Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bowman Lusambo Accepts the Constitutional Court’s decision


Former Lusaka Province minister Bowman Lusambo says he has accepted the Constitutional Court’s decision to uphold the decision of the Ndola High Court to nullify his election as Kabushi Constituency Member of Parliament.

Mr. Lusambo on Thursday morning finally lost his parliamentary seat for the Kabushi Constituency as the Constitutional Court upheld the decision of the Ndola High Court to declare his election void.

Constitutional Court judge Palan Mulonda, on behalf of others, has ruled that judge Edward Musona cannot be faulted for attributing violence perpetrated by the NATO forces to Lusambo in Ndola’s Skyways and Kabushi wards as he was always present at the scenes of violence.

Positing on his official facebook page after the Constitutional Court ruling, Mr. Lusambo said he fully accepts the outcome of the court process in the Kabushi election petition.

He branded the nullification of his election in the last August poll as a minor setback.

Mr. Lusambo told the people in Kabushi not to be moved saying their choice to elect him shall remain the best.

“We fully accept the outcome of the court process in the Kabushi election petition. We will use this period to restrategize and plan for the next stage of our political participation,” Mr. Lusambo wrote

“We view this as a minor setback in our God’s intentioned plan to serve our people. To our people in Kabushi, do not be moved. Your choice shall remain the best,” he added.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lusambo’s post on facebook has received mixed reactions from his followers.

Some people are teasing him for losing his Kabushi Parliamentary seat but others have sympathized with the controversial politician.

“God’s time is the best… I don’t laugh at people who have fallen, no matter how bad they can be. We pass through things for a reason… Just worship God in spirit and in truth… and he will see you through. Thank you,” Bm Israel commented.

Busy Momma wrote:”I might not be your biggest fan, but let me say this, use this time to sober up and introspect and come out of this a better man. May it be well with you in all things ahead of you! God speed.”

“Whatever goes up in this life must surely come down! The once powerful man has met with the real days of the most High. Lesa ni malyotola,” wrote Lwando Brian.

Noritah Mwanza wrote:”The end of the bull dozer. Who knew that such a wonderful day would come for the people of Kabushi constituency? The people of Kabushi have been set free from a thug who terrorized them for the last 6 years. An end has come for a man who overrated himself. Only God is mighty, human beings are fallible. Soon we shall watch how bailiffs will also do their part in the coming months and years. Bulldozer is technically just scrapping metal now.”

“When people fight you publicly. Go totally private and concentrate on your business and family. You have a lot to do for your family and private business Mr Lusambo. God is forever fair and just with every one of us. Wish you good luck,” Joseph Chulu wrote.

Last year, the Ndola High Court nullified the election of Mr Lusambo on grounds of electoral malpractices.

In this matter, United Party for National Development (UPND) losing candidate Bernard Kanengo petitioned Mr Lusambo of the Patriotic Front (PF) citing malpractice before and during the August 12 General elections.

Lusaka High Court Judge Edward Musona sitting in Ndola nullified the seat stating wide spread violence noting that Mr Lusambo did not disassociate himself from his militia group known ‘the Nato Forces’, which was attacking the electorates.

The nullification now paves way for the by-election in Kabushi constituency.


  1. Really laughable..this big lump of dung would have had a tough time winning this case even if PF won though tempering with evidence like Luo did.
    He can’t refuse or appeal because he cannot take it further.
    Now he won’t hide behind people of Kabushi when ACC come knocking u.

  2. That’s it! You hold people to ransom, they will turn round and take you down. Empires fall for terrorising citizens, let alone you sir, a mere individual – no chance. A lesson to all who might be tempted to take this path.

    #plant a tree please.

  3. the whole of PF would have a tough time winning anything without GRZ marcinary and support………….

    And cader violence……….

  4. We accept this outcome because we know you cannot get a fair outcome as opposition under this evil regime. Let me tell you that kabushi is lusambo and lusambo is kabushi. We will win the seat witn kanengo getting 0 votes. We are not even campaigning because it is a done deal.

  5. The only hope for PF is if lungu can hang on to stolen money to fund them in 2026…………

    That mine in lower zambezi owned by grandview they were hoping to bank roll them is being stalled………….

  6. Politics of thuggery behaviour and violence are over. Zambia’s democracy is leading the way. God bless Zambia.

  7. dont worry just sale one or two bottles of perfume for your madame then you can pay for your legal fees as for a ‘minor’ set back this is a major set back because you have been found to have been corrupt recall you paid 300k to those mentioned persons? That alone can earn you time in a convict your political career will be over…so spend time with your family and those wild animals but your time as a guest in one of the state owned lodges aka correctional homes awaits….all the best …

  8. No choice but to accept as all other avenues including appeals are now closed. Next step – to resign from PF and join upnd for political survival.

  9. Its a first. Zambian politicians never accept a court’s ruling especially regarding elections. Just go check the archives.

  10. Dumbwi dozer had no choice, he thought every Zambian is so dumb but eventually realised that the auditors mean business. They are coming for you and the money you swindled the Zambian people.

  11. WE all Worship the same God and let justice be done. Lusambo killed and thought he was above the Law. He has no respect even Calling HH Boyi, I man way older than him. We blame Former President Lungu because as a Leader, he made LUSAMBO a Bad man. Reflect LUSAMBO and apologize, that is the only way God will Forgive you.

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