Saturday, July 27, 2024

Corruption levels worry govt.


Minister of Justice, Mulambo Haimbe has expressed concern with continued increase in the corruption levels in the country.

Mr. Haimbe has observed that despite putting various measures to fight the vice, corruption has become endemic such that the current policy, legal and institutional frameworks have been challenged.

He explained that there is need for concerted efforts from all stakeholders to come up with new reforms aimed at fighting the vice.

“As a country, we need to come together and see how we can re-strategise and win the fight against corruption in our country. We are here to ensure that we identify what are the drivers of corruption in our country and further suggest measures that can be put in place to ensure zero tolerance to corruption of all forms,” he said.

ZANIS reports that the minister was speaking when he officially opened the National Consultative Meeting on the revision of the National Policy on Anti- corruption in Lusaka today.

He noted that corruption is one of the major obstacles to sustainable development and is a danger to the country’s cultural heritage, natural resources and environment.

Mr. Haimbe further said the vice has negative effects especially on the vulnerable people in society who depend on government for provision of goods and services.

He added that graft is an impediment to economic growth, human development and perpetuates poverty and inequalities further depriving citizens of quality service delivery and undermines good governance.

Mr. Haimbe, however, said government is committed to fighting corruption, by revising the national policy framework to strengthen the legislation on ethics and integrity among others.

“Government stands ready to among others put in place a revised national policy framework on anti-corruption, support and strengthen initiatives, mechanisms and strategic partnerships aimed at ensuring that public assets and finances corruptly obtained are returned back to the country, “ he added.

Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) Director General, Gilbert Phiri said corruption is non-negotiable, hence the ACC will ensure that it is eradicated  by making sure that corrupt individuals in both private and public organisations are promptly dealt with in accordance with the law.

Mr. Phiri said there is a need for having in place a policy that will be effective and strengthen anti-corruption regulations, prevention and education strategies.

Speaking at the same event, Transparency International Zambia Executive Director, Maurice Nyambe said Zambia has continued to face many different challenges in relation to the economy and governance, saying corruption remains one such challenge.

Mr. Nyambe has since called for strong collaboration among stakeholders in order to find sustainable solutions to the high corruption levels in the country.

“Government alone will not be able to successfully eradicate corruption, the successful anti-corruption war hinges on the will power and demonstrated commitment of all different stakeholders, “ he said.


  1. What is he talking about. Who is he crying to
    For him to say there’s corruption means he knows the people involved. So who does he want to drink the chalice for him?

    • Even in town… they waylay motorists especially at the robots and places where you change lanes. They get you even for failure to beat the Amber light. The case ends with a hand shake in favor of the officer.

  2. The corruption to extent on undressing wives and take their videos, then say this the woman fighting corruption.
    Arrest those posting videos of their wives.

  3. 10 years of PF trying to legalise corruption which they called social mobility ……….

    Will not be easy to reverse……..

    Just keep knocking away, hopefully people will follow the leadership in being serious about fighting corruption

  4. 10 years of PF trying to legalise corruption which they called social mobility ……….

    Will not be easy to reverse……..

    Just keep knocking away, hopefully people will follow the president in being serious about fighting corruption

  5. I agree with SPAKA,ten years of PF have left corruption deep seated in our social fabric….
    we can not defeat it overnight…. but we have made a big start with HH leading from the front !!! Aluta continua !!

  6. Drivers of corruption are the thieves. They are already identified. YOU NEED TO DIGITIZE ALL SYSTEMS. This is 2022 and government still giving out handwritten receipts like its 1964.

  7. 3 and 4 I wish you had told that to the voters during your campaigns. By the way you dismissed all PF appointed staff and we expected angels to be running the government machinery.

    • Almost The whole civil service is corrupt………….

      That is what mulambo is talking about …………

      You can cleanse the top , but the foundation is rotten from 10 years of PF rule where corruption seemed part of the job description

      It won’t be easy, but we have no choice………

    • Don’t accuse the former husband of making you fail to impregnate your wife. Just do the job. By the way the civil service has always been corrupt. I ask was Kakubo trained by the PF. KK banned public officials from running business because of the same.

  8. They accuse us of being corrupt..we are now out of the govt and yet the corruption is going up. So it is evident that we weren’t th3 cause of corruption. They were and are the cause. They are corrupt in their heads with their sex tapes and the photo boy chella who films them in orgies at community house

  9. To get a passport you have to bribe someone and all of us including Haile, we know that and we know who is asking for bribes at the passports office. Now we want to issue important sounding statements?

  10. To get a passport you have to bribe someone and all of us including Haimbe, we know that and we know who is asking for bribes at the passports office. Now we want to issue important sounding statements?

  11. Change your mind and hold a positive view about life and you will hold a different perception about corruption. How does the scourge look like?

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