Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sejani implores 53 council workers to rewrite grade 12 exam or risk being sacked


Local Government Service Commission Chairperson Ackson Sejani says the Commission has given time to Lusaka City Council workers that do not have qualification to rewrite their Grade 12.

Mr Sejani  says about 53 workers were found without full Grade 12 certificates in the Audit conducted by the Commission.

He desclosed that  if the affected staff do not rewrite as soon as possible, they will be removed from their positions.

Mr Sejani said this is being done in accordance with the law that requires that division One to three should poses the required qualifications.

And, Lusaka City Council Public Relations Manager Chola Mwamba says the council will ensure that all the 500 division four employees whose contracts have been terminated are paid soon.

Ms. Mwamba, however disclosed that the workers had entered into a verbal contract with the local authority that can be terminated at any time.

Last month, the Commission Chairperson Ackson Sejani said that the Lusaka City Council has 1 224 divisions, and 1 to 3 staff in the register and that 41 extra staff are on the payroll but do not appear in the register.

Mr. Sejani disclosed that the audit revealed that 1 171 employees have requisite qualifications, while 53 do not have the qualifications as required by law.

He said 46 out of the 53 members of staff are holding senior management positions.

Mr. Sejani said the audit also showed that 7 members of staff do not have Grade 12 certificates and further said the council employed 331 officers in division 3 as cashiers and revenue collectors illegally without approval by the Commission.

Mr. Sejani said the Commission also found that over 100 employees have not been confirmed for as long as 17 years but are fully qualified.

He said 18 officers are currently on suspension, while 40 went on study leave


  1. It’s just pure laziness. These days furthering one’s academic status is very easy compared to the past. I don’t like Sejani but on this one I support him 100 percent.

    • Yeah right! UPND has the most diverse government since the days of Kaunda’s tribal balancing. Your PF and MMD were all tribal and tribalist organisations. That is why a person like you, Kaisar Zulu, who is dim, had such a high position in a government where all the people came from only two provinces. You are angry because the government has now been made to represent all Zambians, not just your kind. But the most important reason why you are angry is since you are not in power, you can no longer loot wantonly as you did before. You have even run to England to escape the sure prosecution that would been conducted against you

  2. This is one of the typical examples why we have such deplorable service from the council. One wonders whether we have a mayor or not. The city of Lusaka is a big rubbish dump. Garbage strewn everywhere as though people don’t live there. But the mayor and the rest of staff keep on drawing salaries.

  3. I have no doubt in my mind that those with no Grade 12 qualifications but holding senior management positions was the work of the PF Administration.

  4. The problem is not the level of education in the country . It is the caribre of leadership in these government institutions that have messed up productivity and and professionism . With or without a certificate , diploma or degree ; if the leadership is poor then it trickles down to the cleaner . Demanding a grade 12 certificate from a 30- 50 yr old is a total waste of time and resources . Invest in training people and ensure the best practices are maintained in all institutions

  5. Why do we have a mayor? Is it some token office? Do we need the office when it can’t remove garbage from the streets? What is this office for? This local govt commission chair isn’t it clashing with mayor’s job?

  6. I wonder how many people here can pass Grade 12 after working for 17 years, when they did not pass when they were students. They are already in the system, evaluate their performance and if they do not measure up, fire them. But be strict to those being promoted and those coming from outside. Ba LT as usual, you will not publish this, shame on you


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