Saturday, July 27, 2024

Be Firm Mr. President; You’re Dealing With Crafty and Ruthless Individuals!


By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst

Immediately PF was dislodged from power, all those that used to be vociferous in their criticism of Hakainde Hichilema, at times bordering on insults, vanished in thin air! We have in mind Mumbi Phiri, Edith Nawakwi, Antonio Mwanza, Tutwa Ngulube, Chilufya Tayali, Emmanuel Mwamba, Given Lubinda, Tutwa Ngulubwe, Nkandu Luo, Jean Kapata, Davis Mwila, Steven Kampyongo, Canisius Banda, Cosmo Mumba…….of course, the list goes on and on. Edgar Lungu himself is on record warning he would lock up this Tonga Bull and throw away the keys after winning the elections!

Some of them even quickly announced their retirement from politics due to their imagined fear of reprisals. In their minds, HH was this evil and heartless character who was going to pursue them ruthlessly as they would have done to him and many of us had he lost the elections. Most of us are yet to recover from the gassing which characterized the nation before the elections, the burning of our markets, police brutality, impunity on the part of party cadres, and of course the record-breaking corruption and plunder of national resources, etc.

What transpired yesterday at DEC offices where one Esther Nyawa was summoned to answer a few questions was unacceptable! Tutwa Ngulube was on fire patronizing and demeaning men and women in uniform! “Who is in charge of this nonsense?” he screamed as he exuberantly pointed at them.

Imagine this was happening under the PF regime……..there would have been gnashing of teeth, breaking of limbs, and possibly loss of lives as copious amounts of precious blood seeped into the ground. How was it impossible for Tutwa to conduct himself in a civilized manner befitting his vocation as a lawyer as his fellow learned colleague Frank Tayali had done given the similar circumstances. Of course, we are talking about when HH was summoned to report at Police Headquarters for questioning before he became president.

“I am counsel Tayali, I am escorting my colleague for questioning….” he pronounced in a measured voice with his hands raised.

But lo and behold……PF members always want to do things the savage way as if we are still in the medieval era! Those in government must realise that what happened yesterday wasn’t by sheer accident but absolute design. Despite its litany of crimes against humanity, PF is daily scheming on how to make themselves politically relevant and try to claim back power whenever possible.

Reflecting on this, Nigerian prophet Seer 1 writes, “If UPND continues to give PF the space to practice this type of lawlessness that they exercised today, I see UPND being removed from the office with mass protests and riots. Criminals that were hiding in caves after they lost elections all came out today to hurl insults at the police and the government with impunity and the police were as powerless as a deflated tire.”

Seer 1 further observes that by this time, the criminals have cut deals with law enforcement officers and the judiciary as we have taken long to bring them to book. Whenever they are brought before the law, they will not be afraid knowing that they will not be taken anywhere as they would have been assured of protection after paying them something.

If this isn’t true, where is all this impunity coming from? We would like to end by reminding the president that he’s dealing with crafty and ruthless individuals……doing things the methodical way as he always wants to put it might not just work in his favour.


  1. I totally agree………….

    the president thinks he is dealing with SDA convention members………….

    UPND will regret this nice nice approach they are are giving PF……….

    Those are vile savages set on avenging the licking at the polls of lungu and their loss of their hold on the treasury………….

    HH , you have been warned………….

    These vile savage tribal supremacists of the PF are gaining momentum from that confrontation with the police……………

    GRZ knew lungu was accompanying his wife , why did you not put people who could stand up to them at that meeting ???

    • Spaka,
      Wait and see that because of the lies you promised the people, it’s the people who will rise up against them for failure to implement. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that HH won the 1 million votes from 3 provinces and the results are there to show. In the seven provinces ECL had 100,000 votes more than HH. If today the elections are held between the two, HH would lose by far, it’s the truth why UPND is trying by all means to force ECL into retirement. The assets declared by UPND ministers already show that PF allowed everyone freedom to do business. So where is the criminality? HH is busy commissioning projects done by the so called criminal organisation without shame. Sonta UPND apo wabomba. Don’t pride yourself on things you have not done.

