Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government shelves plans to phase out Mini buses from public service


The government has shelved plans to phase out hiace buses from public service in Zambia that was scheduled for this year and has opted to review the matter to arrive at the best solution.

Transport and Logistics Minister Frank Tayali tells Phoenix News that the government is actively looking into the proposition to phase the notorious Hiace buses out from both local and intercity routes to ensure safety and sanity on Zambian roads.

The Patriotic Front regime initiated a plan to phase out the Hiace minibuses on January 1st 2018 through statutory instrument number 71 of 2016, citing inadequate passenger safety but was deferred to January 2019 to allow sector players to prepare adequately before finally setting the deadline for the removal of Hiace minibuses from the Zambian roads to 2022.

But Transport and Logistics Minister Frank Tayali says the government is currently reviewing ways to decongest roads in Lusaka especially the proposal to phase out minibuses in preference for bigger buses in order to reduce congestion among other available options.

He adds that government is cognizant that Hiace minibuses have been notorious and involved in several accidents which compels his ministry to continue evaluating options but will only announce the way forward after arriving at a final position.


  1. Wow, sad to hear. Even in the big Apple “Greater New York” we have mini buses. Why are the planning to remove them?

  2. I can’t wait to see those stupid investment mini buses go away. Metro city travel is a public utility, why the private sector is wasting their hard earned capital in this public duty is mind blowing to me. That money spent on buying those buses can be invested in higher return opportunities. So sad this crazy weird industry has robbed so many people .i.e. bus drivers, conductors, owners, they could have done some much better creative things for the economy, not forgetting the safety horrors suffered. Hopefully, UBZ comes back under city councils these mini buses will die a natural death.

    • If you think a thousand minibuses are okay then you need to do some travelling …buses are more efficient today especailly the Hybrid busesof today that can carry 5 times the passengers without including standing

  3. It would take a very serious govt to faze out minibuses because they are backed by the elite, powerful unions and very weak govt regulators. PF was on the right track when the stated this 10 years ago but didnt have an implementation plan

    • You’re right. In the 80s and 90s Zambians were lean and sprightly. Nowadays because of Hungry Lion (and corruption) every street is filled with fat people.

  4. One wishes the governors played a major role in implementing provinces laws and overseeing the operation of the provinces executive branch.

    GRZ what’s going on?

  5. There’s no developed city without a train or tram service. At just the snap of a finger it solves Traffic jams, road deterioration and pollution. The small mini buses are uncomfortable and uncivil and unsafe

  6. If the main idea z to decongest the city why don’t you just plan to construct a very powerful bus stations yapa mwamba do the same with roads that leads to direct to the stations
    Phasing out minibuses can’t really be a solution. We didn’t vote for you to come and kill small businesses,we all starts small bit by bit we begin to grow unless you tell me that you will buy big buses for anyone who owns a minibuses
    Keep up with the spirit of creating employment sir and not killing people that you don’t know what happened for them to even manage to acquire the so called minibuses……STOP KILLING SMALL BUSINESSES BRING UP A VERY FAVOURABLE CONDITIONS MORE ESPECIALLY TO THE MINIBUSES OWNERS

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