Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF condemns Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan


Opposition PF Acting Secretary General Nickson Chilangwa says US Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent visit to Taiwan is offensive and unacceptable.

Mr Chilangwa said the provocative trip must be condemned by countries and people around the world.

He said in an interview that the US government must not be allowed to bully the whole world.

“We have always believed in the One China policy. The visit by Pelosi is an act of provocation on the Chinese government and its people and is totally unacceptable,” Mr. Chilangwa said.

“This pomposity by the US to be provoking everyone is totally unacceptable,” he added.

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan last Tuesday on a trip she said shows an unwavering American commitment to the Chinese-claimed self-ruled island, but China condemned the highest-level U.S. visit in 25 years as a threat to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

Pelosi and the rest of her delegation disembarked from a U.S. Air Force transport plane at Songshan Airport in downtown Taipei after the nighttime landing on a flight from Malaysia to begin a visit that risks pushing U.S.-Chinese relations to a new low.

They were greeted by Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, and Sandra Oudkirk, the top U.S. representative in Taiwan.

Pelosi, second in the line of succession to the U.S. presidency, is a long-time China critic.


  1. A bit late. The condemnation should have started two weeks ago when the imperialist US announced her visit that they wanted to post as a challenge rival China. The two bullies are just making life difficult for the rest of us

  2. She is a mad war monger. They are desperate for war these evil Americans who hh worships. They need to be careful because China is not a country to play with. America just like Britain is a diminished power. We stand with China and Russia

  3. A bit late. The condemnation should have started two weeks ago when the imperialist US announced her visit which they wanted to post as a challenge to rival China. The two bullies are just making life difficult for the rest of us. When two elephants fight

  4. PF you are not in power. However, you delusionally continue to appeal to and appease your Chinese masters, whom you sold large swathes of our country to, as if you think you can leverage more loot to loot at our expense from…. Let the government of the day run the foreign affairs. PF, save your energy for the purpose of discussing and devising legal strategies with your personal lawyers in preparation for the coming corruption, murder and brutalising charges of the Zambian people, that are coming to each and everyone of you

  5. PF Founder Micheal Sata without reservation claimed that Taiwan was “a sovereign state” .He even traveled to Malawi where he had met with Taiwanese businessmen to solicit funds for his presidential campaign.Chinese ambassador Li Baodong even threatened that China would reconsider its relations with Zambia if the opposition leader of Patriotic Front took power and consequently established “diplomatic relations” with Taiwan.
    So which PF is Nickson Chilangwa representing?

  6. A war of ideas is a clash or disagreement of opposing ideas, and PF lost. Taiwan is a very critical variable in the war of ideas. This is a calculated move by Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

  7. Rep. Pelosi is a member of Congress, the legislative branch. The executive branch, President Biden, has no authority to tell Rep. Pelosi where can or cannot travel. Likewise, when Rep. Pelosi travels abroad, she is not acting as a representative of the United States government, but only a member of Congress. Mr. Chilangwa may criticize the pomposity of Pelosi, but her acts are not the pomposity of the United States Government.

  8. There is no PF, It died like UNIP and MMD. Bured a long time ago. Not sure what the remnant is talking about and who he is representing

  9. PF always betting on the wrong horse if its not corrupt volient thugs in prison its these pointless utterances of what importance does it matter to the people of the country

  10. Pelosi with her wrinkled shaved *** wants to set the world ablaze.. america knows that they are losing their hegemony on the world stage and the world is going to be multipolar with rise of china hence this provocation by a homostate..

  11. This is hypocrisy par excellence! MCS always supported Taiwan because he was receiving funding from the Taiwanese. He was deported from Malawi because of his deals with the Taiwanese. He only changed his policy when the Chinese buttered their side of the bread. But that butter has left us so indebted we can breath. Can you concentrate on local politics? Deal with the nullified seats for China and the US aren’t in your league

  12. Both,
    @Independent and @Evan Haglund,
    have said it all. Educate these PF dunderheads, who are just looking to have something to critize without full background knowledge.

    @ Ayatollah. although we are on different sides when it come to opinions on LT, on this one I agree with you.


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