    • Khumalo Mthunzi

      The truth is Zambians got fed up with the mafia like rule of lungu………

      And zambia should not be owing debt approaching $20 billion for those so called projects……….

      More like $10 should be owed………

      Over pricing like that KK international airport to cater for more than 100 planes per week is what lungu and PF were good at………….

      Lungu and PF can not win any elections without GRZ marcinary and cader violence………….

      Just wait for 2026 , you will see……….

    • 1.1 Khumalo Mthunzi

      You are right. As a matter of fact, there is already a movement from Eastern & the Northern Base that the next general election, they will not vote for HH. They have seen his true colours and lies. There will be no more 1 million votes coming from Eastern, Northern, Munchinga, Luapula in the next generations.

  2. I hope those he’s mentioned sue him like Shishuwa did to table cut Mwamba. In any case people are free to choose. Look at Felix Mutati…he changes faster than the chameleon changes its colours. I’m sure you won’t mention him for obvious reasons.

    • And this is the leadership we had at one time …. check your language KZ, and you tell us you want to rebrand, common join us this civilation.

  3. GRZ , statehouse , OP , UPND structures……

    Knew lungu was to be accompanying his wife………….

    You know lungu is always surrounded and relies on thugs where ever he is……….

    Why did you not get people who could stand up to that crap we witnessed from PF……….?????

    You go and get a coward police man to be bullied to tutwa and mwamba ???

    Common , Mr president …………..

    Have some balls………..

  4. I call non-sense on this article. The author begins by saying all those people he has mentioned have disappeared in thin air. Thats certainly not true, only Jean Kapata and former running mate to Lungu seem to have disappeared.
    The other guys are very vocal in their criticism, as is their right. Whether what they say is logical or not doesn’t matter, they have the right to criticize.
    I am disappointed that the author is quoting seer 1 who has been advocating for a military response by police. The police acted as they should have, protected lives and ensured that PF conducted their right to assembly peacefully. Tutwa calling the operation non-sense is within his right, in the same way I can call your writing silly, it doesn’t warrant use of force.

    • You might have been wearing napkins when that exercise was taking place. The man who engineered it is deceased. Where have you been during his 10yr tenure?

  5. Spaka,
    Umulandu taubola ” Privatisation saga” should also one day be put to rest. Just wait, whether HH rules for 5 or 10 years , his privatisation saga will be revisited. He has provided a reference point. He should not be fooled by people like VJ, time will catch up with him. This change has been described as a fraud even from supporters like retired bishop Mpundu. As for cadres, it was UPND strategy and now that they are in power, cadres are no more. Those cadres were UPND in PF clothing period.


    • You might have been wearing napkins when this exercise was in progress. Be reminded that the deceased FTJ was in state house.

    • You might have been wearing napkins when that exercise was taking place. The man who engineered it is deceased. Where have you been during his 10yr tenure?

    • HH7 only came into power 10 months ago. If he had any case to answer about privatization, would he not have been arrested during his stay in opposition? He even offered a three bedroomed house fully furnished to anyone with any evidence partening to his involvement/criminal activities in the privatization process! Did anyone come forward? Nobody did. I’m sure the house is still available so you can take it up and report to police or to ACC! They will keep the evidence until HH7 leaves office! Apa just live with it he is in office. Having said that, I know that there is no evidence and it’s being nonsensical to think that he will be arrested after leaving office. Let’s just be serious about everything we say and do otherwise we shall start saying we are being persecuted when the law…

  6. President HH and entire UPND, stop ‘massaging PF plunder and corruption’.

    Please do not be naive, you are dealing with ECL/PF Mafia. Start Tax Audits, use Army lawyers and ZIS, stop playing with crooks.

    • And when does he audit his current officials. Do we have to wait until Upnd is out of power? A good parent must start with the discipline of his household.

