Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Youths in Lundazi Protest Against Partisan Approval of CDF projects


The United Party for National Development (UPND) youths in Lundazi staged a protest over the partisan approval of projects under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).

The youths clad in party regalia consequently locked the town council premises demanding for the reversal of all approved CDF projects under the first quarter of 2022.

UPND District Chairman Henry Ngenda said during a brief that the approval of youths and community projects for cooperatives under the CDF has allegedly been biased towards the Patriotic Front youths.

“ Out of the 38 projects that were approved for the first quarter under the CDF, only four projects were approved for the UPND youths in the district, “he said.

He charged youths have since appealed to the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Garry Nkomba to intervene and have the projects reversed.

And addressing UPND youths Lundazi Town Council Secretary Dr Mwansa Mfula assured the angered youths that he will contact the minister so that their demands are met.

He assured that once the projects were reversed his officers will ensure that there was transparency in the approval of projects.

Dr Mwansa also assured of restoring the trust for the local authority by ensuring that workers become nonpartisan and ensure that there was transparency in approving projects.

Recently, government released K 5.1 million being the first quarter under the CDF to Lundazi Town Council.


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