could develop.”

He said this in Lusaka yesterday during the Special Meeting for Heads of Quasi Government institutions and Statutory bodies held in Lusaka under the theme: working together towards a common purpose.

“There is too much extravagance in government sectors. please ensure to be cost effective and stop placing value on material things. you can drive that car that you found. you don’t need to buy a new GX, ” he said

Some of the expenses incurred in the institutions could be avoided and funds channeled to other areas of priority such as investment in infrastructure development that could help the country generate extra income.

“When you go back to your stations, go and look at ways in which costs can be saved from expenses and the money channeled to other sectors that will help the country generate revenue instead of investing in consumption. be conscious to ensure that in your interactions you create jobs for the people of Zambia, ” he said.

The Head of State sighted the construction of the Kazungula one stop border post as one of the infrastructural developments that are generating income for the country adding that the infrastructure could be replicated to other boarders, such as the Mpulungu Harbour, which he said is in a bad state.

He further urged the Heads of institutions to ensure that they create an enabling environment for the private sector and job creation so as to contribute to the reduction of poverty in the country.

President Hichilema suggested that rules governing service delivery should be moderated for quicker service delivery in areas like land titling, tender procedures and issuance of operating licenses to help create an enabling environment for the private sector to grow.

“ Tender procedure rules can be amended to make the process faster and more effective. take a look at the tender rules and see how they can be amended to open business to other Zambians, ” he added.

Meanwhile Zambia National Commercial Bank ZANACO Chief Executive Officer Mukwandi Chibesakunda said the meeting is a very welcome idea as it helps to create an environment for ease of doing business, no corruption and valuable service delivery.

Ms. Mukwandi disclosed that ZANACO has identified some solutions that will demonstrate their commitment to improve the lives of Zambians in response to the President’s call, especially in the mortgage space.

“First of all I would like to congratulate our president for having come up with this idea of meeting various stakeholders. we have been informed that this the 4th session that has been held, which is for the Quasi government institutions and the whole idea is to come together and meet at an intersection to ensure that we deliver a Zambia that has the proper ease of doing business, no corruption and be able to deliver in an agile way” she said.

According to the Republican President on his Twitter , the aim of yesterday’s meeting with heads of department and statutory bodies and parastatals is to remove barriers that hinder business, among others.

“Our goal is to quickly break down barriers that make it difficult for our citizens to do business. For example, it doesn’t make sense to have tender requirements that disadvantage our citizens, who are trying to create jobs, “ says Mr Hichilema on his Twitter.


  1. Why does the president not enact on those concerns? He merely warns those overpaid heads of totally unnecessary boards, regulatory bodies, parastatals etc. JUST ABOLISH THEM. There’s not even one country in the world that has so many ridiculous organizations – and the only thing they do is pay for their own upkeep.

  2. This boy hh is obsessed with power and controlling everything. Who the hell is he to tell people how to spend their income. If a head of a parastatal decides to buy a car out of his own money, how is that your business? Ati I enjoy milking goats, instead of enjoying his wlfes breasts. Something is seriously wrong with hh

  3. Its tough as a startup to get a tender, The requirements are just too much hence our Asia colleagues with the help of Zambians win these Tenders.

  4. Just introduce a lifestyle audit simple as that stop this lipservice…just look at the stories we were reading about the former ZESCO MD building the great wall of China in New Kasama but to date he has never been arrested.

    • The President is spot on. Managers need to serve truly. It must a be government which cares for its people first. Development is the issue which can improve peoples lives lives by creation of employment

    • Surely it must be Government’s effort to do this. Here’ I mean, if the Government campaigns through private sector or any other financial or business sector to engineer development, it will still be Government’s effort. These initiatives are very welcome in our mother Zambia

    • A life style audit so that you set a limit beyond which you will be arrested for getting rich? Poverty has destroyed our minds. We criminalise being rich and venerate poverty. Shame on us the poor for we shall never get rich.

  5. He didn’t ‘warn’ anyone he advised them to take stock of their appetite for extravagance. Turning to former parastatal chiefs yes one ‘built’ acres of a wall fence in chilanga area with a helipad he has been relieved of his duties but it appears he is yet to explain his earnings… we have stories of insurance bonds being issued only after payment is made to the CEOs of those issuers…tenders given to friends and contracts given to fronts manned by cadres…but the rot goes further…go to lands see how many properties are owned by civil servants…incredible…perhaps we need to bring back the leadership code FTJ myopically thought it was ‘undemocratic’ to have one.

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