  7. Lusaka times,
    Stop the rot of biased moderation if you can easily allow Kaemba Mwale’s views. Those are my views and maybe wrong or right but that what I think and entitled to write.

  8. State jouse should know ………….

    This is African politics we are dealing with……..

    These are people who have lost their livelihoods of sucking GRZ money you are dealing with………….

    We all saw the impunity and insults they were used to when they controlled GRZ…………

    Do not give them such space to disrespect and push their weight around……….

    The president needs to show who is incharge, not that school girl display by the law enforcement…………

    How many people people are allowed to accompany a suspect for questioning ???

    You let the the whole PF thug ensemble lead by lungu besige the law enforcement

    Dereliction of duty by those who are supposed to protect this government.

  9. Spaka,
    If those projects were overpriced, the corruption should be easy to address. For corruption to take place, it takes two parties, both parties are around so that government should not keep those corrupt companies and be allowed to continue business. In my opinion then all Chinese companies doing business in Zambia are corrupt since almost all the major projects are /were done by Chinese. It’s fair then to chase all the Chinese companies before the corrupt the new dawn government. I worked for 10yrs in one of those companies which were privitised by MMD government. I left on unpaid leave for studies and when I came back my company was already privitised and still not received any penny todate. If we have remained quite , are we foolish? Each time we demanded for answers and a…

    • Each time we demanded for answers and a petition was sent to ECL, he refused to act on it. Can his action be considered foolish? If not let’s accept PF brought infrastructure we are commissioning though at a price we are not happy and so UPND should use those structures to recover the lost funds in overpriced structure if there’s truth, do the right thing and take us forward. United we stand nothing will stop us reaching our goals. There’s much tension in the country which we can not allow to continue . Let’s not call each other names which we would not want others to call us. PF government consisted of human beings bound to error and we kicked them out and if UPND makes also same mistakes or any mistake not acceptable, we shall kick them. That’s the game of democracy. It’s either…

  10. We have a By Election in Kabushi. Will see if PF will return the seat. PF is obviously still making noise because they still have some money. Though they can not flash it like before. Remember Mumba and Mutati fighting for MMD leftovers? Same fate with PF. They are the biggest opposition for now, soon to be thrown into the bin.
    Remember also that some people are seeking asylum in Canada. So if New Dawn uses hard tactics, it will work in their favour. Tutwa was used to provoke the Police so that he could be arrested or bitten. Remember when UPND used to send letters to EU, UN….complaing??? Same tactics, we can see through PF. Just listen to Lubinda the Chief PF moaner you will notice the script.

  11. Farai,
    No one is pained as a result of 2021 elections. Whats wrong is that we should not be ungrateful but give credit where it belongs. What is wrong is the demonising PF mistakes made and failing to praise them for the good done. Soon we shall be exporting electricity whose foresight was PFs.

    • About this, I am rather feeling embarrassed when HH claimed that he and his government have stopped loadshedding within 6 months and have hit a surplus within one year.
      How hard can it be to acknowledge some things the PF did? And when we raise this, praise singers label us as being PF supporters who are bitter.

    • In national elections there are no losers or winners… there’s just a change as per the people’s wish. Mocking others just makes the mocker look ilitrate. We have fights after our soccer matches because the winning side doesn’t accept its victory with honor… they go further by mocking the losing side. PF had their time which came to an end. Same will happen to the next parties.

  12. Ba tutwa trying to piggy back on makebi…you are not counsel or indeed ‘part of the legal team’ you are a hanger on and at best ambulance chasing …stay in your lane and just be the cadre you are and not hide behind trying to be a lawyer….

  13. The time you mentioned Sheer1 or Seer 1, whatever you call him, I lost interest in your hogwash. The problems is that you have put trust in a soothsayer than in God Himself. Stop talking about Seer 1. His country has got a lot of issues than Zambia. Let him concentrate on Boko Haram.

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